48 WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! THE FOLLOWING FILE IS NOT TERMINATED BUT SOON WILL BE DONE ASAP IN HYPERTEXT AND WITH PIX WHEN NEED BE SO PLEASE BARE WITH ME TILL THEN, MUCH INFORMATION CAN BE USED MEANWHILE FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT OR PLEASURE. MEANWHILE IF YOU HAVE ANY TIPS FOR ME SEND THEM UP BY E-MAIL TO: richard@io.org WHAT ABOUT READY-MADE F-D KITS: Anyone who goes over half a day from civilisation & a doctor should whenever possible be armed with an adequate first-aid kit & a fair working knowledge of how to use it. This precaution he owes it to himself & to any who accompany him. No more than a reasonable measure, it can sometime mean the difference between life & death, also between an easily repaired disability & one that last a life time. The ready-packed commercial kit, excellent as they may be for many purposes, seldom are satisfactory for the individual who wanders far from beaten trail. Those kits are made on the assumption that there is a doctor near by. Best to make one up following the list given. US ARMY RECOMMENDS THIS FIRST-AID KIT STRESSING ONLY THE STRICT NECESSARY ITEMS YET READY TO TREAT MAJOR WOUNDS & SHOCKS! Individual dressings (10cm x 18cm) or sterile gauze strips in plastic containers air-tight sealed./ Compresses & Bandages (5cmx5cmx4cm) long. Bandage gauze compress style (8cm x 5 1/2 meters) / 3 rolls of bandage gauze (2 1/2cm x 5cm x 5 1/2 meters) / Bandage muslin compress style (95cm x 95cm x 130cm) / 3 gaze strip with petroleum jelly /vaseline. (7 1/2cm x90cm) 100 adhesive strips tape (2 1/2cm x 7 1/2cm) / 300 adhesive strips (2cm x 7 1/2cm) / Eye drops & eye compress. Ethyl Chloride in spray. / Ammonia solution ampoule (10 units of 1/3cc). Ammonia is very good against most insect bites as well as chewed tobacco / Non-ferrous iodine 10% (14 gr.of 148cc) / A mixture of salt & #bicarbonate# powder & surgical razor blades. DESERT F-D KIT: The following items suggested by Dr. Hulsey a medical EXPERT IN THE DESERT FIELD they MUST be kept in freezer bag. A small box of foot powder. A snake byte kit. Here are some items for special cases some need prescription. SEA SICKNESS: Bonine Nausea & vomits: suppository. Diarrhoea: Opium dye. Indigestion: Antacid tablets. Head ache: aspirin even 222. Painful hurt: narcotic/ Sleeping pills that calm the pain even shocks. Insect bytes Poison Ivy etc.: A lotion made of calamine base with 1 % of Phenol 1% of menthol 1% of hydrocortisone. Bee bites use meat tenderiser especially good for that. Tampax or Stay free/ Vaseline best: Because you can eat it & cook with it etc. Garlic extracts capsules (natural food store) will drive away mosquitoes & theirs cousins. Salt pills & malaria pills are needed if you go in jungle/ Water purifying pills. Halazone or equivalent Suntan lotion & lip cream to avoid cracking. (Vaseline) /Betadine - Vita-29 * Vitamin C pill. Cortisone in spray via sunburn. Mosquito & bugs repellent containing at least 40% NN *Diethyl- Metalo-luamide. Zomax & antibiotic such as Tetrex. / Small pack of safety pins. BASIC EMERGENCY FIRST-AID KIT: 1 triangular 40" sterile bandage with 2 safety pins =; direct application while sterile over wounds covering sterile dressing or slings padding splint & traction ties tourniquet. 6 assorted gauze roller bandages of different widths in individual sterile pkg. + 6 gauze compresses 3" square each in sterile packing = direct application over wounds + direct pressure to stop bleeding holding compress in place. 1 pkg. small adhesive compresses with plastic tape & plain sterile pads =: Cover minor wounds tape abrasion to guard against irritation & infection protect blisters draw cuts together in field 1 small bar detergent = clean hand before first-aid scrub wounds. / 50 or less aspirins 5 grains = counteract pain relieve shock lower temperature. You may use stronger ones carefully. 12 sleeping pills For: help sleeping while in great pain. 1 small applicator fresh 2% teinture of iodine = to disinfect small wounds paint tick bites antiseptic. 2 rolls adhesive tape 2" wide = general taping holding compress in place emergency repairs. A set of needles & nylon thread: sewing clothes even skin. / 2 to 4 Elastic bandages 4" wide = applied fully stretched over compress one or more or these as maybe necessary will usually control severe bleeding while unlike the dangerous and temporary tourniquet (garrotte) permitting circulation. Furthermore these can be used anywhere while tourniquet will serve only for extremities Even here applications will many times permit the gradual & fairly immediate removal of already applied tourniquet. Good for strapping chest tight to exclude air in puncture wounds for bandaging of fractures & dislocation for pressure bandages when applied at half stretch for strains & sprains. 1/4oz. tube of antiseptic-anaesthetic eye ointment = soothing & treating eye injuries & minor infections deadening pain prior to removing embedded particle if distance makes this necessary treatment of pain & irritation of snow blindness. 1 good fever thermometer: average normal temperature 98.6 fluctuation of one degree not usually being regarded as significant. 1 small excellent scissors pointed. = In addition to regular uses these can after sterilisation be employed to spread in preference to slashing the incisions (indicated in snake bite treatment). Such disruption of the tissue by blunt dissection although painful will more safely avoid injury to blood vessels tendons & nerves. 1 sharply pointed tweezers or splinter forceps = removing thorns & splinters. The latter may also be valuable in spreading open rather then cutting certain incisions. 2 curved surgeon's needles with ligature & needle holder = emergency sewing when sterilized as by boiling of wounds not easily closed by other means. Cleanse wound first as by flushing liberally with sterile water. Pick out any debris and even scrub if that seems necessary. After sewing paint externally with tincture of iodine. Oil of cloves via tooth-ache but we also have seen a very good method that is via alcohol through nostril. The alcohol or cognac etc. is imbedded in cotton wool that you put in the nostril closing the other one, the patient breathes the alcohol that penetrates to the nerve behind the nose that relieves the pain. Vitamin B. Complex & C in high potency stress doses. =: To replenish body needs being drained by severe accident or illness that set up a condition of stress that very quickly depletes the body of certain vital substances. Among which are the endocrine that are extremely valuable in the successful resolution of troubles. It is then important to maintain an adequate nutrition- emphasising B complex C & protein & these stress doses can mean the difference.. If you are going in extreme wilderness on canoe pack horse trip weeks from the nearest physician get a vial of 20 (1/4 grain) of morphine sulphate hypo tablets to be procured & used as directed. These may be invaluable for such use as to counteracting pain as when a frozen foot has been thawed & treated & for controlling severe digestive troubles as by breaking up a cycle of vomiting. Better for administration in extreme shock however maybe a box of 5 automatic injectors of morphine sulphate sterilised & ready for instant use or a smaller box of 5 collapsible-tube syringe of morphine-tartrate injected as directed. Any of these preparations may be taken by placing loosely under the tongue where not swallowed will be absorbed systematically into the general circulation the effect of one does last usually 4 hours. Duration & effect depends of course on the individual & the circumstances. In any event dosage should be repeated only with the utmost care and caution and then ordinarily only once to every 4 or 6 hour. /1 Oz more of Spirulina that we stress as high energy Survival Food. ITEMS FOR THE POCKET: In a small plastic container you can put laxatives aspirins some Dexedrine sulphate pills. Or some other concentrated stimulant suggested by your doctor for ex: Spirulina when you or someone else may need additional sustained energy in a hurry. Antiseptic for scratches ex: Merthiolate or iodine. REMEMBER those suggested items go with the other list** There is also a very good F-D compact booklet from US States Forest Service from the Supt. of Document US Govt. Printing Office Wash. 25 DC. IMPROVISED SPLINT: Functional splint can be made from a thick live roll of birch bark peeled from a tree whose circumference is similar to that of the injured limb. POISONING & UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE: Many children accidentally absorb poison yet few parents know of this simple universal antidote. You should have it at home. 2 part of wood charcoal pulverised (you can also use burned toast yet the toast MUST be totally carbonized & pulverised). Then add 1 part of magnesia milk & 1 part of very strong tea. If your child has swallowed a toxic product give him as fast as you can in a little bit of water at least 2 table spoon of this mixture. How does it work? If the poison is metallic or alkaline the tannic acid contained in the tea will neutralise it. If the poison is acid the magnesia will neutralise it. The wood charcoal even at very little dose can absorb very strong quantities of toxic. When you have given the antidote & call the doctor you have 3 things to do; 1) Discover the nature of the poison keep the bottle or the box so that the doctor can quickly identify it. 2) Except in case where the child had taken soap or some alkaline presenting burns around the mouth make him vomit. To do this; the best procedure is to give him a glass of milk in which you have mix a full broken egg (no shell). When he has drunk this mixture trust one finger in his throat. 3) Give him another antidote mixture dose. 4) Act quickly some toxic can bring death in 5 minutes. Usually the doctor is not equipped to treat poisoning home so bring the child to the nearest hospital after having used the Universal Antidote. TYPES OF POISONINGS: Liquids or solid taken by the mouth. Corrosives: Acids & alkalis Non-corrosives & non-caustic. Narcotics-aspirins-analgesic-sleeping pills-alcohol-gas & vapours inhaled- Venom and needle drugs- other toxic. FIRST-AID: GOALS: 1) Diminish poison strength. 2) Eliminate the poison from the organism. 3) Lower the absorption of poison. GENERAL RULES WHEN TOXIC IS TAKEN BY MOUTH!: If you don't have the Universal Antidote then give water or milk to dilute poison & make the victim to vomit. DON'T MAKE VOMIT IF: 1) Victim is in coma or unconscious. 2) Victim has convulsions. 3) Has swallowed corrosive that burns the mouth or throat: (cleaning products for toilets ammonia or Javex. 4) Has swallowed oil / by-product ex: kerosene lighter- fluid, paint-thinner, Drano. 5) Acids: Carbolic sulphuric (batteries) nitric muriatic. NARCOTICS: They induce to sleep even to coma & death if overdose. Try to stimulate the victim not to sleep make him walk shake him up hit him at the foot's sole make him drink strong coffee. If he stops breathing give him A/R. CONVULSIVE: They provoke convulsions or choking sensations: Strychnine Belladonna some laxative pills. See General rules! 1) Don't make vomit if: The victim has convulsions or has had some. 2) Protect him from danger: Fire water objects. 3) Keep him in cool quiet dark place. 4) Don't stimulate him in any way. 5) If his skin is hot & dry: Wash his body with fresh water & apply cold compress on his forehead. IRRITANTS: Causing cramps & stomach pains such as: food berries mushrooms & medicaments. See general rules. DELIRIOUS: They produce excitation delirium unconsciousness ex: Belladonna chloroform atropine certain cold /remedies. You might have to use soft restrain on the victim. ALCOHOL POISONING: See general rules. Make him vomit if you can awaken the victim. Then make drink lots of strong coffee or tea. Call a doctor if: he has a head injury or circumstances warrant them or if eye/ pupil is of unequal size. Don't ever brush off the possibility of head injury. Many (drunkards) put to bed to sleep it off died in their sleep due to a head injury or heart attack. GAS INHALATION or VAPOURS: Natural gas ammoniac gas, gas fumes from cars or diesel (CO2). 1) Bring him immediately to fresh air. If he don't breathe then Artificial respiration. (A/R) 2) If need be: Call the ambulance or oxygen mask from fire- fighter. PREVENTION OF POISONING IS A DUTY: 1) All drug prescriptions MUST be kept out of children's reach. In a place they cannot reach by climbing. An inoffensive drug or medicament to an adult can be lethal to a kid. 2) All boxes & bottles of medicaments MUST be well identified. 3) All old medicine or having lost ID MUST be discarded. 4) Many cleaning liquids or powder are deadly. Lock them up. 5) NEVER take medicaments in the dark. See what you take. 6) Before taking or giving the medicament read 3 times. While taking the container. Once measuring the dose. Finally while putting the container back. 7) ALL POISONS MUST BE CLEARLY LABELLED & KEPT LOCKED UP. Separated from the medicaments and out of reach. 8) Wash your hand before touching food. 9) Storing food means keep it as clean as possible the food which has aged or is unsure MUST be thrown out. You MUST wash fruits or vegetables to get rid of any toxic spray that could have stayed on. 10) Bacteria poisoned quickly the food not put in fridge & which contain milk cream eggs meat or fish. SURVIVAL BOOST AND FOOD: The best found so far & used in space is without a doubt; Spirulina: It is a very high protein algae you can find it in natural food store. Costly a bit yet worth every cent. 2 teaspoon is all you need for the day. Yet we suggest you to better the taste with your own cooking knowledge and ingredients. Straight with water it tastes awful. RHEUMATISM REMEDY = "BONE OIL": Taken from Russian Pilgrim P.92 This is a very old remedy yet no one seem to know of it. It could be very useful for those who suffer from it. Dated 1430 AD. "The old man started to treat me. He went out to gather in the fields & around the barns in the yards & garbage dumps a full bucket of old animal bones birds bones etc. all kind of old bones. Then he washed them broke them in small pieces with a stone & put them all in a big cooking pot that he covered with a top that had a hole in the middle, then he turned it upside down over a smaller vase that he had beforehand buried in the soil. He then carefully smeared a heavy coat of clay the bottom part of this big cooking pot & then he covered the pot with wood logs that he sat on fire letting it burn for 24 hours. While so doing, he was saying to himself "this will make a fine bone oil tar." The day after, he dug out the vase that was in the soil this vase had about 1 litre of red thick oil smelling like fresh meat. As for the bones that were in the big cooking pot of black & rotten that they had been they were now as white and transparent as nacre or pearls. 5 times a day he would massage my legs with his liquid. Believe it or not after the very first day I could move my toes. The 3rd day I could move and bend my legs & the 5th day I could walk with a cane in the yard & in 1 week my legs were back to normal. PRAISE BE TO GOD!" One may wonder why doctors don't try this remedy. Well, for one they don't speak Russian, nor are they incline to try old folks remedy. Many of them would rather sell pills then cure the pain. If you have this rheumatism what have you got to loose but the pain. Perronaly I NEVER tried it for I don't suffer from it but be sure that I will do if ever I am in that situation. One should REMEMBER how penicillin was first discover. The doctors had noticed that wrapping war wounds with old cheese cloth would cure their patient faster without the deadly gangrene. They did not know why this old folk remedy worked but the results were there. So with the help of technology they discovered the reason that was that old cheese cloth that had serve to wrap cheese had mushroom embedded in it, the first start of penicillin in its raw state. I know of one person who tried it, she was suffering greatly from it, and upon my advice, she gave it a try. The result was sensational she told me a few years later "away with the crutches & she even build her own house to boot." TABLE CONTENT: (CHECK THIS TABLE VIA UNDERNEATH)*** 1) Fundamental principals of F/A 2) Necessary equipment & how to use it. 3) Artificial respiration 4) Haemorrhage 5) Poisoning 6) Fainting 7) Wound to head & spine 8) Transport 9) Wounds to bones & articulations 10) Wounds due to heat burn or cold. 11) Other emergencies via: eyes, ears, nose, throat, stomach & abdomen tooth ache, epilepsy -diabetes. 12) Wounds & infections 13) Child birth 14) Others** FIRST-AID: 1) Fundamentals: Emergency procedure to save life avoid other dangers to victims. Decrease suffering until you get a doctor or to a hospital. To do so one MUST: 1) Learn to discover the pain's source then: 2) To know what to do or not to do. 3) How to do it. FIRST-AID FORMATION: 1) To prevent accidents. 2) To do the right move at the right moment in order to: Save lives. To avoid other injuries. 3) To organize if needed a sure & appropriate way of transportation. In order to do this one MUST have cold blood in crisis by: A) Study the first-aid principles. B) Knowledge & instructions in how to move a victim of accident with normal or improvised materials. C) Constant & repeated exercises. TAKING CHARGES: First Job of a rescue team. 1) MAKE SURE that no one else is doing the First-AID. 2) Avoid to panic & have other to help you by giving them clear & concise orders. 3) Call or have someone call the police ambulance or firemen advise the doctor or the hospital or both. 4) Keep the crowd away in order to prevent confusion & aggravation of the wounds & that #secourist# may work well. PROTECT THE VICTIM: Quickly determine the possible dangers for the victims and #secourists# or helpers in: Checking the surroundings: ex: Electrical wires, slippery grounds scaffolding etc. 1) It may be necessary to move the victim away to place guardians who will warn approaching vehicles or to built temporary shelter. 2) As much as possible keep the victim laid down until an exam has revealed its case. DON'T change without good reason the position that the victim has taken. 3) If the victim vomits put him in half prone position in order to help liberate its breathing passages. 4) Reassure the victim. 5) If unconscious chptr 6*. SEMI PRONE POSITION: 1) Cover the victim to keep its body heat protect from cold or rain etc. 2) In case of violent accidents (cars) think of possible internal injuries. 3) To determine injuries. 4) Determine the most appropriate method to move the victim if necessary. 5) Call an ambulance for transport. EXAMINE THE VICTIM: Quickly & systematically: PRIORITIES: 1) Does the victim Breath? A) Check if bleeding signs. B) To what point is the victim conscious. THESE STATES REQUIRE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION: 2) Proceed to a good exam but don't take off clothes unduly. A) If you MUST take clothes off, start with the unwounded side. B) If you MUST cut them off do it along the seam. C) While examining check for medical card or other signs. Badges revealing vital information of the victim. (Warning bracelets etc.). 3) Examine with attention to find the presence of other wounds. A) If victim is conscious ask him if he suffers & where. B) If it is at the head see if the ears or nose bleed or runs. C) Note the size of eye pupil. D) If it's at the neck or back; pass firmly your hand up & down along the vertebral column. Without moving the victim. A sensitive spot may indicate a fracture. E) A painful respiration or cough can indicate wound's chest. F) If the victim has lost consciousness proceed as above exam. G) Ask spectators around to know exactly what as happened. H) Feel the head for any lumps or swellings. SHOCKS: Shocks state results from the weakening activities of the principals organism's functions. This power break down is due to a diminished blood flow circulation. Shocks can be a result of wounds, a violent pain, a sudden sickness, a bad news or experience. The gravity of a shock depends of many factors such as the importance of the wounds the age or general health of the victim. SUMMARY: To save life by Immediate attention to: Haemorrhage/ Respiratory Troubles/ poisoning/ Unconsciousness. DRESSING: Wound dressings can be made of many types of tissues avoid wool. It MUST be clean, thick enough to absorb blood etc. & MUST cover entirely the wound. Emergency dressing can be a Tampax & Stay-Free type they are made to absorb blood & are in clean germ free wrapping. All you have to do; is to lay it on them over the wound then use some kinds of tapes or bandages to secure them on & apply a little pressure on the wound. Wadding or cotton wool can be used to pad splints to absorb blood or suppuration or to clean around wound. But NEVER to put directly on the wound, it would stick & make cleaning more painful. They can be put between 2 layers of thin cloth. Sterile compress can be found in drug stores or made sterile by the use of a strong heat. Whenever you use sterile compress NEVER put your fingers on it. Germs are on your hands, so be careful. Triangular bandage is usually made of yellow cotton & is washable so it can be reused. You can improvise one using pillow case shirt etc. 3 types: Open, large, narrow. KNOTS: (Flat) The most useful one is the Flat knot it doesn't slip & is easy to undo. Take both ends have your left hand go over the right one then the right one over the left. Knots ** SPLINTS: They are used to immobilize a wounded limb while transportation of broken bones badly wounded flesh. You can use many types even rolled newspaper yet the splint MUST be as flat as possible light & easy to move around. A set of splint should be in your house car etc. They can be made of light wood or cardboard as found in drugstores. They MUST be long & wide enough & strong to immobilize the articulation below & above the wound. Well padded with the help of any tissues to wed the body shape. Well attached to both ends or wherever needed. Here is a sample of size ALWAYS in pairs. SPLINTS SIZE: 3/8" x3 1/2" x 15" (18"& 22" & 33" & 45" & 54") Using those 6 different lengths will cover most crisis. BREATHING STOPS & SURVIVAL CHANCES CHART: 1 min. 98% survive 5 min 25% survive 10 min. 1% survive EMERGENCY PROCEDURE UPON ARRIVAL: Take away the cause or move away the victim from the cause if need be yet only if you really have to before F/aid. Open and keep free the air passage by driving back the victim's head as far as possible. START ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION IMMEDIATELY: If air passage is blocked: Check for strange objects in the mouth & throat & remove them if possible, if not; then turn the victim on its side. Usually it will permit air to pass around the object. Have someone call the ambulance loosen up tight clothes around waist & neck if need be. Help maintain free air passage. Keep on doing artificial respiration till it is back to normal; or that a doctor has come. The victim MUST stay laid down even when respiration is back to normal. In a semi-prone position preferably. Keep checking the victim who can cease to breath again. Transport the victim to a shelter or hospital in a lay down position Only. The victim MUST NOT get up nor walk. We assume here that it happens in "normal" situation. MOUTH TO MOUTH RESPIRATION & MOUTH TO NOSE: (Babies etc.): This method can be used to all type respiratory stoppage. Either: Drowning, strangling suffocation, excess of drugs, electrocution, heart attack, poisoning by gas, smoke inhalation. REMEMBER to remove either the cause or the victim quickly. Sooner you start the best are your chances. Start anywhere on the beach car bed street boat standing in water etc. 1) Free the respiratory channels. Lift the neck with one hand with the other hand: Pull the head toward the back. 2) Pinch the nostril to close them keep the respiratory channels free while maintaining the neck uplifted. 3) Cover entirely the victim's mouth blow into it check to see if the chest rise showing that air is going in. If not; there is most likely something that blocks the air flow. 4) Remove your mouth. Loosen the nostrils. Check if air is coming out of the lungs & if chest is collapsing. 5) Repeat last 3 phases 12 to 15 times/minute. Keep it up till breathing back to normal or doctor comes. 6) When breathing comes back, MAKE SURE it maintains itself. Keep the victim laid down in semi-prone position. FOR CHILDREN & BABIES: You MUST entirely cover the mouth & nose of the child with your own mouth. Blow every 3 second (20 times /min) yet with less pressure & volume then adults. Small air blow is all that is needed for a child. Practice it with your wife or hubby it might be fun but also it will teach you best in case of crisis. For a child you can also try first: To hold him temporarily with its head upside down, holding it by the ankles or over your arm with its head down while giving him 2 or 3 good slap between its shoulder blades. BREATHING PASSAGES MUST BE FREE AT ALL TIMES! If they are blocked you will note: 1) No air is coming out. 2) Thorax is not rising nor collapsing. 3) That your air blow is meeting resistance. Consequently you MUST verify the neck & head position and also the presence of foreign objects in mouth or throat. HOW TO FREE RESPIRATORY CHANNEL: METHOD OF THE HEAD THROWN AT BACK: Put IMMEDIATELY the victim on its back, neck stretched and head lifted up. In order to maintain him in this position place a poncho rolled blanket, a pillow etc. Under the victim's shoulder. But don't waste time looking for those objects, TIME IS VITAL. This method is useful in many cases. UP-LIFTED JAW METHOD: When the other don't work. Bring the jaw as far back as possible. This position removes the tongue base from the bottom of the throat thus easing the air flow to its chest and lungs. In order to help you do this you can use your thumb or use both hands. Jaw up lifted with the thumb is the best method to free the jaw unless the victim's condition does not permit it. Place your thumb in the victim's mouth to take a grip of its jaw & pull toward the back. Don't try to retain the tongue. JAW UP LIFTED WITH BOTH HANDS: When the jaws are squeezed tightly together & that it is impossible to put your thumb into its mouth then grab with your 2 hands the lower jaw (just under the ear-lobe) to firmly bring it toward the back. Then in the same movement open the mouth`s victim bringing with the help of your thumbs the inferior lip toward the shin. If after having tried those 2 methods to try freeing the respiratory passage the victim doesn't breath properly; YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY START THE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. If you are in doubt whereas the patient is breathing or not then act as if was not breathing. It cannot in no way bring harm to someone who is already breathing. Usually when someone breathes we can feel & see movements of his chest or perceive or hear his expirations by placing his hand or ear near by his mouth. If the heart of the patient is not beating do a heart massage. When 2 persons can be used one does the heart massage while the other one does the artificial respiration. If alone you have to do both as we'll see later on.** MOUTH TO MOUTH RESPIRATION: 1) Victim MUST be on its back, put yourself aside its head. Slide your hand under his neck so that you can maintain his face in a vertical position & to keep it inclined as far back as possible. 2) Use the thumb & index of your other hand to pinch the nostrils of the victim while exercising a pressure on his forehead in such a way as to keep his head at the back. To keep the nose blocked you can press your cheek on his nostrils. 3) Breath deeply & adjust tightly your mouth to his. If it is a baby, cover up his mouth & nose by sealing your lips against the skin of his face. 4) Blow strongly in the mouth of the victim so that the chest rises. FOR A CHILD DO IT IN SMALL BLOW. If the chest rises it means that sufficient air is getting in the lungs. If the chest does not rise correct the situation IMMEDIATELY by adjusting his jaw and blow even stronger. While doing this MAKE SURE: That air cannot escape by the side of your mouth or the victim's nose. If the chest is still not rising; turn the head on the side free his respiratory passage by: Opening his mouth and introducing your fingers down to the tongue base as deep inside his throat as you can, removing in a sweeping movement all vomit or any foreign objects unless those firmly stocked in it. If it still remains blocked roll the victim on its side then with the hand-palm strike him strongly between the shoulder blades to remove whatever his blocking the passage. Then start the artificial respiration procedure once more. 5) When the victim's chest is rising remove your mouth from his, then listen close to the noise that the air is making coming out of his chest. If the breathing exhalation is noisy lift up higher the jaw of the patient. 6) After each exhalation squeeze the nose & reblow his lungs while MAKING SURE visually that the chest is expanding & contracting. YOUR FIRST 4 BLOWS MUST BE TOTAL & QUICK. (Except for a kid which requires small ones.) So that you avoid the lungs to deflate completely. 7) Do this every 5 sec till the victim is conscious. If the victim does not give signs of life do it for 45 minutes at least! When you blow deeply quickly & for a long time you may get dizzy even faint so you MUST after the first 4 quick blows get back to a normal speed. That way you will be able to do it for a long time. MOUTH TO NOSE: It is done the same as for the mouth. It is used when there is a mouth fracture or bad wound to the patient or if the jaw is too tight due to spasms. PRESSURE ON THE CHEST WITH UP LIFTING OF THE ARMS: This method is used when the face is too badly injured to do otherwise. It is not as good as mouth to mouth however! 1) Free the respiratory passage of the victim. Lay him on his back his face in vertical position & place a blanket etc. Under the shoulders so that his head is pushed backward. 1b) Put yourself at the height of his head facing the victim's feet. Put a knee down on the ground the other flat near his head & neck and shoulder. In order not to get tired you can alternate your position from time to time. 2) Grab the patient's hands & hold them on his lower ribs while projecting yourself forward in order to create a regular & uniform & regular pressure until you feel a firm resistance. That way you push the air outside of the lungs. 3) Lift up his arms straight up vertically then bring them backward to the ground as far as possible. This increases the lung volume & brings air to the lungs. 4) Replace your hand on his chest & start all over the same movements: press lift stretch & bring back at the rate of 10 to 12 cycles per minute in a regular & uniform way. The first 3 movements (press lift & stretch) MUST be done in the same rhythm BUT: the 4th: (bring back your arms on his chest) MUST be done as quickly as possible. 5) When the patient seems to breath help him by regulating your efforts to help him. Keep up the artificial respiration till he is back to consciousness or that you are replace by a doctor. Or during at least 45 minutes if he does not show signs of life. 6) HOW TO GET REPLACE WHEN YOU GET TOO TIRED: Keep the rhythm move to the side and let him start by taking the wrist when you are bringing them on the ground. HEART MASSAGE: When a person's heart ceases to beat, you MUST MASSAGE IT DIRECTLY ON THE CHEST. TIME IS VITAL. Heart failure stops also the breathing process unless that one came first. Stay calm. When the heart stops there is no pulsation the victim is limp & THE PUPILS OF THE EYES ARE WIDE OPEN. TO CHECK IF PULSATION OR NOT: Place the tip of your fingers on the victim's neck along the windpipe. If you do not feel any pulse do not waste time looking for it. START IMMEDIATELY the heart massages along with the artificial respiration. The same initiative is to be done with a weak pulse or irregular that is usually a sign before a heart failure. The heart is located between the sternum & the spinal cord. The pressure done on the sternum pushes the heart against the spinal cord to push off the blood & forces it into the arteries while relaxing the pressure permits the heart to fill itself of blood. When you MUST do a heart massage we MUST ALWAYS do the artificial respiration at the same time. So it is preferable to be 2 to do the task while one does the heart massage the other does the artificial respiration. If you MUST do both operations, do this: 1) You MUST ALWAYS lay the patient on its back, to massage his heart to allow the blood to flow to reach his brain. A solid surface is needed so use the floor because a bed or sofa is too soft. In order to help the return of the blood toward the heart lift up the feet 6" while keeping the body horizontally. 2) Place yourself on one side near the body then place the palm of your hand on the inferior part of the sternum but NOT in the soft tissues of the abdomen which are at the sternum's base or thorax cage. 3) Stretch and lift your fingers in such a way as to make a pressure on the sternum without oppressing the ribs. Put your other hand over the first one except if it's a child. If it's a child use only the tips of your fingers of one hand. BASIC PROCEDURE: Your hands being in the right position, bring back your shoulders directly over the sternum of the person. Keep your arms straight & press downward with enough strength to lower the sternum about 1 1/2 to 2" maximum. Too strong a pressure could result in breaking the ribs. So when it is a baby or child use only your finger tips. Relax the pressure immediately all the while keeping the palm of your hand on the sternum, which will take back its normal position between each compression. METHOD WHILE USING 2 RESCUERS:* One does the artificial respiration, the other the massage. This massage MUST be done to the rhythm of 1 compression per sec. (60 per min.) This rhythm is possible because he doesn't have to do the artificial respiration. These compressions MUST be without cease, uninterrupted, softly & regularly. In order to keep the rhythm of 60 per min. The rescuer MUST count at high voice (no yell): one-1000, one-2,000, one-3,000, one- 4,000, one-5,000. Each time you say the word "one" you MUST compress the heart. & when you say the word "1,000" you relax the compression. You restart the same cycle all over from:one-1000 to one-5,000 without fail during all the heart massage procedure. Simultaneously, the other rescuer in charge of the artificial respiration, blows quickly into the patient's mouth every 5 compressions. (Proportion 5 to 1). When his helper says 5,000. It will be his moment to blow into the mouth of the patient. WARNING UTMOST IMPORTANT: WE MUST NEVER STOP THE COMPRESSION MOVEMENT OF THE HEART WHILE THE OTHER IS DOING THE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION PROCEDURE. IT'S AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT POINT OTHERWISE IT WOULD RESULT IN A COMPLETE FALL OF THE ARTERIAL PRESSURE THUS DEATH. 2 rescuers do a better job if they place themselves separately each on his own side of the patient. It is then easier to replace one another when they get too tired, & without interrupting sensibly the rhythm of 5 to 1. THIS CHANGE IS DONE SO: The one in charge or artificial respiration (A/R) (pressure on the chest with lifting up the arms) takes place on the side of the person, IMMEDIATELY after having inflated the lungs. Then he brings back his hands over the hands of his companion, who keeps on massaging the heart. The change of hands will be done on the count of :one-2,000 or one-3,000 in the compression procedure. It is at that time that they both switch jobs. The next inspiration MUST be done on the count of : one-5,000. PROCEEDING MEASURES WITH 1 RESCUER: If only 1 man, he MUST alternate both jobs, at the rhythm of 15 /2 (15 heart compressions to 2 quick & complete lungs inflation.) In order to compensate for the time he uses for A/R he MUST being alone use a rhythm of 80 compressions/ minute. In order to do so: Count at high voice: One & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 / 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 10 / One & 2 & 3 & 4 & 15. When you say "15" you MUST give 2 quick & deep blows (within 5 to 6 sec.) (WITHOUT PERMITTING A COMPLETE EXHALATION BETWEEN EACH INHALATION) ARTERIAL) Then you start over the process of counting all along while doing the massage. It is a MUST to persist in doing both methods even if you get tired or dizzy, until help comes along, trough a doctor or professional help for at least for 45 min. even if the patient doesn't give signs of life. *p.32 my s/book.** HEIMLICH HUG METHOD: (Hug me Baby!) CAN BE ALSO BE USED FOR DROWNING TO RID LUNGS OF WATER. A person whose throat is jammed by food can't breath, nor talk & can become livid & collapse. In such case he has but 4 MINUTES TO LIVE UNLESS SAVED BY THE HEIMLICH HUG METHOD. When the patient is standing or sitting. 1) Stand behind him and grab him around with your arms. 2) Place your fist against his stomach (abdomen) JUST a bit higher then his navel, & under thorax cage, then with the other hand grab firmly your fist. 3) In a sudden gesture, strongly & in an upward fashion push in your fist in the stomach's victim. A strong air blow will then expel the food out of his respiratory passage (throat). 4) Start over many times if need be. WHEN THE PERSON LAYS ON HIS BACK ON THE FLOOR: 1) Kneel down over the person, your knees on each side of his hips. 2) Superpose your 2 hands over his stomach, just above his navel. 3) In a strong & upward & quick movement, push with the palm of your hand on the abdomen's victim. 4) Start over many times if needed. 5) If a person is down facing the floor, turn him over. HAEMORRHAGE: A: ARTERIAL B: FROM THE VEIN. Both different. UNLESS TREATED QUICKLY, THE VICTIM WILL DIE QUICKLY. 2 TYPES OF HAEMORRHAGE: INTERNAL & EXTERNAL. The external one is highly visible. The internal one is either VISIBLE: Blood comes out by natural opening, either nose, mouth, rectum or coming either from the lungs, stomach or intestine. Or it is INVISIBLE: Flowing inward in natural body cavity such as the brain, thorax or abdomen. ARTERIAL: The blood comes out nice clean red, it comes out in spurt like water fountain, every time the heart pulses. FROM VEIN: Blood is not as clear & clean, it comes out like a water leak, because the heart pulse is not received.* Unfortunately there is little you can do for the internal one; unless you are a doctor or near a hospital, & to move fast to bring the patient to it. So we will see what to do for external. EXTERNAL HAEMORRHAGE: 1) You MUST stop the haemorrhage quickly & with efficiency. 2) Prevent infection. GENERAL RULES CONCERNING EXTERNAL HAEMORRHAGE: 1) Exert a direct pressure on the wound using a cloth as clean as possible. (To avoid infection) 2) Maintain this pressure, if necessary with a compressive dressing, which liberates your hand to do other wounds? 3) If bleeding persist: DON'T remove the first dressing nor bandage, but add another one with a tighter bandage. (Not too tight!) 4) One can reinforce the pressure by pressing your palm on the dressing. 5) Keep the patient calm, laid down if possible, & the wounded limb at rest as much as possible. 6) You can up lift the wounded limb, but only if practical. 7) Moisten the lips of the patient if he is thirsty. INTERNAL HAEMORRHAGE SYMPTOMS: HIDDEN: Think of this possibility according with the accident details & with the presence of symptoms such as: 1) Victim comes suddenly very pale, is dizzy & can quickly lose consciousness. Or paleness spread slowly & is followed by dizziness, sighs & yawns. Breathing can afterward become quick & difficult. 2) Intense thirst & lack of air followed by agitation & anguish. 3) Gradual lost of consciousness. VISIBLE: On top of the above symptoms, blood can flow by natural opening. FIRST AID IN CASE OF INTERNAL HAEMORRHAGE: 1) Transport the victim quickly to nearest hospital. Fix a note to the victim's cloths telling the possibility of internal Haemorrhage. 2) Keep the patient in semi-prone position. 3) Cover him lightly with a blanket etc. 4) Reassure the victim. 5) Verify all evolution of symptoms such as difficulties to breath, choking, vomits. NOSE: 1) Keep victim sitting or half-prone position. 2) Press firmly on the bleeding nose side for 10 minutes. 3) Loosen necktie if needed. 4) You can apply cold compress on the nose. 5) Tell the patient not to blow his nose which would remove the blood cloth, not to swallow his saliva but to spit. EAR: Bleeding can indicate a fracture at the base of skull. 1) Don't block the ear, but cover it with a dressing dry and lightly bandaged. 2) Bring the victim to hospital, laid down & the head inclined on the bleeding side. SKULL INJURIES: These wounds often bleed abundantly. 1) Give only a light pressure bandage, sufficient to stop the bleeding. An excessive pressure could aggravate the trauma to the brain if any or to the head. 2) Don't clean the wound. VARICOSE VEIN RUPTURE: Bleeding can be sudden & plentiful yet easy to stop. 1) Have the patient laid down immediately, take off all garters. 2) Lift up the leg as much as possible. 3) Put a dressing on the wound & strongly bandage. HAND/ PALM: 1) If the wound doesn't have any foreign object, put a compress rolled on the palm, & bend the fingers upon the compress. 2) Bandage the hand to maintain the hand closed. NECK & THROAT: The possible danger here comes from the possible rupture of the main artery (carotid) or the jugular vein or both. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO ACT FAST FOR THE BLOOD FLOW IS QUICK & PLENTIFUL. DEATH CAN COME IN A FEW MINUTES. 1) Immediately apply a pressure on the broken vein. A compress of any sort (clean) will help maintain the compression. 2) Maintain the compression till the patient gets surgical help. DON'T use a circular dressing compress. EYE, EAR, CHEEK, FOREHEAD: Place the centre of a bandage over the dressing, cross the ends at the back of the head & make a knot over the dressing if possible. GROIN: The great femoral artery can be in danger. 1) Apply a direct pressure. 2) Bend the victim's knee on his chest. A rolled compress & placed on the groin can increase the compression. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1) It is ESSENTIAL to know that small wounds will stop bleeding by themselves, without treatments. Nature sees to it. 2) Bleeding will ALWAYS be mastered if a compression is sufficiently applied on the wound. We insist on direct pressure to save time when there is bleeding. 3) Blood coagulates itself or forms a blood cloth in 3 to 7 minutes usually. Direct pressure speeds up the coagulation process. ONCE BLOOD CLOTH HAS TAKEN PLACE, NEVER REMOVE IT. 4) Blood vessels retract & contract when they are injured thus reducing their size, which helps coagulation. 5) Prevent infection is a goal of first-aid. So as much as possible, cover a wound with a clean or sterile dressing. Yet in some cases a bare hand on an open wound is necessary in order to save life. HEART ATTACK SYMPTOMS: Sudden & sharp pain to the chest, coming down to the neck or the arms or no pain. A choking sensation, anguish & imminent death. Lips can become shade of blue & skin gets a purple tint. Or: The face can become pale. Victim can be conscious or looses consciousness. FIRST-AID TO HELP THE RESPIRATION: 1) Place the victim in the most comfortable position, on its back if possible, with head sideways. 2) Loosen all tight clothes. (Necktie, belt) 3) Medical help is ESSENTIAL Send patient to hospital. 4) Help the patient to take his medicaments (pills) if he has specific one for his condition or case, to take. 5) If the victim doesn't breath or with difficulties, or if the heart stops, start A/R & Heart Massage. APOPLEXY'S; CEREBRAL CONGESTION: Results from rupturing blood vessels or blood cloth in brain. SYMPTOMS: 1) Consciousness or unconsciousness. 2) Breathing is loud, snoring type. 3) Face is usually congested. 4) Eye pupils usually unequal size. 5) Victim can have difficulty to speak. 6) It can have a possible weakness, or a paralysed body limb/ part. 7) A lesser attack can result in a very big headache, an ashen face or skin colour rather then congested (red) & progressive paralysis. FIRST-AID: 1) If victim is unconscious, apply the general rules (A/R & H/M). 2) Rise the shoulders & head of the victim to diminish the congestion, if victim is conscious & breaths easily. 3) Encourage the victim to keep calm. 4) DON'T GIVE ANY LIQUID. HEAD WOUNDS & CUTS: THEY BLEED A LOT. CEREBRAL COMMOTION: A shock on the brain that can cause headache confusion, lost of memory or fainting. The commotion degree depends of the violence of the shock direct or indirectly done. BRUISE: Blood flowing inside the skin often causes a lump, skull fracture is also possible. FRACTURE: A) Skull can be caved in under the Cut or Bruise. B) A fracture can extend in the nose or ear, causing a great danger for infection in the brain. (Meningitis) FIRST-AID: Keep free respiratory channels avoid suffocating. Assuring constant surveillance of the patient. GENERAL RULES: 1) In case of haemorrhage, or difficult breathing do as needed. 2) If victim unconscious or hardly conscious, place him in semi-prone position. Head wounds are usually with spinal cord wound. You MUST then keep the head, neck & back well in line. 3) In case of unconsciousness do the general rules.* COMPLICATIONS TO HEAD WOUNDS: Often persons having suffered from a head injury who made them dizzy or even faint, will promptly recover & insist to go on. It is impossible to immediately discover after a head injury if a blood cloth has formed itself inside the skull cap between the brain & the skull. This blood cloth can exercise pressure on the brain & cause death, if not removed. An artery who bleeds will cause symptoms to appear in a few hours but a broken vein will bleed more slowly & the symptoms can only appear after a few days on the accident. If only but a few victims of head injuries develop a blood cloth inside the brain or skull, those who suffer from it can die the next night in jail or in a hotel room, even in their own bed. Head injury victim MUST be kept under constant surveillance for 24 hours. Even if the victim refuses. It is ESSENTIAL that a responsible person keep him under surveillance and observation for this period. A confusion and state of unconsciousness deeper & deeper are EMERGENCY SYMPTOMS & the victim MUST be brought to hospital IMMEDIATELY. SPINAL CORD INJURIES: The spinal cord is a sheath for the marrow & the nerves who start from it. It is made of a great number of bones called vertebra, between each vertebra there are strong disks who act as shock absorbers while runs, walks etc. If the marrow is cut or torn one NEVER recovers from it, cause the marrow transmit the sensibility messages & muscles movement directions. A fracture or blow to 1 or many vertebrae can compress or damage the marrow. Sudden harsh moves while transport especially if the body is bent forward, can cut the spinal cord left undamaged by the accident. So: We MUST prevent any subsequent damages to the marrow. GENERAL RULES: 1) Warn the victim not to move. 2) Minister all first aid which might be URGENT. 3) The person who complains of pains at the neck or back, of weakness, paralysis, lack of sensitivity to arms or legs MUST be treated & transported with all precautions that are required by a fracture or luxation of spinal cord. WOUNDS & INFECTIONS / TYPES OF WOUNDS:* SUPERFICIAL: Scratches, Burns by Cold. PERFORATION: By knife, nail or bullet, arrow, spear. CRUSHING: Wounds in depth with little exterior signs showing. INCISION: Clean tear caused by sharp surface or glass or blade. LACERATION: Slashed or chewed wound by barbed wire or explosion. COMPLICATED: When it covers a hidden lesion. SCARS: Are results of cuts, they will be lessen if the lips of the wound are put close to one another, if the wounded part is put to rest & if the wound is clean of infection and foreign objects. GENERAL RULES VIA WOUNDS: * 1) Lay the patient down, make him rest to slow the pulse speed & reduce the arterial pressure. 2) Rise the wounded part (when possible) higher then heart level to reduce the blood flow, thus permitting fast blood cloth. 3) If possible the rescuer MUST washes his hands. 4) The skin around the wound can be washed with water and soap starting from the wound toward exterior. If sufficient sterilize water then wash also the wound. 5) While doing the first-aid, you MUST NOT cough nor sneeze directly over the wound to avoid infection. 6) Rescuer MUST NOT touch the wound with his fingers nor touch the dressing surface covering the wound. 7) Antiseptics is useless in first aid & can damage tissues 8) Dressing MUST cover largely the wound itself. 9) You MUST apply a direct & firm pressure on the wound with a clean dressing. If blood still flows add another one on top of the first, don't remove the first one. 10) Fix solidly the dressing. It MUST NOT slip, nor block circulation. 11) If you can, without getting your fingers in the wound, then remove delicately the foreign objects sticking out. Use tweezers if you can and it is needed. 12) The rescuer MUST NOT remove objects strongly attached to the body wound, ex: knife, arrow, ski pole etc. Otherwise the wound would reopen, other tissues could be damaged, haemorrhage could aggravate. Those patients need special transport & treatment. 13) The rescuer MUST REMEMBER that first aid MUST NOT delay medical help. INFECTION IS ALWAYS VERY SERIOUS, EVEN DEADLY: In all cases REMEMBER the possibility of "Tetanus" that is an infection resulting from diverse type of wounds. Wounds MUST be clean without delay & treated by a doctor. 14) Rescuer MUST organise the transportation of the patient. FIRST AID FOR SPECIFIC WOUNDS: ABDOMINAL WOUNDS TRANSVERSAL: (From side to side) Put the victim on its back, raise up the shoulders, bend his knees toward his chest. It helps closing wound's lips. LONGITUDINAL: (Up to Down) Keep the patient down flat as to keep the wound's lips well together. DISEMBOWELLED: (Ripped Up) (Intestine coming out) 1) Don't put it back in place. (Surgeon's job) 2) Cover with clean clothes, warm & damp. 3) If it's possible, dampen the dressing with a salted solution 1 tsp. per 2 cups of warm water. 4) Give nothing to drink yet you can moisten the mouth. INFECTED WOUND: The wound is red, puffed up, painful & shoot waves of pains. The victim feels sick, feverish. It needs URGENT medical help. If you cannot get this aid then: 1) Immobilise the wounded part, to give as much rest as possible. 2) Have the patient stay in bed, for any physical activity helps the infection to spread. 3) If practical have the sick part elevated. 4) You can apply during 1/2 hour every 2 hour. Hot & damp compress. Those compress are soaked in a solution of 1 tbs. of salt in a pint of water. Don't burn the patient by using too hot water APPENDIX: Often occurs suddenly & can be deadly. Beware! In case of indigestion troubles, vomits, constipation Diarrhoea, you MUST worry of a little fever, and of sudden sharp pain to the right of the stomach, between the navel and the hip bone. You MUST get him to the doctor or operate if needed be. While waiting for the doctor, you MUST put ice. NEVER HOT! NEVER any purgative such as bicarbonate. No food and no drink. EPILEPSY: Suddenly the patient gets in a fit, yells, does weird gestures, foam can even come out of his mouth, fall on the floor. Help him by getting people away, as well as any objects that he might hurt himself with, stop anyone to give to drink, to throw him water, or to try to immobilise him, or to put anything in his mouth. Let him be, don't touch him, it will not last long nor will it be harmful to him unless sharp objects are too close by. Once the seizure has stop, comfort him, & bring him back home. There are some pills that he may have to help him along. INDIGESTION: If you feel you have not digested, use bicarbonate or put your fingers in your mouth to induce vomits. It will bring you back to normal & next time: Don't eat as a "pig"! BANDAGES: (SPECIAL)** Use SARAN WRAP: Very light, water proof, stays tight, no slip, expandable, small to store. Best all around bandages, many usages even for food and leak proof. CHEST LUNG PERFORATION & DRESSING = SARAN WRAP: The army puts it around the perforation, directly on the skin & all around the body to seal off the air & infection to come in. This air tight measure helps the victim & seals the wound. HOME STERILIZE FAST: Put any clothe or dressing & put them in your microwave oven for 3 minutes. Germs are all killed. Put directly on the wound, once cooled, then saran wrap it. NO MORE COLD FEET EVER:* Newspaper in shoes will keep your feet warm because they absorb humidity. Take a newspaper sheet, fold it 3 or 4 times till it slides in easily, tear off the excess in length. Change daily. HEAT LOSS/ SHIVERING COLD: You loose 1/3 of the heat by the head. So if you cover your head you'll keep warm. Wear that in mind. SNAKE BITE: PREVENTION: Usually snakes go for dark places, as holes in rocks, swamps, wood under-covers, wood piles, wild berry-bushes, swamped prairies, saw-dust piles, burrows (animal holes), abandoned houses, shacks or hay-barn. It is prudent in those regions to wear good shoes, socks and long sleeves shirts with gloves. When you get up ALWAYS check your shoes by dumping them first before putting them on. Don't check with your hands you might get bitten. SNAKES & FACTS TO REMEMBER ABOUT ADDER: We don't ALWAYS hear the noise of rattle snake. Snakes attack especially whatever moves. The snake attack field is about 2/3 of his length forward & 1/3 in height. If you are in safe place out of his reach, it is better to back off to even safer place. Snakes swim very good, their bite is as dangerous on land or in water. Sea snakes are have the worst poison. SNAKE BITE KIT: Taking up only slightly more space than one of the larger shotgun shells one of the efficient little snake bites kit that can be tucked into a pocket should ALWAYS be on the person in bad snake country. Especially handy are the Cutter Compak Suction Snake Bite Kit. Each containing: 3 suction cups a sharp blade antiseptic lymph constrictor & a calmly presented completeness of plainly illustrated directions. SYMPTOMS: The skin around the byte gets discoloured, becomes purple, a swelling appears, pain is almost immediate & increases in intensity. SEARING = WRONG: Searing is likewise ineffectual just as imprudent slashing that is most definitely unwarranted. F-AID: 1) You MUST act immediately. Make the victim to lay-down, keep him quiet. The wounded parts lower then the rest of the body as much as possible. 2) Attach a bandage slightly constringent (a little tight) such as handkerchief a necktie a belt etc. around the wounded limb at about 2 inches above the byte. So as to slow down the venous blood flow but not the arterial circulation. We MUST feel the heart pulse under the byte. You MUST RELEASE this "constringent" bandage every 1/2 hour during 30 seconds. The constriction MUST be maintained till you obtain the anti- venom serum. If after 3 hours, the victim doesn't show any symptoms, you can take off the bandage. 3) Don't give any liquid. 4) Practice A/R if need be. 5) If possible, kill the snake & keep it for identifications. 6) Bring the victim to hospital as quick as possible. INSECTS BYTES AND STINGS: Mosquitoes, bees, black flies, spiders. The "Latrodecte" or black widow spider is the only poisonous spider in Canada. Its sting can inject venom and transmit other germs bringing other diseases. PREVENTION: Apply a commercial insecticide on the skin wear good clothes & shoes. Smear with chewed tobacco works. FIRST-AID: 1) Remove the dart if still in the flesh & if you can. 2) Put ice on bite and in the victim's mouth. 3) Apply on bitten zone a lotion type "calamine" or Ammonia. 4) As for bee's stings you may try vinegar to kill the heat. 5) If you think it is a black-widow bite do as for snakes. POISON IVY: This plant irritates the skin, from its sap so if you break any parts of the plant. It will free the sap which if in contact with the skin either directly or not will give you much to scratch. This sap can stick to clothes, shoes, tools, food baskets, etc. even to the hands who touch you who were in contact with the plant. So if you have had contact with this plant or know someone who has had contacts, better be very careful. REMEDY: Botanists know well this plant and ALWAYS have in their bag some #bicarbonate de soude# cow-brand* as well as a piece of "Castile soap" which produce an abundant foam that neutralises the poison effect. The first thing to do when you realize it could be a Poison Ivy case, by feeling some pricking that turns into burning sensation. Don't scratch, but foam yourself crazy with the "castile soap" foam then finish with #soda a pate#. Alcohol solutions, & lead acetate give very good results.* You MUST MAKE SURE not to spread the sap, but only dab to stoop up with a cloth or cotton wool in order to take off the liquid. If you can use rubber gloves to avoid getting sap on you, Get to the doctor as fast as you can, if you have no antidote such as the one above NEAR THE POISON IVY IS THE ANTIDOTE PLANT. It grows in the same area within a few feet of one another so check it out. FAINTING PARTIAL: (Stupor) The victim can say words, sounds or incoherent answers. Eye pupils react to light. COMPLETE: (coma) Victim doesn't react even to pain. Eye's pupils don't react to the light. Fainting can start by stupor then lead to coma to end by death. Or it can pass from coma through different phases till a complete rehabilitation. Most of time you can't discover the cause of fainting, they are too many different types. This victim is in mortal danger either because of what caused it or the exposition to other dangers. You MUST verify: If he breath & if the heart is beating and act accordingly as see above.* DIZZY RULES: All accident's victim who seems stunned, dizzy, lost or confused etc. MUST be treated this way: GENERAL RULES: 1) Check immediately if the respiratory channels are free. & Remove all foreign objects & even artificial teeth. 2) Maintain the respiratory channels free by laying down the victim on its side (semi-prone way) but help in a way as to keep the head, neck & spinal cord in line. (Spinal cord could be wounded) so be careful. 3) Relax quickly all too tightly fitted clothes etc. which would hinder normal breathing. 4) In presence of convulsions; prevent the victim to get hurt but without restraining his movements. 5) Don't give liquids to a person who has fainted or that is just coming out of fainting 6) Take necessary measures to bring victim to hospital. 7) Once first-aid done, try to discover the cause of fainting. Check if any haemorrhage, breath alteration, poisoning clues. Check to what point the victim is unconscious. If people around ask them questions like: Did he hurt his head? Did he try to rise & walk immediately after the accident? Was he under doctor's care? Etc. 8) Check if victim has any Medical card which might help you. 9) Using all your senses examine the victim. SIGNS TO HELP YOU: A) Eye pupils: contracted, dilated or unequal size (asymmetric). B) Bleeding or fluid coming from ears, nose, mouth or other natural holes. C) Tongue or lips: bleeding or bitten, different colour. D) Colour of skin. (Not the race dummy!) E) Abnormal position of the neck or head. F) Breath smell: alcohol, drugs, poison. G) Respiration rhythm. 10) Victims of head injuries resulting in fainting MUST be kept under medical care for 24 hours is ESSENTIAL! 11) Dead drunk MUST stay under care to avoid any possibility of any head injuries or doubts are removed. 12) Fainting of people in health often occurs in Heat time or after too long a session standing up. Sitting a person & placing his head between his knees can sometimes help. He will come back to his senses in a few minutes. If it persists then apply the general rules. TRANSPORTATION OF THE VICTIMS: GOALS: Prevent additional wounds or complications. Choose the best method according to circumstances. Prevent victim of ANY useless jolts during preparation or transport. Shocks can aggravate the patient`s condition. BEFORE MOVING THE VICTIM: 1) Take the situation well in hand, be the leader. 2) Consider the following points when you can transport the victim without danger: A) Best method according with the type of wound. B) Material around which can be used, manufactured or improvised. C) Help coming from people around which you could use. D) Weight of the person E) Ways: Roads, air, water, Weather condition? F) Preparative to receive the victim: home or hospital. Give warnings. TRANSPORT OF A VICTIM WITH PROBABLE SPINAL CORD FRACTURE: A) If not necessary to move victim then, DON'T move him. Stay with him & send for help, doctor, ambulance. B) If you MUST move him, & he is conscious proceed as such; 1) The rescuer in charge choose a minimum of 4 assistants. 2) He puts on charge an assistant to do the head traction & another one the feet traction. 3) He places the assistants as in photo ** NOTE: TRACTION MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES DURING HANDLING! TRANSPORT ON THE STRETCHER: 1) You need at least 5 persons, one who commands & 2 to do the traction of the feet & head. 2) The chief chooses 2 or 3 persons who place the same knee on the ground, & on the unhurted side of the victim. 3) The chief kneels on the opposite side & tells his assistants to slide their hands under the body's victim neck, chest, hips & ankles. 4) The chief ties himself by a hand-grip with the centre assistant, this MUST be told ahead. 5) At the chief signal, the assistants rise the victim & put him over their knees, while staying with their knee bent. 6) The chief let's go with his hands then place the stretcher under the victim. 7) Then the chief ties his hands once again with his centre assistant & gives the signal to lower the victim on the stretcher. Once the victim is well tied up then release the traction, not before. STRETCHER: Best method if you have one near by, to carry the victim when seriously wounded & conscious or not. PREPARATION: When you use a "normal" stretcher, verify if the cross-bar is straight & in their right position. Try it yourself to see if it can support your weight. You MUST cover the canvas with a carpet or blankets or overcoat. The victim MUST be well protected over as well as under him. (Heat loss) etc. SEMI-PRONE POSITION RECOMMENDED WHEN UNCONSCIOUS: It maintains the respiratory channels free. If the victim is to be put into this position on stretcher. You MUST get help from others in case there would be a spinal cord injury and improvised stretcher. Other METHODS: HUMAN CRUTCH: When victim is Conscious & with a light wound to an inferior limb. 1) Place yourself on the wounded side. Put your arm around the victim's waist & grab his clothes on the intact side. 2) Place the victim's arm around your neck & from your free hand hold his hand tightly. 3) Tell the victim to lean on you as he would on a crutch. 4) Start together on the same foot, begin with the wounded side. SEAT USING 2 or 3 or 4 HANDS: Can only be used if there are 2 rescuers, if the distance to do is small & the victim is conscious. 2 HANDS SEAT: WAY TO DO SO: 1) The 2 rescuers bent a knee on each side of the victim, then each one passes an arm around the back & grab his clothes on each side. 2) Then passing each on their free arm under the victim's thighs they grab one another by a "hook hold" or "wrist hold"* If the victim can do it, she passes his arms around their neck. 3) Giving a signal the 2 rescuers get up together. 3 HANDS SEAT: USED WHEN 1 WOUNDED LEG MUST BE UPHELD. 1) The rescuers bend 1 knee on each victim's side. 2) If it's the left leg wounded, the rescuer on the left side, keeps his left hand free. The second rescuer places his left wrist & each one grabs the free wrist of the other. 3) The victim places his arms around the rescuers' neck then lift himself a bit, so that the 3 hand seat can slide under him. 4) The left rescuer holding the wounded leg with his free hand, both lift together with a signal. 4 HANDS SEAT: USED FOR A HEAVY PERSON WHO CAN USE HIS ARMS. 1) The 2 rescuers bend a knee on each victim side & each one grabs his own left wrist. 2) Each rescuer then grabs the other one free wrist. 3) Victim place arms around rescuer's neck & lift himself up a bit to permit this seat to slide under him. 4) Using a signal the rescuers lift together. TRANSPORT USING A CHAIR: Used by 2 rescuers when: Transporting Victim Conscious & in stairs & narrow passages. 1) Placing behind the chair, one rescuer leans it while holding the chair back on his thigh, getting one of his foot aback. 2) The second rescuer turning his back to the chair, between the victim's legs, leans & spreads the same leg towards the back of the chair. 3) The second rescuer, his back & elbows straight up grabs the legs of the chair over the victim's legs.* 4) At a given signal they lift the chair & move out. TO DRAG A VICTIM: Used in narrow space where you can't get up. Or when victim unconscious in a fire & the rescuer and the victim heads are low to the ground where air is less suffocating. 1)Victim being on his back, tie his wrists. pix* 2) Overlap the victim, place your head between his tied up wrist, using your neck, lift up a bit victim head and shoulders. 3) If an obstacle or stair stops you, reverse your position & drag the victim while you draw backward & while supporting the head & shoulders of the victim. HANGOVER GONE FOREVER: If you take the precaution of drinking 3 glasses of water before you go to bed you will NEVER suffer from hangover any more. The alcohol absorbs the water of your body, thus you become dehydrated so by over supplying your body with water you will compensate this lost. (It works I tried it many a time.) "Hic,hic!" FRACTURES: A broken bone due to accident less often from overwork or bone disease itself. All fractures will cause a light internal bleeding since the tissues are damaged. SIMPLE OR CLOSED FRACTURES: One where no open wounds show the broken bone point, & no danger of contamination from outside. COMPLICATED OR OPEN FRACTURE: Where a wound shows the place where the bone is broken. Then there is a great danger for infection to the bone with grave consequences. This wound MUST be bandaged. The rescuer who suspects a fracture MUST try to get details on the cause from witnesses or the victim if it is possible. SYMPTOMS: Swelling, localised pain, unable to stir the wounded part, sensibility to the touch of the wounded part. Deformation or abnormal position, wounds. Grievous fractures can at times present very little signs or symptoms. A fracture can cause very little pain as long as the victim stays immobile. If you suspect a fracture of the foot or leg don't make the victim walk to MAKE SURE, you could cause aggravation. We have seen people able to walk with fractured legs while others could not move yet without any fracture. When in doubt, treat it as if there was fracture. FIRST-AID GOALS: 1) Prevent a simple fracture to become worst as a complicated one by a handling without precaution of the victim or by the pressure of a splint on a broken bone piece or fragment. 2) Stop or prevent infection of a complicated fracture. 3) Treat the other causes of the accident ex: shock, haemorrhage. 4) Prevent that slashed bones cause other internal injuries. 5) Move the victim from the scene using the best method. GENERAL RULES: 1) During all the operation, the greatest precautions MUST be taken to prevent complication and give pain relief. 2) Immobilise the fracture & the articulations above and below the fracture with a splint or with the body or victim's limbs. 3) Splint at the place where the victim lies. 4) ALWAYS splint the fracture in the most comfortable position for the victim. 5) An appropriate mean of transport will prevent aggravation. 6) Note: Ask the victim if you can help & respect his decision. FREQUENT FRACTURES: Lower jaw fractures are frequents, the shin can appear dislocated. Usually there is blood in the mouth, & jaw moving is painful. 1) Transport the victim in semi-prone position or sitting to nearest hospital, doctor or dentist. 2) Verify if respiratory channels are free, &maintain them free. Bandages are not necessary, the victim will protect himself. RIBS FRACTURES: A blow, a fall, a strong pressure even a sneezing can cause a fracture of one or many ribs. The respiration is done with pain, more pronounced with deep breathing or coughing. 1) Bandages are not necessary because the victim will by itself take the position to breath with lesser pain. 2) Advise the victim to see his doctor. 3) Place the victim on his wounded side, in semi-prone position. The good lung will then be up-lifted, will work with double strength & the wounded part will be immobilised. 4) This position prevents all internal bleeding to penetrate in the lung unaffected. COMPLICATIONS OF RIB FRACTURES: Perforation of the lung. A sharp fragment of the broken rib can penetrate the lung. There can be signs or symptoms of internal haemorrhage and coughing can bring out some blood. COMPLICATED FRACTURES OF THE RIBS: Grave complication because the infection can swarm the wound & spread to all the chest. FIRST-AID: Apply a clean bandage & observe general rules above. BREATHING WOUND IN THE CHEST: It is the gravest complication of the complicated fractures. A most frequent wound in war time & in peace time due to careless use & handling of firearms. The fractured ribs have penetrated in the chest & each respiration brings air in and out. The shock state is considerable. The lungs are wounded & often the heart also. It can cause death in a few minutes. 1) CLOSE THE WOUND BY ANY MEANS. Using a piece of plastic, an adhesive dressing, even your hand. (Note about Saran Wrap) ** 2) Put the victim on his wounded side in semi- prone position. 3) Give him all the possible comfort. 4) Bring him to nearest hospital on a stretcher & ambulance. COLLAR BONE: Frequents & caused by a fall on the hand stretched out or a fall on the shoulder end. Since the collar bone does the tension to maintain shoulders straight, this fracture will lower the shoulder front-ward on the wounded side. The pain is not very strong & the victim can usually support his forearm on his chest with the help of his other hand. 1) Use a St. John arm sling on the wounded arm. 2) A wide bandage put over the wounded side elbow, and going around the body and knotted at the front on the opposite side will immobilise the shoulder. SHOULDER BLADES: Same F/Aid as Collar-Bone UPPER ARM OR HUMERUS:* 1) Place the arm in a small arm-sling. This permits the elbow to move freely and to apply a natural pressure on the broken bone. 2) Place a good padding if necessary between the elbow & the chest to assure a proper alignment. 3) Put a Grand sling on the elbow as indicated for collar-bone fracture. The body is used as a great splint. FOREARM - HAND - WRIST: 1) Apply softly 2 splint well padded & long enough to bypass the elbow and wrist articulation. 2) Wrap narrow bandages to insure a good immobilisation, yet letting free the finger tips to verify the circulation if the thumb is not wounded, keep it off the bandage. 3) Slide the arm in a Grand arm-sling. 4) The chest can often be used as a grand splint. 5) In emergency, Rolled newspaper or magazine do an excellent job as splints to immobilise a broken arm. PELVIS OR P'ELVIS: Frequent fracture due to accidents & jumping. Signs & symptoms: 1) The victim can't stand up nor walk, nor dance. 2) Laid on his back, he is unable to rise his legs while keeping his knees straight. 3) He can have blood coming from his rectum or in his urine. FIRST-AID: 1) You MUST move him with greatest care to avoid aggravation. 2) Lay the victim comfortably on his back. 3) Immobilise the legs by tying his feet & ankles using a bandage in shape of "8" & with a large bandage around his knees. If long splints are available, immobilise the whole body from under the arm pit down to the feet. 4) Bring to hospital, use ambulance or stretcher "rigid, hard." 5) Tell the doctor if presence of blood in urine or rectum. 6) Tell the victim not to piss. HIP (THIGH BONE OR FEMUR): Longest human bone. Except for elder people, it needs a very strong blow to break it. An internal haemorrhage usually goes with a broken Femur. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS: 1) Limb can't be moved without pain. 2) The leg can have a tendency to roll on the outside, the foot turned on the side. 3) The leg can appear shorter. FIST-AID: If easy to get medical help etc. proceed simply by: 1) Lift up the victim with precaution so as not to stir the broken limb. 2) Put him on a "rigid" stretcher for transport. TRACTION: (FRACTURE WITH SPASMS) * 1) If you can determine the time factor to be in the first 5 minutes of the accident, then you can do the traction as pix* If the time factor is from 4 to 15 min after the accident ask the victim if you can do the traction, tell him why but his decision is without appeal If after 20 min. You MUST NOT do the traction. If the bone is pricking trough the skin, you MUST NOT in any case do the traction. 2) If the victim MUST be transported far or trough rough road: A) Stretch the unwounded leg along with the sick one. B) Once the injured legs is split, tie it with the good one. DISLOCATION & SPRAINS & LIGAMENTS RUPTURE: SIGNS & SYMPTOMS: 1) Strong pain in the articulation at the time of the accident. 2) A limb is deformed in case of sprains. 3) Swelling which manifest itself quickly. 4) Pain increase while moving the articulation. FIRST-AID: Give same care as broken bone because it is difficult to differentiate the nature of the dislocation. The luxation or dislocation is displacement of bone's articulation. SPRAIN: Strong elongation & often rupture of muscles & tendons often called contracture or athlete cramps. SYMPTOMS: Pain, swelling & cramps where the sprain is done. FIRST-AID: 1) Put in comfortable place, & apply COLD compress. 2) A grave sprain needs medical care. WOUNDS DUE TO HEAT: (Burns, sun, chemicals, electrical, radiation) Goals: Prevent infection, relieve pain, reestablish fluid lost. Rules to follow for burns caused by heat or electricity: 1) MAKE SURE that the cause of the burn is stopped. POWER OFF! 2) Cover the wound with a sterile dressing. (In case of electrical burn, do it at the start &end contact point.) 3) Don't take off burned clothes unless real hot or still burning. 4) Give fluids to drink if medical aid is delayed. 5) DON'T remove blister nor prick them. 6) Don't apply oily, greasy substances or cotton wool on burns. 7) Apply A/R if needed. 8) Transport to hospital. RULES TO FOLLOW FOR CHEMICAL BURNS: 1) Wash without delay with much water to dilute & make disappear the chemical product. 2) Take off the clothes which have this chemical product. 3) Give F/Aid as for other burns. 4) If chemical product is in powder, remove the excess quickly before washing. BURNS TO EYES: BY HEAT: Treat it as skin burns. BY CHEMICAL: 1) Wash immediately the eye with a lot of water. 2) Apply a loose dressing. 3) Bring him to doctor quickly. SUNBURNS: If light burn: Use softening lotion or burn ointment found in most drug store. SUNBURNS TIP: * PUT IN DESERT FILE** People from the desert told me: Take a tomato, mash it & apply it on your sunburn to kill the heat & heal you. BURN PREVENTION: 1) Don't smoke in bed, the ashes that fall could be yours. 2) MAKE SURE all cigarettes, & matches are"out" 3) Put off grease, oil or wax fire with chemical product or salt or by smothering them. Water makes it worst by spreading it. 4) Extinguish quickly the burning clothes, by using any means at hand, water, soft drink, your clothes, on the victim to smother the flame, roll him in a blanket or carpet or on floor. FIRE RESCUE: 1) While tempting to save a person in a building in fire do this: A) Keep the doors closed. Don't open a door that is hot to the touch, if you do you will find it in flame for there is a fire raging on behind. So find another mean to reach the victim. B) Cover your mouth & nose with a wet cloth to freshen the air that you breath. Stay close to windows where air is cooler. C) Crawl near the floor where air is purer& cooler. D) In the impossibility to get out, when the only issue is a window, refrain from panic & don't jump, wait for help & make a rope using sheets, then slide down. If you have to jump then you can diminish the height by letting yourself hung down at the end of your hands before jumping. E) Try to persuade the caged persons not to jump. Organised rescue can take time. Throw a rope to the window or lean a ladder to it. Tell the victim to tie a rope or blankets to a heavy piece, ex: bed, room, heater, door knob. SICKNESS DUE TO HEAT: INSULATION: Due to over exposition to sun (beach sun burns)! HEAT STROKE: Due to a long period in a very hot place or sun. SYMPTOMS: Agitation going to convulsion even to coma. Nausea Headache, vomits, face congestion (red), skin very hot and dry. 1) Cool the victim as quickly as possible. 2) Transport him to a cool place & take off his clothes if need be. 3) Water down his body with fresh water or put him in cool bath. 4) With a fan make air to circulate around the victim. 5) Don't give any stimulants 6) Lift head if face is congested. EXHAUSTION BY HEAT: Is result of excessive lost of body fluid & salt, during an exposition to a very humid or hot temperature. Cramps can appear in those conditions in the stomach & limb muscle. SYMPTOMS: Exhaustion, dizziness, staggering, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomits or both, skin cold & damp, excessive transpiration especially of the face and forehead, paleness, victim can complain of being COLD. 1) Transport the victim in a cool place, preferably well ventilated as well. 2) Lay him down, (head down if he is pale.) 3) Keep him a little warm if he complains of being cold. 4) Replace the liquid loss by making drink gulps of salted water (2 tsp. of salt per quart of water) 5) Bring him to hospital. COLD INJURY: When working in cold, note that you MUST drink also just as normal even though you may not feel the need, dehydration occurs just as much in the cold as in the hot place. Cold can cause chilblain up to complete body freezing. Chilblain is a light frost byte, on small surface. SYMPTOMS: Pain or pricking followed by insensibility. The skin gets whiter with a waxy appearance. 1) Outside: Warm up the frozen part with your body heat. 2) For the ears, nose, cheeks: Use your hand in or out of glove. 3) Warm up the fingers by placing them in pocket or under armpit. 4) With frozen toes or heel: Put yourself in a shelter, take off your shoes & sock & warm them up with your body heat. Once they are unfrozen, put on dry socks then back in your shoes. 5) When the thawing starts, you feel a burning sensation, the skin becomes red, painful & sensitive. Blister can appear, but don't break them. NOTE ABOUT COLD PREVENTION: Eskimos & science has taught us that we loose 35 % of the heat by the head uncovered, so cover up & you'll feel a lot warmer quicker. FROST BITE: (SEVERE) SYMPTOMS: Skin gets waxy white, flesh hardens don't ply to touch. Articulations are all tense & tighten up. FIRST-AID: 1) Bring the victim to nearest shelter. 2) Warm his limbs with your hands or warm blankets. 3) Give him hot drinks to warm him. 4) Don't place hot sources near his body, having loss his sensitivity he may get burn. 5) Don't bend or stretch frozen limbs till they are unfrozen. 6) As soon as unfrozen, encourage the victim to move his toes & fingers to activate circulation & warmth. 7) To protect blisters cover them lightly with dry Dressing GENERALIZED FROSTBITE: The whole body exposed a long time to deep cold can bring death, if not treated quickly. SYMPTOMS: 1) Vision becomes blurry & mirages appear. 2) Victim feel frozen & exhausted. 3) Can fall for his desire to sleep, then fall into coma, then death will follow. FIRST-AID: 1) Make the victim walk, keep him awake until you have reach a shelter. 2) If you can make him drink hot drinks. 3) In the shelter roll him up in hot blankets or keep him in a hot room. 4) Frozen limbs MUST be treated as above. 5) If respiration ceases give A/R 6) URGENT to get medical aid WARNINGS: 1) Don't rub frozen parts because rubbing can wound the skin & frozen tissue. 2) Don't apply snow, for snow is colder then the frozen tissue. 3) Don't apply any form of direct heat. Except body heat. 4) Don't bend nor stretch frozen limbs, because frozen tissue will easily tear when frozen. 5) Because of danger for infection, don't break blisters. PREVENTION: Factors predisposing to frostbite are: old frostbite, illness, hunger, old age, thirst, exhaustion, bad state of health. Avoid to wear gloves, socks, boots too tight. Remove all gloves or socks that are damp or wet. Maintain good circulation by moving your hands and toes, stamping your feet, lifting & lowering your arms while slapping your body. NOTE: Avoid cold feet by using sole newspaper, or hay. It absorbs humidity, thus keeps feet warmmm! FROSTBITE ADDED NOTES:* Throughout the convalescence, wherever it takes places, give the patient the best available food, maximum comfort & total rest. Healing may be somewhat accelerated by a high protein diet supplemented by multi-vitamin capsules.* As treatment progress be sure to warn well in advance about the dramatic appearance that his injured part is soon to have. Even a well balanced and experienced northerner can loose his moral fast unless he is prepared to accept philosophically the blisters, discoloration and grisly necrosis of his fingers or toes. Furthermore, many an inexperienced doctor has been argued into needless & tragic amputation of basically sound tissue as a result of the hysterical pleadings of an unreasonable frostbite patient. Surgery is now considered as a last resort to be used only if uncontrollable infection is present & then to be done only in a hospital. Even minor surgery is to be avoided both on the field & in hospital. Most tissue which you feel should be removed will probably remove itself much more effectively. Then even the best surgeon can do it & with a saving of more tissue, that may seem at all possible at the time when surgery appeared to be necessary & unavoidable. The worst looking hands or feet, if treated properly & patiently will shed their shrivelled black shells painlessly like a glove suddenly & unexpectedly, revealing a healthy, pink skin underneath. Patience pays. GANGRENE FOLK REMEDY: As for gangrene, backwoods medicine Eskimos had this trick; they would cover the wound with earth & clay mixed with a lot of worms who would suck the "pus" off leaving a clean pink flesh wound. You may have to resort to this method. I don't know how or if it works, or how they had worms in winter, but what have you got to loose to try if in desperate situation. Blood suckers may do the trick as well, I am telling you this as food for thought. There is also a folk medicine that gave results, this is a long process however. The person has to put raw graded potatoes all around the gangrene part, then wrap it with a clean bandage, this is done many times a day & for weeks until the wound is healed. You need a lot of potatoes but the result is what counts. Grated raw potato over the gangrene part repeated over and over every hour for many weeks, will get rid of it and you will not have to cut off toes or foot or hands. Put this grated raw potato all around the limb and wrap the whole thing with clean cloth or clean paper towel type. FIRST-AID TREATMENT FOR FROZEN BODY SPECIAL NOTE: It has been known for a long time that when Eskimos find one person suffering from deep freezing they would get him naked under furs or blankets & between 2 of their wives also naked. A sort of human sandwich if you want, Their heat body would be best to thaw quickly & safely the victim. No dirty mind story rather true story of many polar explorers. (Not pole-her story!) PREVENTION OF FROSTBITE ADD ON: Overall physical well-being, good clothing&intelligent operations in the field are by far the best insurance against frostbite. When you are exhausted, hungry, sick, injured or hypoxic your chances of frostbite are increased. SOME COLD TIPS: PSYCHOLOGY FILE: An unhealthy proportion of accidents occurs because deep down underneath, someone wants them to happen. A mishap may be a face- saving excuses for some failure. Very often it is deliberately willed because the individual believes he should be punished Now & then an accident offers the simplest excuse to escape responsibility. Some use a misadventure as the easiest way to attract attention. But once someone definitely realizes that he cannot afford an accident, the percentage line up heavily against the probability of one overtaking him. If you want to survive you most likely will. If not; then you wont! This is why it has been seen that people will deliberately destroy good equipment whereas other will improvise to survive and help others. EMERGENCY CHILDBIRTH: In the impossibility to transport a woman in labour in a hospital or satisfactory place, call immediately a doctor & ask a woman to help you. Let the woman on her back, if you MUST move her then carry her. Put her outside people's view. Since cleanliness is ESSENTIAL; wash very very well your hands if you can, use also a hand or finger brush if you can. The important point is the manipulation of the baby. Hold him UP at the moment when he starts to birth. Clean his face with a clean cloth so that you clean his mouth & nose & permit him /her to breath. Most babies cry at birth and start to breath. But they all have in the mouth & nose some liquids that MUST come off. Lift up the new born by the feet; place your left hand index between his ankles, having your thumb around one ankle & your other 3 fingers around the other ankle. With the right hand, support the shoulders, neck & head of the baby. THE BODY OF A NEW BORN IS VERY SLIPPERY & YOU MUST USE YOUR 2 HANDS, TO DO A SAFE JOB. Wrap the new-born in what is at hand, blankets, coat etc. then lay him down on his side, on the mother's abdomen facing her feet. YOU MUST TAKE CARE NOT TO PULL ON THE UMBILICAL CORD, which still ties the mother to the child. Touch it as little as possible. The cordon & the placenta (what follows) are usually #expulsed# from the mother's womb about 20 minutes after the child birth. Don't let it fall in a dirty place but wrap it with the new born, it is not very clean but it is safe. DON'T CUT THE UMBILICAL CORD, because you could give infection to the new born, with contaminated blades or the child could bleed to death if the umbilical cord is not well tied up. There is no reason for alarm if after a few hours, the placenta is still not #expulsed#. (OUT) You can then transport the mother and the child on the condition that the baby is solidly wrapped on the mother's abdomen. During the first hour after child-birth, haemorrhage danger is ALWAYS present. The quantity of blood coming along with a childbirth ALWAYS scares the inexperienced persons, but it is normal. So relax. The haemorrhage happens when the uterus's muscles don't contract. The baby's weight upon the mother's abdomen favours this contraction that can also be helped by light massage. At the touch just under the navel, the uterus MUST give the impression of a firm organ. Check often with the hand, if it stays firm. Check the baby often, to see if he breathes. It may be needed to lift him up many times to make him cry & help him to disengage his nose & mouth & respiratory channels. Keep him warm. The rescuer MUST reassure the mother while reducing his intervention to a minimum in the natural process of child-birth. He verifies if the baby breathes & manipulates him as little as possible. You MUST be as clean as possible, according to circumstance when you assist a mother in child-birth. If you MUST cut the umbilical cord, use sterile blade. Cut it about 3 inches, after the baby, using this extra length to make a good knot. Otherwise he could bleed to death. WARNING: ALWAYS wait till the umbilical cord has turned into a white colour before cutting. NEVER CUT BEFORE 3 TO 5 MINUTES OF CHILD BIRTH. EYES & FOREIGN OBJECTS: The most often foreign objects getting in the eyes are: Dust or sand particles, ashes, glass or metal pieces, contact lens. They can be on the surface or stuck in the eye. SYMPTOMS: 1) Pricking sensation increased by eye movement. 2) Tears 3) Excessive sensitivity to the light. First-AID: 1) Prevent the victim to rub his eyes. 2) Wash your hands carefully before examining the sick eye. 3) Don't use rigid instruments (tooth picks, match etc.) while trying to remove the foreign object. 4) To remove an object on the surface, drown the eye with a count- drops or a water flask filled with salted water. 5)Don't try to remove yourself an imbedded object in the eye. 6) Contact lens: Tell the victim to remove it herself. 7) If eye pupil is wounded, apply a light sterile dressing on it. 8) Bring the victim to hospital without delay. 9) It is best to cover both eyes, in order to reduce friction by the "normal eye movement. FLASHES: Dazzling or blindness due to sun. SYMPTOMS: 1) Burning sensation even to intense pain. 2) Reddening of the eyes 3) Swelling 4) Photophobia (fear of light) 5) Symptoms can delay their appearance &occur suddenly in the middle of a deep sleep. PREVENTION: Avoid dazzling by wearing good sunglasses. FIRST- AID: 1) Keep the victim in a dark place. 2) Apply a loose bandage on both eyes. 3) Bring to hospital. 4) Do not use eye drops. 5) Bath with wet cloth. 6) Do not expose to bright light. 7) Improvement should be noted in 24 hours. 8) But don't allow victim to expose to bright light soon after or blindness may reoccur. EYE PROBLEMS: Try to see the object by holding a mirror close. Try to remove gently object with tip of moistened handkerchief, have someone else do it if possible. Do not try to remove any object that is firmly embedded in eye. Blinking may remove small surface object. Blowing the nose very hard may help. Flush with clean water from side toward nose. If nothing helps, lightly bandage both eyes of victim, go for help. If you are the victim rest several hours, then check sight. If troubles persist & you MUST have help, keep injured eye bandaged, go for help. GLASSES LOSS, BROKEN, BLURRY VISION; TIP: Pinhole in paper, held close to the eyes will make it possible to read map etc. Hopefully if you loose your glasses you will have read this tip beforehand and also carry an extra pair of glasses. CARE OF THE EYES: Nature has provided your eyes with a most effective germ killer, your tears. A tear will kill most bacteria & is a defence for your eyes. Despite this natural protection your eyes may suffer from glare or from entry of a particle of dust or sand. To protect your eyes from glare, tie a bootlace, or a thin strip of bark or some dark-coloured material, or fire-wood soot across your face just BELOW your eyes. This will break the glare from the ground & give you almost immediate relief for eyes. If a particle of dust or sand enters the eyes don't rub the particular affected. Rub the opposite eye, it will stimulate the flow of tears & this will help wash out the irritating matter. Or try cupping water in your hands & immerse your sore eye in the cupped water, it's generally effective. EAR ACHE: 1) Put a bag of ice or hot water bottle on the ear to ease the pain. 2) Permanent ear-ache result probably from an infection and requires medical aid. FOREIGN OBJECTS IN EAR: Beans, peas, seed, insects. Etc. 1) Don't put any instrument in the ear. 2) Drown the insect by filling the ear with hot water or oil. (Not too hot) 3) Bring to hospital. NOSE & FOREIGN OBJECTS: 1) Don't blow your nose strongly. 2) Bring to hospital. THROAT: Objects such as: Piece of food, fish-bone, false-teeth. SYMPTOMS: Difficulty to: Swallow, vomits, suffocation signs. 1) Remove the object if possible & visible. 2) Do the Artificial Respiration if breathing stops. 3) If impossible to remove the object call ambulance. 4) You can also try strong slap between the shoulder blades. 5) If need be you can try the "Heimlich-Hug" * STOMACH & ABDOMEN: (From swallowing loose change, needles etc.) FIRST- AID: Don't give any laxatives. ABDOMINAL PAINS: 1) Send to hospital, case could be serious. 2) Don't give any laxative. 3) Don't give any food. TOOT ACHE:Prevention: Brush teeth, See dentist regularly. 1) If tooth is rotten, clean cavity with tooth- pick rolled in cotton wool, then fill the cavity with a piece of cotton wool dipped in Clove essence. 2) If its not rotten put on what best relief (hot or cold). 3) Send to dentist. 4) Have him breath alcohol by the nostril opposite to the tooth ache. 5) Alcohol on cotton and sniffed through the nose relieves it. DIABETES: Those who need help usually suffer from excess insulin in their blood. Most diabetes patients carry medical ID card. Also often carry sugar or candies to correct them. SYMPTOMS: 1) Fainting or weakening. 2) Transpiration. 3) Short & weak breathing. FIRST- AID: If victim conscious, have him take sugar, candies. ANIMAL BITES: It can cause tetanus & rabies. Human bites can cause a persisting infection. 1) Treat the bite as normal wound. 2) If you doubt rabies, try to identify the animal & call the police. Don't kill the animal but give it for observation. LEECHES OFF: TO TAKE THEM OFF, powder it with salt, or rub it with dry sand. Or use the burning end of a cigarette close to it, they will let go without problems. CONTUSIONS: (Not Confusion?) The skin is not broken, but the tissues can be wounded & damaged veins can cause swelling; put cold compress or ice on the swelling to reduce it diminish bleeding & relieve the pain. THE GRAND ARM SLING (g/a/s): * Place an end of the triangular bandage around the victim's neck letting it pass over the shoulder on the wounded side while the other end fall on the chest. Slide then tip of the bandage under & lower then the elbow of the wounded arm. The bandage base MUST just reach the finger tips. The tip of the bandage is brought back & attached to the other end on top of the shoulder using a flat knot. This knot is to be located in the hollow of the collar-bone on the side of the wound. During all that time, the elbow of the wounded arm is maintained at right angle & the arm is supported either by the victim herself or by an assistant. We use this g/a/s/ for elbow or forearm wounds. THE SMALL ARM-SLING:* Place the wide bandage under the wrist of the injured arm in such way that one of his side is at the base of the little finger. Pass one of the bandage's ends around the victim's neck & let it fall on the shoulder of the wounded side. Pass the other end over the wrist of the injured arm & attach the two ends using a flat knot* since the use of flat knot ALWAYS goes with slings. This knot is placed in the hollow of the neck over the collar- bone on the wounded side. This sling is used for wounds of the upper arm. ST. JOHN SLING: * Place the wounded forearm in diagonal over the chest, the fingers pointing toward the other shoulder. Put over the arm a triangular bandage where the tip will be at the elbow & one hand will go over the intact shoulder. The superior side of the bandage MUST be parallel to the forearm. Slide the bandage base well over the forearm. Bring back the tip bottom end backward & tie the 2 tips in the hollow of the neck just over the collar-bone of the healthy side. MAKE SURE that a well shape pocket supports the arm comfortably. Roll up the bandage tip around the elbow & pin it at the back of the arm. WARNING!: Since the bent elbow could hinder the blood circulation of the forearm, the pulse of this side MUST be frequently verify. Too thick clothing at the elbow is usually the cause for bad blood circulation. TRIANGULAR BANDAGE NOTE:* This bandage is useless if not applied very strongly. If you wet it before use, it will shrink a bit while drying thus exercise this way an equal pressure. IMPROVISED SLINGS: You can use the side of coat or a shirt with or without safety pins, a necktie, or using the uninjured one to support the sick one. SHOULDER SLING: Hold up the arm on the wounded side with a small sling. Put a triangular bandage open on the dressing, the tip under the knot's sling. Make a narrow crease at the base of the bandage & cross them in their ends around the upper part of the arm, then knot them on the exterior side. Bring back the tip over the shoulders knot & tie it strongly. HEAD DRESSING: Place a narrow hem at the base of the triangular bandage, place the centre of the base on the forehead just over the eyebrows, the bandage covering the head, the tip end toward the neck. Pass the ends around the head above the ears & cross them on the nape of the neck maintaining the tip end underneath. Bring back the crossed ends towards the forehead, knotting them on the forehead above the bandage base. Pull the end well ahead & pin it to the bandage. EYE, EAR, CHEEK, FOREHEAD: Put the centre of a narrow bandage over the dressing & roll it around the head, knotting the ends, if possible over the dressing CHEST OR BACK: Put the tip of the bandage over one shoulder, letting fall the bandage over the chest. Bring back the ends around the body, & knot them so that the knot is under the shoulder where the point is located. Now it remains a long end that you bring back toward the shoulder that you attach at the tip of the bandage. Use the same procedure for a back dressing. ELBOW: Usually it is not necessary to use a triangular bandage that is open to maintain a dressing on the elbow. Bring back the 2 ends together to reduce them by half Bend lightly the elbow, apply the dressing & put the bandage folded end toward the exterior of the arm over the elbow. Turn the ends around the forearm, crossing them in the elbow crease, then bring them back behind the arm, above the elbow. Knot the ends, fold the end over the knot & pin it. HAND: Make a narrow fold at the base of the open bandage. Put the hand on the bandage, wound on top, fingers toward the point & the wrist at the centre of the base. Bring back the end over the hand up to the forearm. Fold the sides on one side or the other of the hand & arm. Cross the ends & turn them around the wrist; knot the ends. Bring back the end over the knot & pin it. HIP: Put a narrow bandage around the waist, knotting the ends on the wounded side. Slide the tip of open triangular bandage under this knot, letting the bandage fall back on the hip. Fold narrowly the base & bring back the ends around the thigh, so that you knot them on the exterior side. Slide the tip point of the bandage over the knot of the belt & pin it. KNEE: Put the open triangular bandage on the knee, the point toward the upper of the thigh. Fold slightly the base & turn the ends around the leg below the knee. Cross the ends behind the knee & bring them back over the thigh & below the knee, knot them, bring back the point over the knot & pin. FOOT: Place the foot on the open bandage, the toes toward the point & the heel at about 3 inches from the base. Bring back the point over the foot up to the leg. Fold the bandage sides on each side of the foot. Cross the ends on the foot, turn them around the ankle over the base of the bandage of the heel. Knot them at the front of the leg over the ankle & pint it. FOOT TROUBLE PREVENTION: Nothing can spoil more surely an outdoor trip then trouble with the feet. This usually dilemma can often be relieved on the trail by the prompt use of the small ready-made gauze dressing centred on bits of adhesive tape. If you feel a spot starting to become tender, stop & cover it with as many Band-Aids, as may be needed. One is usually sufficient, but you will tell best after you start walking again. Frequently, the danger & annoyance of blistering can thus be avoided. Even after these vesicles have appeared a properly applied dry dressing will many times prevent further friction, & left on will allow the spot to harden. It is A MISTAKE to cover a blistered heel with an adhesive tape, as many do, for healthful air is thus excluded and the area beneath is kept moist and soft without any chance to toughen. If there are already breaks in the skin an infection has all the more opportunity to develop as we have seen happen on more than one occasion. CARE OF THE FEET: It is VITALLY IMPORTANT to take proper care of your feet on a walking trip. A small blister can rub away & become a raw spot & you will be immobilised & your progress be painful & slow. If the feet show signs of being tender, the skin can be toughened up by urinating on the feet. When blisters threaten or develop, sticking Band-Aids will prevent their further development, & offer immediate relief. BEST TREATMENT FOR A BLISTER: When is has already formed is to thread a piece of clean cotton through the blistered skin, cutting off the thread 1/4" on either side of its point of entry. This will drain the fluid from the blister but prevent the air from entering. Cover the blister with clean bandage. INGROWING TOENAILS: Are another cause of foot trouble. IMMEDIATE RELIEF CAN BE OBTAINED by scraping the top of the toenail either with a file, rasp, the sharp edge of a knife or even a piece of broken glass. The top of the nail should be scraped until it is sufficiently thin to be easily depressed with the tip of your finger. CORNS: Of course, can be pared down, but a reputable make of corn Band- Aids & avoiding tight-fitting shoes, is the best way to keep free from these troubles and all kinds of others as well. TWISTED ANKLES: Are common ailments in rocky country. If the twist is not too severe, the best thing is to keep on the move, gradually getting the ankle into working order through exercise. If the twist is severe, sufficient to make the walker completely immobile. Alternate bathing with very hot water & cold water will stimulate the blood flow & give the patient some relief. After this treatment, apply a tight bandage & the patient should be able to limp along. When walking along river courses, it's not advisable to remove your boots. It is slippery and bare foot will make you fall. Best keep wet then broken or twisted ankle or foot. FISH-HOOK IN SKIN: HOW TO REMOVE IT?: The classical method is to thrust deeper the hook until the hook-head bypass the skin, then to cut it or saw it. But I believe in a less painful & easier way to proceed. You weigh upon the hook firmly. The hook-end that has already made its way will do the reverse trip without hooking again. To help its evacuation, we use a fish-line passed in the hook curve, that way we can pull uniformly. If you are alone tie the fish-line to something in order to do the pulling-job DIGESTIVE UPSETS: Ask your doctor about a prescription of Paregoric* tablets for possible use in quieting the system after a severe digestive upset. Once the body has had the time to expel the causes. Infectious food carried maladies thrive only in crowded area, not in bush. So if you stop at any doubtful or overly busy eating places It would be wise neither to drink water there nor to order cold nor raw food. It would be best also to eat only meat that is well done all the way through. Ground meat can be especially dangerous. Safest choice are bottle drinks, black tea made on the spot with boiling water FOOD POISONING: In severe food poisoning verging on collapse, one treatment is to wash out the stomach with a weak solution of sodium bicarbonate, 1/4 teaspoon to a glass of cool water. Drink 2 glasses of this right one on top of each other. This may be vomited or it may pass right through. Sometimes nothing else is necessary, except perhaps a restricted diet of weak tea & dry toast for the next day. If troubles continue, it will be necessary to retard the intensity of the bowel movement, so as to permit the building up of a concentration of medication. You do this with *Paregoric carried in your kit easily in form of tiny 10 minim tablets, of which a vial of 24 uses very little space. An adult may take 2 or 3 tabs every 4 to 6 hours, for as long as the need continues. If there was a moderate reoccurrence of diarrhoea after a 4 hours period, one or 2 tab might do. Your Doctor may suggest to include 2 or 3 dz. 1/2gr. tablets of Sulfathadine or Sulfaguanidine. You could take 4 tabs of either. The desired effect is of course, only symptomatic, for Paregoric combats not the cause, but the digestive irritability. Vomiting at the onset might pose a problem. The individual might be able to hold down the initial dose of paregoric long enough for sufficient to be absorbed to check the vomiting Otherwise the cycle could be broken by holding under the tongue until absorbed a 1/4gr. Morphine Sulphate hypo-tablet. The trouble itself could then be attacked by one of the largely non-soluble *Sulfas. Incidentally, the formerly widely recommended purge of Calomel or some similar purgative is no longer approved, for taking a cathartic would be therefore be sort of like whipping a jaded horse. If the trouble continues, you might reasonably assume: 1) Either the medication is not hitting. 2) It hasn't reached the area affected. 3) There is not sufficient concentration. Normally, 2 more tabs could then be repeated in 4 to 6 hours. If these still don't act, 2 more could be repeated in another 4 to 6 hours. In the bush you might give 3 or 4 tries then go to something else such as penicillin if available. Once cured it is often well to stay on light ration such as weak tea & toast for a day, while replenishing in repeated small amounts of slightly salted water the often critically depleted fluid level of the body, dehydration & salt depletion being major dangers in such upset. PENICILLIN: Penicillin can now be taken orally & be just as effective if not more so than shots administrated intramuscularly, which is why your doctor may suggest you taking along a supply of oral penicillin, perhaps in combination with one or more of the safer *Sulfa drugs. Because of their qualities of absorption some of these penicillin compounds should as directed be taken before meals. A bottle of 50 tablets occupies very little room. The standard tablet contains about 250,000 units of penicillin, the average dose for infection with fever then being one tablet, 4 to 6 hours apart, 3 or 4 times a day. In case of pneumonia to give an example; a usual treatment would be 1 tablet 3 or 4 times a day as directed. This is to be continued until there was a definite response- a clinical improvement that is. Particularly the all important one signified by the dropping of fever. This a reason why a good thermometer belongs in a F/Aid kit. As soon as the temperature remains normal for 12 hours the dosage might be halved for 2 days. A reason for not stopping it immediately is that when the infection is not adequately treated but only suppressed, it may flare up again. If some infections were likely as a result perhaps of a bad cut, a sound preventive step might be to go on 1/2 dosage for 3 days. A more serious situation as in the instance of a compound fracture would call for a full dosage. Penicillin is known to have some effect in combating Tetanus. It might be preventively used therefore, if there seems to be even a remote possibility of tetanus as from gunshot wound or from a deep puncture wound contaminated by soil, clothing etc. It is not advisable to take antibiotics for long periods. A week is long enough. If there is no response by then, the particular antibiotic is probably doing no good & may as well be quit anyway. BLEEDING AND CONTROL: The commonest outdoor injuries are cuts followed by sprains & strains, bruises and then fractures. Hands & fingers are hurt most often, then feet and toes then legs next. One of 4 injuries reported is caused by hand tools such as axes & knives. These later are the most immediately serious whenever accompanied by heavy bleeding, for this MUST BE STOP AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE SECOND. Even when a severe artery is no larger than the graphite of a pencil, an individual can last no more than a few minutes at most if its bleeding is not stopped. Pressing a clean & preferably sterile dressing over the wound will usually control the bleeding if sufficient pressure is applied. This usually can be done, especially with the assistance if necessary of elastic bandages used as previously described. ** If you don't have any then press firmly & strongly against the nearest pressure point. ** The blood supply to an entire arm can be shut off by pressing just behind the ridge to be felt on the inner side of the armpit beneath the raised arm. THE LARGE FEMORAL ARTERY OF THE LEG CAN BE CONTROLLED BY: Gripping the leg near the body & drawing the fingers about half way down the inner surface where they will find a slight depression at whose bottom throbs this great arterial trunk. Incidentally the blood vessels of the lower leg can often be closed by pressing under the flexed knee between the 2 major tendons in that area. If the bleeding still continues dangerously, the next step is to apply a tourniquet to the elevated limb. Any preferably flat material will do for this, but particularly efficacious is a resilient 2" wide rubber strip about 5 feet long. INDIGESTION: Use 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water, not to be repeated more than 2 or 3 times a day. And definitively not to be used habitually often helps to ease the discomfort of acid indigestion & heartburn. 1/2 table spoon of baking soda in a glass of water will serve as mouth-wash or a gargle. Plain ordinary table salt, a rounded teaspoon in a quart of warm water taken preferably on an empty stomach will serve as a purge. CLEANLINESS & FOOD: Cleanliness of eating utensils is very important. These should be washed immediately after a meal & left exposed if possible to sunlight after washing it. If there is any doubt about your meat being safe to eat then assume it's bad, rather then take chances. THE SAFEST WAY TO CARRY MEAT IS TO COOK IT PARTLY WHILE YOU KNOW ITS STILL FRESH & SAFE. Cooking will destroy harmful bacteria of decay, for a period. Such items as mixed meat as sausages are best cooked before you leave home & then carried in the fat in which they were cooked. This will preserve it for 4 days to 1 week depending of the weather. MAGGOTS TO HELP HEALING WOUNDS & PREVENT INFECTIONS: In "the savage my kinsman; E. Eliot who spent 50 years as missionary among Auca Indians of S. America writes this: "There were several people who displayed deep scars from spear wounds. They described her how they had been pierced. They had either yanked out the spears tearing the flesh badly on the barbs, or left them IN until the wound festered and maggots ate a hole large enough to enable them to remove the spears. The scars in these cases were as neat as a surgical incision. The maggots in the wounds had fed on the pus-forming germs & stopped an infection spreading When there were no more pus-former, the maggots died & fell off." One could try maggots in case of Gangrene before cutting. We heard of the same phenomenon from a German woman doctor who worked on the Eastern front during the war; many soldiers refused to have a new dressing put on, saying: "We are all right, we have got maggots." In the cold winter the maggots also had the effect of keeping the wound warm all the time, so that frost-bite could not set in. MAGGOTS AS PENICILLIN: IN THE OLD DAYS MAGGOTS WERE USED SUCCESSFULLY TO ELIMINATE WOUND POISONING SINCE THERE WAS NO PENICILLIN ETC. IT STILL WORKS TODAY DESPITE WHAT THE DOCTOR MAY SAY. Also to wash the wound in salted water, slat is a natural antiseptic, or better in sea water will kill germs and LOWER TREMENDOUSLY ANY RISK OF POST OPERATION INFECTIONS. SPECIAL FILE IN F-AID FOR COLD PROBLEMS: At -10F. & lower, I have seen a friend with a bathing suit rolling & laughing in the snow quite comfortably, but if the temperature rises to -5F or 0F. he was freezing. The reason he said was that at -10F the humidity is nil and that the snow feels like hot sand in mid-june. You may have to try it, should you fall into a river or lake due to a hot spot, to roll yourself in the snow to dry up. COLD PROBLEMS & REMEDIES: FROSTBITE & HEAT UNITS PAD: If you have those heating pads, hand-warmer type but only a few, you can place them in the following order; the pit of the stomach, the small of the back, the wrist & between thighs and ankles. While the units are being warmed or not available, strip the patient of his clothing & place 2 naked persons on each side of the patient keeping them well covered by blankets. Massaging the patient will help raise his temperature. If the shelter is lower than 70F, this should be done through the sleeping bag, by reaching the hand down in the s/bag. If the person is conscious, stimulation can be helped by hot drinks. In treatment of hypothermia, avoid the use of alcohol as the surface blood vessels open up allowing warmth to escape, even though the patient may feel warmer HYPOTHERMIA & FROSTBITE: Hypothermia may be avoided by conserving body heat & energy. (Ex: keep head covered). MAKE CERTAIN that starting a journey, all ESSENTIALS are included, that a proper meal has been eaten & clothing has not been permitted to become damp from perspiration or that clothing was damp at the start of the journey. HYPOTHERMIA IS THE PRELUDE TO FROSTBITE, which is the actual freezing of the living tissue. Usually experienced by feeling of numbness of the part affected. The skin turns yellowish-white or blue in appearance & finally the area becomes inactive. 3 DEGREES OF FROSTBITE: FIRST: It is distinguish by the yellowish-white colour the fact that the area remains elastic. SECOND & THIRD DEGREE: Frostbite can only be determined as the thawing takes place. During the thawing process blisters will appear on the second degree. IN THE THIRD DEGREE: Ice will appear on the surface and the area will swell proportionately as the thawing continues. The swelling will discolour as the tissue has been destroyed. In some cases the outer skin will come off & an odour will be noticed. This is an indication of gangrene presence. In treating frostbite of any degree, the first step is to seek shelter. First degree may be thawed by placing the warm bare hand over the affected area. AVOID RUBBING to prevent the breaking of the skin. 2nd and 3rd degree frostbite to treat as hypothermia. The heating units should be placed on the unfrozen area. Hot drinks should be given &a mild form of heat applied to the frozen area. This may be done by immersing the frozen portion in warm but not hot water, or the use of wet compress. Theses should be changed frequently as they may freeze to the skin when first applied. If a compress freezes to the skin, DON'T pull it off, but gently thaw out by using the hand or other compress. Care MUST be taken with blisters rising from 2nd degree frostbite. DON'T BRAKE THEM as they is a danger of infection causing a delay in healing. These blisters MUST be given adequate protection if going out in the cold. In attempting to thaw a third degree frostbite, ice appears on the surface of the frozen portion. AVOID BREAKING IT OFF as it usually results in breaking the surface skin. The pain usually becomes severe as sensitivity is restored to the frozen area. The patient may have to be restrained but the area MUST be thawed. After the area has thawed completely, the area should be covered with sterile bandages. These should be applied in good quantity & rather firmly. They will be required to absorb considerable matter and may require loosening if swelling occurs. If an arm or a leg are the frozen members, circulation may be helped by elevating that member to 20 degrees. Examine the area the following the thawing and if infection is starting, antibiotics should be given if available to keep the infection from spreading. Frostbite should be prevented rather than be cured. For ex; A location where wind velocity of 30 mph at temperature of 30F. can freeze the human flesh in 1/2 minute, & it's no place for ignorance, carelessness or bragging. Fingers, feet, ears, nose and cheeks are most susceptible to frostbite. So if 2 or more people are together, they MUST frequently check one another for signs of yellowish-white colour or numbness in these areas. If alone be doubly suspicious. Frostbite can be prevented by being prepared for sudden change of wind, velocity or temperature. Dressing for emergency rather then just counting on the car or plane heat. Clothing should be vented to avoid perspiration. AVOID also touching metal with bare skin, keep out of head-winds. The most effective F-AID measure where possible is: to thaw a frozen foot or hand slowly in a warm bath.*** SNOW BLINDNESS: It's a temporary form of blindness caused by a concentration of direct or reflected sun's rays, from fresh snow or ice. It occurs most frequently during the spring or early summer when the sun is high in the sky. The eyes become very sensitive to the glare & start squinting & watering. The vision starts to a pink to a red and the eyes appear to have sand & ground glass in them. If nothing is done to correct the situation, vision will be blanked out completely & the person will be in excruciating pains for 3 to 4 days. Fast immediate relief before too late, to apply dark cloth or dark colour grease or soot just below the eye. The patient should be place in a dark room or have his eyes covered with a blindfold. Cool compress may be applied followed by Skyrotien being placed on the inside of the eyelid. Again prevention is better then cure. Wear sunglasses or goggles made of cloth, wood, paper but not from metal. The same precaution is to be taken even when the sun is overcast. SUNBURN AND WINDBURN: All exposed parts of the body are subjected to sun and windburn. The higher the altitude the more effective is the sun on the skin, and the wind combines with the sun to aggravate the situation. Oily lotions & suntan lotions will help prevent the skin from drying out. Failing to have these on hand, the uses of oil from freshly killed animal fats are useful in emergency. Theses should be applied the night before as they increase the heat dissipation. THE BEST PREVENTION IN SURVIVAL IS MINIMUM EXPOSURE. (You are not in a beauty contest.) SHOCK IN COLD CLIMATE: Shock is apt to occur after an accident & may appear in 2 forms. The one involves panic, hysteria, mental anxiety & confusion. The other is the result of body injury, wounds etc. It is recognize by a quickening of the respiration, a pallor of the skin, cold perspiration, confused mental processes, a fast weak pulse or muscle tensions. Shock is not peculiar to Arctic, yet cold temperatures make it more difficult to treat. When burns & frostbite occur the plasma oozes from the wounds & if internal injury occurs there is a decrease in the amount of blood in the system. This deprives the heart of its normal supply of blood & thus the extremities are more susceptible to cooling down & freezing. The cooling of the extreme regions of the body has a tendency for the blood to return to the vital organs thus aggravating the situation. TREATMENT: For such condition is similar to that of hypothermia, to restore the body to its normal temperature by protection from the cold, applying external heat & massaging. Shock in the more or less dazed form should be treated with sympathy, humane and understanding rather then harsh full and critical. DIARRHOEA: While not peculiar to Arctic, it often besets survivors. It can be serious in that it lowers a person's resistance & defecation is no small problem THE BEST TREATMENT IS to drink plenty of liquids to replace the loss. Diarrhoea can be prevented & even somewhat controlled by relieving mental strain and maintaining a high degree of sanitation as possible by cleaning all cooking & eating utensils thoroughly & boiling any water used for drinking. The amount of fat & rich food consumed should be in small quantities.A person should not be concerned if they go for a week or longer without shitting. This is usually due to the limited intake of rough food & the tension experienced in attempting to survive. When food becomes available after discovering an aircraft drop or after a rescue, only small quantities of food should be taken at any one time to avoid discomfort. CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING: This a DEADLY GAS resulting from the incomplete combustion of synthetic fuels. It may be fatal, if found in the air concentrations greater than 400 of 1% . It is colourless, odourless, & tasteless bringing on headache drowsiness, nausea followed by unconsciousness and death in a very short time. It can be prevented by maintaining good ventilation at all times, cleaning stoves and carburettors well before they are lighted. Lamps and stoves should NEVER be left burning when sleeping. If ventilation is poor or it's necessary to have heat supplied during the night, natural fuel should be used if at all possible. This gas burns with a blue flame if completes combustion takes place. If a yellow flame is being generated, the stove should be checked. PERSONAL HYGIENE: People who are away from civilization have a tendency to reduce their personal habits of cleanliness. Most of these are relaxed because of the tension in attempting to survive & yet CLEANLINESS IS 1 OF THE ESSENTIALS FOR COMFORT & WARMTH OF THE BODY. Perspiration of the body is greater during survival than at other times. If body oils & accumulation of wastes are permitted to build up in the surface of the skin, they become conductors of heat that should be retained by the body. This can be removed by the use of a rag a foot square, a bowl of water & some soap. As many of the clothing should be removed as possible & the body sponged. If no water is available, rubbing the body with a wool rag will have somewhat the same results. It will be found necessary to have such a bath at least once a week. FUR TEETH & MOUTH TROUBLE: If no tooth brush, a piece of cloth on the finger can be used to clean teeth & massage the gum. A mouth-wash of salt & water can be used as gargle and feathers are excellent tooth-pick. Great care should be done in the use of toilet facilities. DISEASES FROM ANIMALS: In the North 3 parasitic diseases exist in some animals that may be transmitted to human. The hare or rabbits may have one called: Tularaemia. Care MUST be done while cleaning those animals as infection can be transmitted through a cut or open sore. Trichinosis is a disease found in pigs in many parts of the world. The bear is also a carrier of disease. Hydatid is a parasite carried by dog, wolves, fox and moose. (Not by Moses) In all cases the meat of these animals can be eaten without danger if the meat has been well cooked. Some fresh water fishes may be heavily infected with tape worm. Most salt water fishes can be eaten raw, but it's much better to cook the flesh well. VASELINE: Have in s/kit via its many uses: to cook, smear etc. MEDICINAL PLANTS NOTES: OLD SCIENCE MEDICAL PLANTS SEE MEDICAL PLANT** More than 250 plants were know in the old days in Egypt for their curative healing effects The most know were of course the *#genevievre, sene, fenouil# and analgesic effects of the #pavot# as the *belladonna is used against cold & #athsma#. We find the quinine to fight *#paludism# and coca as pain killer. This a field which needs more information and work*.** If you have the possibility to grow your own plants that will be used for medicinal purposes the results will be far better since the potency of them is greater when they are fresh. MAKE SURE that you wash your plants very well especially those that you have gathered in the wild state since they could have been sprayed with insecticide. WARNING!: Any natural or synthetic plants or substances can cause an allergy this is why one should be careful at first and give it a kind of dry run before going berserk on using it on him or anyone else. Test it first by using a small quantity then wait for 3 days at least.If after this delay nothing has happened then you can use it without fear. If there is an allergy then don't use it but it still can be good for others however. The most used forms to prepare & used these plants are these: INFUSION: Pour 1/2 litre of boiling water on 2 tbsp. of dry leaves. Let infuse 10 minutes before drinking or 3 hours if you are going to use it for external usage. DECOCTION: Same proportions as above but heat it up on LOW heat in a pot with its cover on for 5 to 10 minutes. #UNGUENT#: You need 1/5 of crushed powdered herbs for 4/5 of fat or grease that has no odour, one could use vaseline or some other shortening but MAKE SURE it has no perfume of any kind. This grease or fat is melted by low heat then you add the herb(s) that you mix well together then you will add a few drops of *Benjon teinture to help the preservation. If you were to use it right away then you can do it without. AROMATIC OIL: Prepared with #petal# from fresh flowers or any other odorous plants that you let #macerer# in pure oil that has no odour whatever otherwise it will not work. After one or two days you throw away the #petal# and replace them by fresher flowers. This procedure is repeated 7 to 8 times until the oil has acquired an odour or aroma as strong as the original plant that you wanted the scent from. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PRESERVATION: The infusion and decoction* MUST be kept in the fridge or very cool place and used within the first 3 days, after that you better throw them away and make new ones. As for the oils & #unguents# they can be kept for many months on the condition that they are kept in a cool and dark place. NOTE: The dried plants MUST be kept in a dark fresh cool place into tightly sealed containers. Used any containers with the exception of metallic ones especially aluminium. #ROMARIN#: The Romans thought it was good for the memory. When applied by cold infusion on the hair it fights dandruff. ALOE: * Already used by the native Indians to fight wrinkles and the loss of hair. The liquid that comes from the leaves soothes the small burns & bugs bites. Just break off a leave and gather the jelly like sap and smear it on the burn or sting. The leave can be kept for a while in a fridge, its sap can also be used for a mild case of skin irritation. BASILIC: * According to the Indian monk its strong scent favours the meditation. It also helps to repel mosquitoes and bugs and drunk in infusion it helps a bit at times against headache. CAMOMILE: Because of its soothing effect it is used to help someone to sleep and can also be used against tooth ache. It is also used to condition hair and its flowers give a very nice scent. #CONSOUDRE#: It has the reputation to help mend the broken bones. You use it in the form of pomade or cataplasm. * GINSENG: According to many this is the plants of the gods for its aphrodisiac properties. It also stimulates the appetite and should not be used if you are on a diet. #CLOU DE GIROFLE#: Used in China in the old days to perfume the breath. Under an oily form it is also used to help fight tooth ache because of its analgesic and antiseptic property. #EAU DE ROSE#: Used in many body or facial cream bases. Its #pouvoir hydratant# helps to keep the skin young. ALMOND: Another soft oil that is used for beauty purposes and products. It's also strongly recommended to help cleaning the skin in a smooth way. GARLIC: Used for a long time by the Egyptians for all kinds of sickness. EX; diarrhoea, bad blood circulation since it stimulates and cleanses the system. (Flushes it out sort of speak.) A note here is that we hear that a blade smeared with garlic juice will give a cut that will not heal easily so be careful when cutting garlic that you don't cut yourself. Garlic is a very old recipe for all kinds of stomach troubles so for some little daily digestive problems just add a cuss or two of garlic into your dishes it will be an excellent stimulant. Now as for the odour in your breath chewing a few leaves of parsley helps along, and if every one else has eaten your dishes then they should not smell your breath since they themselves have eaten the same food with garlic. #VINAIGRE DE CIDRE#: Very much in used since the old days for its virtues (boosting) #reconstituents# and calming. Added into the bath it helps soothe any itching. LANOLIN: It is extracted from the sheep wool and is used for dry skins. It is very much used in the bases for beauty cream. HONEY: It is a mild sedative and at the same time an excellent stimulant when you need energy. When someone has collapsed from exhaustion you put a spoonful of honey into its mouth and bingo the effect is on like a booster shot of a kind. Applied externally it feeds the skin and soothes small irritations. #AIRELLE# : A PLANT AGAINST COLD & COUGH from (Hic!) IRELAND! Cook a cup of #airelles# into two cups of water until the skin of the berries splits open. Strain and then add a bit of honey then you warm up the mixture till it starts to boil and remove it from the fire. Next you *#delayer a tbsp. of fecule of potato# into two tbsp. of cold water and then you pour it slowly on the #airelle# juice while you stir very well the whole thing. Once this is done you put it back onto the fire ALWAYS stirring it, till it becomes thicker and gets a sort of transparent aspect and serves while hot with cream & sugar. This an old Irish recipe to fight cold and at the same time it is an excellent desert. HOME RECIPE AGAINST COUGH & SORE CHEST: If you have some pepper, some honey or molasses and a little butter or margarine, then you are on, first you use 3 tbsp. of honey that you add 1/3 tbsp of pepper that you pour into a skillet containing one tbsp of butter, warm it up and mix it all together then serve while hot as a hot cough syrup. If your chest hurts crazy from all this coughing and you have ice then put the ice cubes into a wet towel that you then lay this bundle onto your chest and leave it there for a while. I know it sounds crazy but it works, since the cold ice cubes will sort of numb your lungs that are irritated from all that coughing, believe me it works. Although I MUST admit that the first time it was tried onto me I thought that she wanted my death rather than my well being. Wonder NEVER ceases. Fighting a cold with ice reminds me of fighting fire by fire. SORE THROAT: Prepare infusions from either #Consoudre Romarin# or camomile and add some honey and lemon. To this you can also add two tbsp of vinegar into a cup of hot water. #GARGARISM#: To fight the beginning of #angine# make a #gargarism# from a decoction made of #feuille de ronces# or strawberries or raspberries out of 50 grams per litre of water. COUGH SYRUP: Boil a lemon into water for 10 minutes or heat it near the fire. Then cut into two and press out the juice to which you add two tbsp of glycerine and honey. This syrup will soothe the irritation provoked by the coughing. Use it at regular interval according to your needs. HEADACHE & NERVOUSNESS = MINT TEA: For occasional low mood and headache drink a cup of mint tea or from *papaya it will stimulate you. If you are too nervous however then drink a cup of camomile tea or simply a glass of milk. INSOMNIA PROBLEM: Beside Camomile at night you can take before going to sleep an infusion of #tilleul or fleur d'oranger# or #aubepine# that all have a definite soothing action. The following recipe is said to resolve the worst case of insomnia. I should try it, since I write all the time at night but then again I am a night bird like all barmen we are the owls of life. Now back to the grinder with this recipe; sleep on it. In one litre of water let infuse 1/4 of a tbsp of petal de #coquelicot# with 10 grams of lettuce leaves and a pinch of #aubepine# flower and a pinch of #metilot#. No, you don't have to drink the whole litre of water because you would be up all night running to the bathroom. TIRED AND IN NEED OF A BOOST: (Roadrunner? Beside Spirolina capsule that was mentioned somewhere else in those files you can also use this recipe every day. Just take two tbsp of vinegar and honey diluted into a cup of water. This mixture will give you pep & energy. To Burn rubber? VINEGAR OR LEMON BATH?: #To tonifier# the body and calm the irritations of the skin due to the repeated used of a soap that was too alkaline just add to your bath water a little bit of vinegar or lemon. This will give back to your body its natural acidity. This bath is also recommended for its stimulating action. MUSCULAR PAINS AND JOINTS ACHES: Make a solution using a cup of *hamamelis mixed with 1/4 cup of friction alcohol and give a smooth but firm massage to the sore muscles to help them relax. SORE FEET?: If you have any lavender just add a few drops of this extract into your foot bath and let them rest for a while. You can also use this quick but excellent trick after a long walk by simply placing some #feuille de fougere# into your shoes. I even heard of someone using this into the crib of a small baby who was too weak to help her get some strength, it seems to work wonders for that purpose so she told me 30 years later. DIGESTION PROBLEMS: Many Indian tribes simply used mint infusions. But you can also use the #clou de girofle# in case of strong nausea* that might prove itself very good for pregnant woman. But this I don't know yet it could be worth a try, first lets find a woman then get her married and pregnant then I will tell you more. It is also known that dry fruits and fresh fruit juices taken before meals stimulate the gastric juices and help along to avoid stomach cramps. STOMACH CRAMP OR BAD DIGESTION: To help along in your digestion if you get stuck just use #bicarbonate de soude# that fights the acidity causing the stomach pains. Just dissolve 1/2 tbsp of bicarbonate into a cup of water either cold or hot and you can add if you want a few drops of lemon juice except in case of vomiting. You will be happy to know or surprised that the basis for many "Eno" types of products that are there to help you digest is nothing else then the old #bicarbonate de soude# that they have added a fizzing agent. See also the note on garlic via stomach troubles.** HICCUPS: Just take a spoon full of peanut butter to solve the "hic" problem. HELPING SOLVE #HEPATIC# PROBLEMS?: Eat as often as you can raw or boiled vegetables such as carrots, #aspergus, aubergines, artichauts# or some fruits like melon and raisins. Also you can swallow before breakfast a tbsp of olive oil. Many plants infusions are beneficial to this problem, among which you find sage, #romarin, pissenlit# that you mix in the proportion of 20 to 30 gram per litre of water. BURNS BUG BITES AND SKIN IRRITATIONS: POISON IVY REMEDY: *#Balsamine# is used effectively to soothe the irritations from the Poison Ivy. The good news being that those two plants usually GROW NEARBY ONE ANOTHER that permits you to use it immediately on the irritated part of the skin. First wash it good with soap and water then apply a pomade of #Balsamine# . Also drinking milk and other fruits rich in vitamin C will help along. SUNBURN = Tea: Tea helps relieve sunburn, just throw 3 tea bags into your bathtub water and dive in. If you have a decoction of #racine de consoudre# it will replace the tea just as well. SMALL BURNS LOTION: Grind two tbsp of marshmallow and of #racine de consoudre# & mix them with a cup of olive oil & a cup of wine. Let it heat on slow fire for 30 minutes then let it cool off and strain the whole thing so as to gather only the decoction which you then apply on the burn. #Guimauve and consoudre# are well known for their regenerating properties. Maybe some chemist could lean on to this bit of knowledge and find the reason why.*** MEDICINAL PLANTS: Many forest plants can be used to help along, here's some: FASTER HEALING = VULNERARY:* Very few persons know that the "Geranium" leaves constitute a marvellous vulnerary**. Crushed upon a cloth & apply upon any wound. The geranium leaves will sensibly speed healing of a wound or a scratch. You can also simply apply a geranium leave right on the wound and maintain it in place with string or adhesive. AGAINST BITES & STINGS OF INSECTS: CLAY: Damp earth uses natural yet MAKE SURE it's clay, not earth mud for tetanus dangers. PLANTS & REMEDY: *** Cedar leaves:(natural) /#Herbe a dinde#: leaves & flowers (natural) / *Comfrey: (roots & leaves Natural) / #L'Herbe a dinde# (Achillea Millefeuille) in infusion will heal a head-ache. The stem flowered tip in concentrated Decoction = Throw the plant in cold water & let it boil. It will drop fever./ Insects bites or stings apply leaves or flowers of that plant will ease the pain, just as the leaves and flowers in infusion will be good for digestive troubles. The chewed stems will be good for stimulating./ Insects bites or stings can be avoided if you rub your skin with the Cedar leaves.*also rub tobacco juice on you. Flowers, leaves & bark of the *#sureau blanc & genevrier# in infusion against constipation & digestive troubles. The decoction of the bark of *#Vinaigrier# (Rhus Typhina) against Diarrhoea as well as the bark & leaves in infusion of the #aulne et the des bois # As stimulant: Spruce needles in small quantities and but only good in winter however. Other stimulants: Leaves of*#the des bois, plant & roots of *savoyanne#, bark & sap of Larch-tree. The internal aromatic bark of the Wild-cherry tree, & the flowered tips of the *#herbe a dinde# can be used as such or in infusion or in decoction. The bark & leaves of Birch-tree in infusion or decoction can be use to purify blood or for Rheumatism. SPRUCE SAP: (gum) Can be used as Antiscorbut, Antiseptic for Wounds and Cataplasm for Burns. FOLK REMEDY:: I once heard yet not tried medicine, the sap made of the yellow moss growing on old wooden roof house in woods or country would heal quickly cuts and eczema. These soft yellow buds are picked up in Sept-Oct., the size of 1/2 a dime. I wouldn't try any houses in town because of pollution. A research can be made that way to tell us more, it's just an added foot note.* BLADDER & KIDNEY TROUBLES: #Verge d"or #: (Flowered stems in infusion) / Couch-Grass use the roots in infusion also: #raisin d"ours# : fruits & roots in weak infusion. Burdock: Use leaves in infusion. Walnut-tree: leaves in infusion; / Valerian: plants in infusion. / Corncob hair: *stigmates in prolonged long infusion / #Epine- vinette# fruits & leaves in infusion or nature. / White-birch: Use leaves & bark in infusion. TOOT ACHE: *#Belle-angelic (natural by putting pieces in tooth). / Tansy *(natural in the tooth or scrubbed on the gum). Wild onion (mild onion) (natural in the tooth) but don't let it get in the stomach because it's dangerous. You take off the burning sensation with #Sorrel# * which you chew a few times. EYE TROUBLES: #Bleuet-centauree# (flowers in infusion) / Elder-tree: flowers in infusion, as eye-salve to wash the eye. / #Burdock# (decoction of leaves, a few drops)* NERVES TROUBLES: White-willow use the leaves./*Lime-tree: fruits & leaves */ Feverfew: leaves & flowers in infusion. Hawthorn: bark & flowers in decoction./* Valerian in infusion./ *#Spiree cotonneuse# : infusion of leaves. RHEUMATISM & GOUT ATTACK: Bardock: leaves & roots in decoction./ Walnut tree (leaves in decoction./ Willow tree: (bark in decoction / Birch: (leaves & bark in infusion & decoction./ Hazel nut tree: bark & leaves in decoction. LIGHT NARCOTIC: White Willow: (leaves in infusion)/ Valerian: (plantin decoction)/ Lime tree: (leaves & bark in decoction)./ * #Scutelaire# : (Plant without the root in long infusion.)/ Coquelicot or Wild Opium of garden: (leaves & flowers in infusion). HAEMORRHAGE: Oak: (Bitter fruits, bark, leaves in decoction & natural)/ #Vinaigrier# *(bark in decoction.) Alder tree: (bark in infusion). /Plantain: (Plantago Major) (natural, leaves crushed in hands to extract the juice then apply on the Wound). #Bourse a Pasteur# : *(flowered stem to be used internally or externally. Mulberry tree: (leaves in decoction & natural)./ Strawberry & Raspberry: leaves & stems, natural or in infusion WOUNDS, SPRAINS, FRACTURES: Comfrey: (leaves & roots in nature & in infusion) / Herbe a dinde* (natural or infusion./ Bardock. (Leaves & roots natural or in decoction.) Red Spruce Fir tree: (bark in infusion) / Fir tree or spruce: bark & sap (gum) in infusion & natural./ Walnut tree: (leaves in infusion and decoction) CONSTIPATION: White Elder tree (flowers, leaves & bark in infusion)./ #Bleuet- Centauree# (flowers in infusion). Wild Chicory: (Flowers & roots = natural; flowers in infusion / Juniper tree: (bark, leaves & fruits (nature & infusion). Beech tree: (leaves, bark & almond: nature & infusion. / Bindweed: (leaves & roots in infusion) / Robinia: (leaves in infusion). DEFECTUOUS CIRCULATION: #Epinette-vinette# :leaves, fruits, bark, roots, natural& infusion. / Walnut-tree;(leaves in infusion & decoction. Wild Chicory: (flowers & roots) / #Belle-Angelic#: (roots, natural & infusion). Hawthorn: (bark & leaves, fruits in infusion & leaves in natural state)./ White willow tree: (leaves, bark, roots & young spring shoots in infusion & decoction). STIMULATING PLANTS: Walnut-tree: (leaves)./ Tansy: (flowered stems)./ Thyme: stems & flowers)./ #Epinette-vinette#: fruits, leaves & roots)./ #Tea des bois# its: (leaves)./ Savoyan: (Plant & roots)./ Redfir tree: (bark & sap or gum)./ Bardock: (leaves) White Willow: (bark)./ Spruce needle but in winter only and small quantity.) / Wild Cherry: second aromatic bark. ALL these plants can be used Natural, infusion or decoction. DIARRHOEA: Oak: (bark, acorn, leaves: natural or infusion./ Alder tree (bark & leaves in infusion / #Vinaigrier# (bark in decoction)./ Ginger (natural or in cold infusion./ Maple tree: (bark in infusion). BAD BLOOD: Birch: (bark, leaves in infusion)./ Bardock: leaves & roots in infusion or decoction / Walnut-tree (leaves in infusion & decoction). #Patience#: (roots in infusion)./ # Violettes des bois#: (flowers & leaves in infusion #pensee sauvages# : (flower & leaves in infusion). DIGESTIVE TROUBLES: #Belle-Angelic# : (roots, nature & in infusion)./ Savoyan: (roots, nature & infusion)./ #herbe a dinde: (leaves & flowers natural or infusion.) / Tansy: flowers, leaves natural or weak infusion Dandelion: (Leaves & roots natural or decoction, roasted roots as coffee./ same for Wild Chicory as Dandelion. #Epinette vinette# : (fruits & leaves, natural or decoction./ White Elder-tree: (leaves and flowers in infusion) Strawberry :(leaves in infusion or natural EXHAUSTION: AS A STRENGTH BOOST UP!!! Walnut tree: (leaves, natural or in infusion & decoction./ #epinette-vinette# (fruits natural)./ White Willow: (bark & leaves in infusion, natural or infusion.) Lime tree or #bois blanc#: leaves and bark natural and infusion./ Fever Few or small Pine nuts: (flowers & leaves in hot infusion./ Tansy: (flowers in infusion)./ Spruce needles: (natural & small quantity.) STOMACH TROUBLES: #Belle-angelic#: (roots, natural or infusion)./ Savoyan: (roots, natural & infusion./ Bardock: (leaves & roots in weak infusion. Walnut tree: (leaves in strong infusion)./ White Willow: (leaves & bark natural and infusion)./ Lime tree: (leaves and flowers in infusion). HAEMORRHOIDS: #Violets#: (flowers in infusion as bath)./ White Elder tree: (flowers in infusion as bath & beverage at the same time.) Walnut tree: (leaves in infusion use for bath and beverage)./ The mixture of the above plants forms the ideal remedy. HEAD ACHE: #Lierre terrestre# *: (leaves in powder drank with water.)/ #Herbe a dinde# : (aroma to breath if need be or infusion). / Tansy: (aroma to breath by nose, or compress over head. Pepper-mint: (natural as aromatic) #Verge d'or#: in infusion work on kidney which may cause the headache. CUTS, SPRAINS, SCRATCHES: #Plantain# : (leaves)/ Comfrey: (leaves & roots)./ #Vinaigrier# : (leaves & bark). White Willow: bark / #bourse a pasteur#: (natural plant)./ Oak (leaves & acorn or bark in powder as scar-healer & blood coagulator. BUSH REMEDY FOR STOMACH & BOWEL UPSETS: A very simple remedy for many abdominal troubles to chew & swallow a piece of charcoal every 2 or 3 hours. A lump of dime size should give some relief, if trouble is similar to gastric or bilious upset. A frequent cause of stomach ache is the drinking of very cold water while through walking. It is a good precaution under such conditions to drink very slowly & warm each mouthful of water in the mouth before swallowing it. NOTE: When we say boil water it is 10 minutes. ANTISEPTICS: Salt or 2 soup spoons of javex mixed with 1 pint of water, boiled for 10 minutes. ANTISEPTICS: # 2 NATURAL: If you have an antiseptic put it on the dressing before applying it on the wound. Among natural antiseptics we have: sap from * #sapin beaumier# (taken from its bark). Even Urine! The gum of the *Gommier also pure turpentine coming from all species of pines, & the resin of #Cypress & Cigue#. You can boil the knots of those trees in order to gather at the water surface the antiseptic resin. You MUST NEVER turn a dressing upside-down to reuse it, for they are both contaminated, if you remove it, you destroy it. INFECTIONS PREVENTIONS Through SALTED WATER: *** Note: The uses of salted water for post-operation clean up in order to avoid any infections ** RABIES FROM ANIMALS: If during your trip in the bush you notice a wild animal, that appears to be sick or behaves abnormally, showing ferociousness where it should show fear or a dog behaving in an unusual manner & frothing at the mouth, such an animal may have a rabies. Foxes normally avoid people; skunk don't usually approach people & try to bite them; on the other hand, squirrels and chipmunks are frequently coaxed to feed from a person's hand, & if a bite is inflected, it doesn't mean necessarily abnormal behaviour or an unprovoked attack. PREVENTION AND TREATMENT: Don't pet any wild animal, no matter how tame it appear to be. If a person is bitten or scratched by, or comes in contact with the saliva of a suspected rabid animal, the affected parts should be thoroughly washed with soap & water for 15 minutes. If iodine or any other antiseptic is available, put it in or around the wound. Get in touch with a doctor as soon as possible. CARE OF FEET: (Sock it to me Spock) Dirty or wet socks damage the feet. If you have only a pair of socks then wash them. If you have a spare pair, then slide the washed ones inside your shirt directly on your skin. This way your socks will dry quicker. Wool socks absorb very well the perspiration. Socks can be frozen then beaten to extract dust, salt, perspiration, & humidity. Wool socks are best all year around. IN ORDER TO PREVENT INFECTION, YOU MUST WASH OFTEN A BLISTER. If the blister is about to burst, you can pierce it using a needle sterilised to extract the liquid. If it is not ready to burst, then just cover it with a small Band- Aid dressing in order to protect it from pressure and rubbing. MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA: Here are some more preventive measures: 1) Establish your camps on high ground far from swamps. 2) Sleep under a net or any kind of tissues. 3) Soil your face with mud, specially before sleeping. 4) Wear all your clothes specially at night. 5) Stick your trousers inside your shoes or boots. 6) Kerosene and gas and alcohol drive away most mosquitoes. 7) Mosquitoes & black flies are attracted by dark colours such as black, red, blue, dark brown. So wear white or yellow. Jeans attracts them. "Not JANE" Wear clothes with long sleeves & tight fitted at the neck & wrist, ample large clothing give better protection. 8) Mosquitoes, bugs etc. are attracted by perfume, eau de cologne, soap & shampoo which are perfumed. The most efficient repellent are those containing "dithyltoluamide". Orange or lemon peel rubbed on skin helps repelling bugs. 9) Calamine or a paste made of #bicarbonate de soude# mix with water makes a good remedy. 10) Ammonia is what's best for all sort of stings. (Note: Meat tenderiser is good too!) TROPICAL DANGERS, ANIMALS & INSECTS ETC.: But what of wild animals? People exposed to jungle conditions are scared of lions, tigers, elephants & other big games although unless you go out of your way to provoke them, the danger from this quarter is very small. In the dense jungle, say the survival experts, you can live more safely today than in most large towns. All accounts show that of the airmen who spent any time in the jungle during the war & were then rescued, hardly any came across a beast of prey. THE REAL DANGER OF THE TROPICS ARE INSECTS. Many species carry parasites & spread epidemics, & are thus a greater menace than a whole zoo of wild animals turned loose. In 1939 for ex. only 200 people in the whole of India were killed by tigers while 4 millions died of typhoid. The number of people who died by wild animals during the past few hundred years is probably smaller than the number of malaria deaths in a year. So the survivor in the tropics is more likely to succumb to an infectious disease or blood poisoning than to hunger, thirst or attack by wild animals. He MUST therefore take great care of his health and to do everything to protect himself from insects. By all accounts the worst of the diseases they spread is malaria, which is carried by mosquitoes. Quinine.* AVOID MOSQUITOES & MALARIA PREVENTION: How to best avoid mosquitoes for instances: NEVER pitch your camp near swamps, the breeding places of mosquitoes. USE your mosquito nets, use the ointments in your kit, take off as few clothes as possible. To help your body, change your shirt every time you make a halt, carry the first one upon a cross stick to make it dry. Doing this way, Baden Powel avoided malaria, while all others got it in a 4 months jungle tour. Just by changing his shirt every halt. Survivors on the coast were driven further in the jungle to avoid loosing too much blood from mosquitoes bites. They had neglected to cover their faces and top of their body with MUD. MUD BEING THE SIMPLEST PROTECTION AGAINST MOSQUITOES. OTHER TROPICAL PLANT TRICK: ** North American Indians were first called: RED-SKIN, it was not the colour of their skin as of the clay they wore to protect themselves from the sun and of the mosquitoes bites. Mud often mixed with burned cow dung's or the dung of water buffalo is used with great success by natives of the Tropics. It also helps to rub certain oils from coconuts or lemon grass. Coconut oils is used by the natives of tropical islands to protect them against head lice and so is tobacco juice. While the NATIVES of New Guinea & New Caledonia rub lime juice into their hair. This makes their hair turn red, but castaways from the west who have tried it out, say its as effective as modern synthetic preparations. TO KEEP OFF FLIES & BUGS, the natives in the Philippines take breadfruits to bed with them. The inhabitants of New Guinea rid themselves of ants by storing lemons in damp places, till the fruits is covered with mould. Then they quarter the rotten fruit & put them on the tops of anthills. The ants clear off at once, and NEVER go back there. Many tropical ants live in the branches of certain trees, so one should sleep neither in a tree nor on bare ground. In fact trainees at Stead Survival Army camp are told how to construct a bed several foot above the ground. They are also warned to keep their shoes ON, at night, and ALWAYS be careful where they put their hands. To get rid of another Tropical worm, the human Botfly; which you notice by a small lump like a result from an insect bite which however persist & gets larger. The lighted cigarette is useful but required lot of skill, a more routine method was to cover the worm hole tightly with adhesive tape, the worm dies in 24 hours and then is squeezed out easily. Other survivors have reported that a favourite spot for fleas to settle and lay eggs was under the toenails; they could only be scraped out with a sterilised knife, after which the wound had to be treated at once with iodine to stop an inflammation. One survivor of the Burma campaign recalled that Mites also settled in our skin around our hips. They caused terrible itching, but we knew we MUST not scratch. We covered the place with iodine & the itch gradually stopped. AHHH! Of course there are a great many other Tropical insects & parasites, which can't be listed here. But these few example will show that survivors have often been able to protect themselves by simple methods (like tobacco juice & lighted cigarettes) & have also taken great care to avoid inflammations. FOR IN TROPICAL HEAT EVEN THE SMALLEST SCRATCH CAN TURN VERY QUICKLY INTO AN UGLY WOUND. Cases of blood poisoning are quite common, although natives are seldom affected by this. FLEAS: They can be very dangerous, often carry diseases even plague after having eaten dead plagued animals. If you MUST eat wild animals or rodents and that you suspect plague to be in that region, suspend the animal as soon as killed & let it cool off before manipulating it. FLEAS don't stay on cold body. Fleas drown in water so a good wash will get rid of them. If you suspect a place to have fleas, wash it completely, fleas run away from dampness. TICKS: There are of 2 kinds, found specially in Tropical and subtropical regions often carry chronic fever and typhus. Don't try to get it out with your fingers, the head will stay inside your skin causing lots of pains. TO REMOVE IT, apply oil or damp tobacco, you can use the heat of a match, cigarette, hot charcoal or hot water. You can expose your skin to the smoke of a fire of green wood, you will see the tick getting out of the skin then just remove them. JIGGERS, MOTH, MITES, LICE: (*see above mud also) Jiggers are lice in formation & will crawl their way into your skin, causing much itching, & many other diseases. If you scratch you risk to contact other infections, a salted bath will get rid of jiggers etc. To get them off your clothes, exposed them for a long time to the smoke of a fire. Native villages are often plagued by lice, so avoid to get into their huts or in body contact with the natives if at all possible. When pricked by a lice etc., avoid to scratch because you will spread the lice waist into your wound. It is by the infection from the lice's waist that man contracts typhus chronic fever. To get rid of lice if you don't have the right powder, you can boil your clothes, if impossible then spread it under the sun specially the lining for a few hours. If you have been in contact with these insects, wash with soap if you can. If no soap then sand from water ways (rivers etc.) are acceptable. Examine often the hairy part of your body, which are the "hot" spot for them. BEES AND WASP ETC.: The bites can be dangerous even fatal. If attack by a swarm of them throw yourself in the nearest thickest bush. Bees will loose their dart in the skin, you MUST take it off to avoid infection. Wasp & hornets however can sting many a times. To lower the pain, apply mud, wet clay, damp tobacco or wet salt. A compress of ammonia or yeast paste will do best. Vinegar is good too. SCORPIONS: Even though dangerous, the scorpion's bite is rarely fatal. Yet they represent a real danger since they hide in clothing, shoes or sleeping bags. So shake well your clothes before getting dress, if you get bitten, apply cold compress & mud. LEECHES: Found in Borneo, Philippines, Australia, South Pacific, different parts of South America. They cling to grass, leaves etc. so they can attach themselves to the wanderers. You take them off with the tip of a burning cigarette or a match, hot coal or application of wet tobacco or with proper insecticide. SNAKE BITES: Nearly all snakes will bite. If non-venomous the bite MUST be washed, cleaned & treated as ordinary wound. If you are not an expert better treat it as if it was a venomous one. 1) Avoid running, because the venom runs faster to the heart. 2) Stay calm but act quickly. 3) As much as possible, immobilise the affected part in such way as to be under the heart level. 4) On the bitten limb, at 2 or 4" form the bite,tighten lightly an improvised tourniquet. If swelling progress upward, stop its progression by getting the tourniquet (garrotte) higher. The tourniquet MUST be tight enough to stop the blood flow in the surface veins, but without stopping the arterial pulse. 5) In less than 1 hour, make one incision only with a (sterilised knife, razor blade etc.) just above each wound left by the hooks. This "cutting MUST be parallel to the bite & MUST NOT exceed 1/2" long by 1/4" in depth. 6) If you have a suction pump from a snakebite kit use it on the wound to suck the venom, if not then use your mouth to suck, then spit off frequently the blood and other liquids coming off. The snake venom is inoffensive into the mouth unless you have a wound inside. Even then the risk are very small. Before letting off the tourniquet (garrotte)*, you MUST operate the suction for at least 15 minutes non-stop. 7) If after a time, the patient doesn't feel dryness & stiffness in the mouth, of any headache, of pains or swelling, it means the venom was not toxic. 8) If its the contrary then it means: toxic, so keep doing # 5. BAD BURNS or BAD WOUNDS WHEN ONE CAN DRINK: Make him drink a solution made of 1/2 table spoon of salt with 1/4 tea spoon of soda bicarbonate mixed in 1 pint of cold water. Make him drink as much as desired, yet excluding any other kind of liquids. NEVER use hot water it provokes vomits. Or use this mixture: 1 teaspoon of *#chlorure de sodium# with 1 teaspoon of *#bicarbonate de soude# mix in 1 litre of cold water. The victim MUST drink it very slowly for 1 hour, if he feels nausea, stop it so that he doesn't vomit. Keep this mixture for him at later time. Such a mix re-establish the salts & liquid lost by the system. HAEMORRHAGE ADD ON PRESSURE BANDAGE: The pressure bandage stays the best method used to control haemorrhage. You MUST elevate the wounded limb if possible as well as to exert a digital pressure. The tourniquet (garrotte)* is to be used when pressure bandage doesn't work. Application of sterile dressing doing pressure helps coagulation of the blood, compress blood vessels and protects all infection. Before putting the pressure bandage, one MUST check for other wounds, for ex. in case of bullet wound, the wound is bigger at the exit than at the entrance. You can find those bandages in drug stores or make them. If added pressure is needed, press strongly your hand on the dressing for 5 to 10 minutes. It should work. To exert an extra pressure, you MUST place a thick bandage near the wound, just above the original one, which you maintain in place using a necktie, belt etc. DON'T take off the original dressing, rather add to it. LIFTING UP THE WOUNDED LIMB: Even with direct pressure on the wound, one can diminish the importance of haemorrhage, by lifting up the wounded limb above the heart. However; If there is fracture, don't do it. Because moving a broken limb without splint gives loads of pains to the victim & aggravate his state. Without counting the risk to damage nerves, muscles & blood vessels. TO MAKE A PRESSURE POINT WITH THE FINGERS, ON HAEMORRHAGE: When blood pours out (arterial H..)a pressure of the fingers can control the Haemorrhage till you apply a sterile dressing. The pressure done on a pressure point with fingers, thumbs, hands. A pressure point is the place where a main artery (feed wounded region) is located near the skin surface or above a bone. By putting pressure on one of those points the blood flow coming from the heart to the wound will be blocked or slow down. You have correctly found the pressure point when you feel the pulse at the tip of your fingers. You MUST ABSOLUTELY find the pulsation before putting a pressure. HOW TO APPLY A TOURNIQUET: (GARROTTE)* beware!!! dangerous! A tourniquet is a tissue band or strip placed around an arm or leg to compress the artery in order to stop haemorrhage. Tourniquet is rarely used & better not use it whenever possible. Because it has in the past damaged the blood vessels & the nerves of the victim. Use it when after having made a strong pressure on a wound, or on a pressure point or that the elevation of the wounded limb are useless. Too long a compression by tourniquet can result in the loss of the arm or leg, as was often the case during both World Wars. An Arterial haemorrhage of the thigh, leg, arm or many arteries (result of traumatic amputation: i.e.: bomb blast) becomes at times uncontrollable by simple pressure. If a vigorous (strong) pressure of the hand upon the dressing don't slow down the blood flow, you MUST quickly make a tourniquet. Once the garrotte in place, don't loosen it after the haemorrhage has stopped, otherwise it could result by a shock followed by a blood lost WHICH WOULD BE FATAL. Victim needs medical care quick. If you don't have a true garrotte, you can use a tissue being soft, strong & flexible as cotton gauze, or silk, clothing etc. Such a garrotte needs a stick or anything rigid, stiff. In order not to damage too much the skin, the garrotte width MUST be that after tightening, it is of 3cm wide. GARROTTE & HOW TO PROCEED: 1) Place the garrotte around the wounded limb, (between the heart & the wound) & at: 4 to 10cm ABOVE the wound. NEVER directly on the wound or on a fracture. 2) When possible, do the garrotte over the sleeve or pant leg in order not to pinch or twist the skin. If the skin is damaged or bruised it can not be of any use to the surgeon when he wants to cover up the amputation. So he needs to do a greater amputation to obtain the same results. Protecting the skin diminishes the pain. 3) Once the bandage in place, slide the stick under the knot, twist it around just enough to block the blood circulation at this place. If the pulsation of the wrist or ankle still intact can be felt before putting on the garrotte, the stop of this same pulsation will be a sign that sufficient pressure is done. 4) TO DETECT A PULSE: Place 2 fingers (not the thumb) on the pressure point of the wrist or ankle. Don't use your thumb because the small artery in the thumb would mix the count of the pulse you search. If you can't trust this pulsation as control element, use your own good judgement to decide of the reduction of blood flow coming to the wound. In such case, uncover temporarily the wound to check up. 5) The arterial haemorrhage will cease after a correct application of the garrotte, but the bleeding which are located in the inferior part of the wounded limb will keep on bleeding till they are empty of blood. Don't persist in tightening the garrotte in order to stop this blood flow, IT IS USELESS. 6) When the garrotte is well in place, put a dressing and bandage on the wound. GARROTTE MUST BE RELEASED EVERY 15 MINUTES IN ORDER TO AVOID FURTHER DAMAGE. GENERAL INFORMATION: First Aid* 1) Stay calm. / 2) Do what is URGENT first (A/R-H/M) / 3) Call or send someone for a Doctor 4) Keep the victim immobile. Cover him up to avoid shock. 5) Does he breath? Does he bleed ? His heart is breathing? 6) NEVER MOVE the victim unless ABSOLUTE NECESSITY. 7) To help you, stay calm: Take 6 DEEP breaths. 8) Prevent danger from: Damaged buildings /electrical / gas / CUT POWER OFF! 9) Don't let crowd near accident, victim needs Fresh air. 10) Use other to help, reassure victim. Assure Transport quickly. CHILD & BABY CHOKING: Lay kid on your knees, head down, give 3 to 4 sharp blows, between shoulder blades, to remove the obstruction. BABY: Hold the baby down by the feet, hit sharply. Yet not too hard between shoulder blades. Give Heimleich Hug if Need be or Heart Massage. Give Artificial Respiration if need be. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION MOUTH TO MOUTH: photo** 1) Raise neck with one hand & bring head backward with the other so that the shin points upward practically vertically. This will open air passages. Remove all foreign objects in the mouth. Pinch the nostrils, press one hand upon forehead. 2) Take a breath, open widely your mouth & place it upon the victim 's mouth, (baby: mouth & nose both). MAKE SURE that NO Air is coming out. Blow a full respiration into the lungs of victim (1/2 for baby), Check up if chest is rising up. 3) After each air blow, move away your mouth from his face. Listen to air escaping from victim's lungs & look if his chest is coming down. You MUST repeat those 3 procedures every 5 seconds, about 12 to 15 time per minute.** ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION SYLVESTER: pix* 1) Place the victim on its back, raising up his shoulders with proper prop or support (use blanket, coat etc.). Stretch his neck & bring his head backward as far as possible, to permit air to get in. Remove all foreign objects in mouth. 2) COMPRESSION PHASE: Kneel down at the head of the victim. Grab his wrists & cross them on the inferior (lower) half of the sternum. Bend forward pressing strongly on the chest. This MUST last 2 seconds. Count 1,000 -2,000 then: 3) EXPANSION PHASE: Stop leaning, pressing on chest. Bring upward the victim's arms, on the outside & backward. Count 1,000 -2,000 & MAKE SURE the arms stay straight. Now replace the wrists upon the sternum. Count to 5. The movements MUST be repeated on rhythm of about 12 times per minute with an adult, more rapidly with a child. EYE BANDAGE: Even when only 1 eye is hurt, both eyes have to be bandaged because they both move simultaneously. So any movement from the uninjured eye makes the other one move by reflex. EYE PAINS: A) Wear sunglasses or visor to protect your eyes, because the sun reflection coming from water reinforce the intensity of sun rays giving very rapidly eye soreness. Even in cloudy day. B) If you start to have sore eyes, don't rub them. Apply on eye lid an antiseptic cream, & a light bandage on BOTH eyes. JAWS: Before putting a bandage on the jaw, remove any false teeth & put them in the victim's pocket. Put the bandage in a way as to let the jaw free to breath or mouth drainage. To avoid the complete closing of the mouth, place a stopper or plug of about 0.5cm thick between his teeth or gums. This stopper will held at the exterior of the mouth by a few strings connected to the bandage itself. This will prevent the plug to slide into the mouth & choke or obstruct the breathing passage of the victim. HANDS & FOOT DRESSING: * In order to avoid friction or irritations, using absorbent material; separate well each fingers or toes before applying dressing & bandages. GRIEVOUS INJURIES HEAD WOUNDS:* ALWAYS be suspicious of any head wound, a victim can easily have a brain damage without having a cracked skull. Verify these signs 1) The victim is or not conscious. 2) Is blood or any liquid coming out of his nose or ears? 3) Is the pulse slow? 4) Does he have headache? 5) Nausea ? Or vomits? 6) Convulsions? 7) Breathing slow?? SPECIAL PRECAUTION Via HEAD INJURIES: Don't touch an open skull wound. But cover it up with a sterile dressing. Also Don't remove nor displace any foreign objects of any type which is stuck in the wound. Lay the victim down MAKING SURE the head is raised higher then the rest of body. WOUNDS TO NECK AND FACE: Because of is many blood vessels, wounds to neck & face bleed a lot & haemorrhage is hard to control. Stop any haemorrhage which obstruct respiratory channels. Then remove if need be all pieces of tooth or broken bones, bit of skin or broken false teeth. If victim is conscious & wants to sit, make him lean forward head down, to permit him to empty his mouth or make him lay in a prone position. HUGE OPEN CHEST WOUND: * This hole creates an air suction which is particularly dangerous bringing lungs to collapse. HIS LIFE DEPENDS OF YOUR ABILITY TO CLOSE AIR TIGHT SUCH A WOUND. Verify if victim has such other wound elsewhere then: 1) If possible, have the victim exhale the air in his lungs then have him hold his breath while you shut off the wound. 2) Seal air tight this wound using a plastic or metal sheet or any thin non porous material (saran wrap, clean garbage bag, before applying any dressing.) 3) Ask the victim or any other help to do a pressure with his hand on the dressing. 4) To exert a better greater pressure thus assuring a tight air seal wrapping up the dressing & the body with either a blanket, or any piece of cloth, or roll him in a poncho. Such a bandage MUST be rolled in such a way as to superposed one layer slightly above the other so as to create a strong & uniform pressure all over the dressing. Fix then the bandage with tie or rope etc. 5) If the victim feels more at ease sitting, give him his wish. This way the breathing is easier. But if he prefers to lay down make him lay down on the wounded side. That way the opposite lung can breath better. Beside; the surface upon which the victim lays acts as a splint on the wounded side and can diminish pain. WHY IMMOBILISE A FRACTURE ???: USE of SPLINTS: * It MUST be immobilise so that the broken bone & its sharpness can not cut the tissues, muscles or nerves or broken blood vessels. Beside Immobilisation reduce greatly the pain, prevents shock state, & prevents bones fragments to create an open fracture from a closed one thus inviting germs & infection to get in. Make the splint where you find the victim, Before moving the person or transporting him elsewhere. Don't try to correct a bone or articulation. TRANSPORTATION FIREMAN'S WAY: When alone its the best way to transport the victim. 1) After turning the victim on its stomach, place yourself above him, your legs on each side, bend down & join your hands under his chest & moving backward, lift him up until the victim is resting on his knees. 2) Go backward enough to straighten his legs. 3) Walk forward a bit in such a way as to permit the victim to be on its feet. While keeping him inclined backward so that his knees don't bend. 4) While uplifting the victim with your left arm, free your right arm, grab quickly his right wrist & lift up his arm straight. Pass immediately your head under his uplifted arm then let it get down at the same time. Turn around then to face up the victim & hold his waist with your arms. Using the tip of your foot, spread victim's feet about 15cm. 5) Using your left hand, grab his right wrist, then lift his arm above your head. 6) Bend down a bit so as to bring back the victim's arm above your left shoulder. His body then lays upon your shoulders. Then pass your right arm between his legs. 7) Place his right wrist in your right hand. 8) In leaning your left hand upon your left knee, get up. Your left hand stays free, & the victim stays comfortable. TRANSPORTATION USING BELT: This is the best method to transport a victim on long distance. The victim is solidly held on your shoulders by a belt. This way your hands & victims hands stay free to hold arms or supply and helpful to go over obstacles. This way the rescuer can better move around in the bushes or to crawl about and around. 1) Join 2 belts to make one or use ties, ropes that don't slip nor are too narrow. Place the attach under the thighs & under the kidneys 's victim in a manner as to form a loop on each side. 2) Lay down on your back between the spread out legs of the victim. Pass your arms in the loops, then grab the hand & leg of the victim wounded side. 3) Turn around on your belly by the opposite side of the victim wound bringing this way the person on your back. Adjust adequately the attach. 4) Get on your knees. The attach holds the victim in place. 5) Put one of your hand upon a knee & straighten up. The victim is now upon your shoulders. Your hand are now free to help you. ABOARD A RAFT PRECAUTION TO TAKE: EXPOSITION TO WIND & SUN: Don't stay without necessity exposed to sun or wind. In hot climate it is preferable to cover the body slightly rather then take off all clothing. If extremely hot, freshen yourself by dipping the clothes in the sea, then wring them off before putting them back on. Protect the skin which is exposed with sun lotion. To treat sun or wind burn is by applying antiseptic lotion then put on a dressing. SEA SICKNESS: Beurkkk! 1) Keeping busy will help prevent sea-sickness. Try as much as possible to stay lay down. 2) If you have sea-sickness don't eat nor drink, Stay immobile, try to relax & keep as warm as possible. If you have any, take or give them. Dalamine is the best sea sick pill. LIMBS AFFECTED BY A LONG TIME IN WATER: 1) Feet & legs get affected by long time in cold water. Signs are discoloration of skin & pains. In advance cases, the affected part swells & skin covers itself of blisters mix with black pimples. 2) You can avoid evolution of the problem by keeping the affected limb as dry & as warm as possible, to help you do this: keep the raft floor as dry as possible. If you wear shoes which are too tight, you MUST take them off. 3) Move your feet & toes to help blood circulation, but don't give any massage. Keep warm & dry as much as possible. Lift your feet from the raft bottom if there is water which you cant remove. 4) Constipation or urine retention. None of those problems should worry you, because they are normal being caused by lack of food, inactivity, lack of soft water. SEA HYPOTHERMIA & TRICK!: Swimmers used to cold water have an old trick to get back their lost heat due to cold water which is to run as soon as they land and dry up a bit, so that their own body generates its own heat. #AULNES# : * To check but it seems that leaves from #aulnes# which are twisted and put on a wound will prevent #suppuration# to start. WAR MEDICAL SAS KNOW HOW!: Learn to treat a gunshot wound from high velocity missiles which caused 4/5 of the casualties in battle. Every SAS has to have a grasp of first basic first aid since you will be far off any hospital and can not expect help from them anyway. In a simple language learn that to be hit by a grenade fragment is comparable to be hit by an angry elephant. If death does not happen at once then prompt action can almost certainly save the casualties life. Most death from gunshot wounds are caused by blood loss or secondary shock. Blood loss can easily be stanched by simply applying a finger to the wound by shock is less easily dealt with High speed missiles cause a condition called "cavitation". They rip through the muscles and suck in dirt, germs and clothing where as a high velocity missile wound is simply a wound caused by a very small object travelling at very high speed. SAS MEDIC FIELD GUNSHOT WOUNDS: When your mate's shot, treat him for shock, Give him liquid if you have it except when the bullets enters between knee & nipple. Don't forget that, because a bullet going in above the knee might end up in the stomach and the poor feller won't want liquid. Now if he gets it through the jaw. What then? Often as not bits of bone and other such crap will end up down his windpipe and choke him. OK so you get your spoon and you fish the muck out. If that's no good, then slit his throat neatly just below the Adam apple and stick a tube in by-pass the obstruction. A biro casing* will do. Then he'll breath like a baby, no problemo! SEVERED ARTERY?: ACT FAST! No time to think. If you can not catch and splice the loose ends to stop them spurting, then grab your field dressing & burn it. Cram the ashes in the open wound then bind it hard and bind it fast. Forget all that claptrap about tourniquet, that went out with Rock and Roll.** HITCHING REMEDY: Flee bites and mosquito bites can be healed easily of their hitching by using your nails or a small cut from a knife in a form of a cross, and the itching will disappear in no time. BETADINE: Betadine is the safest treatment of various wounds, burns, #abces# or cuts even gangrene. MAKE SURE you have it in first aid kit. PAIN KILLER= ZOMAX MORE INF. NEEDED HERE **** BETADINE DESCRIBE THE USE* also: ZOMAX .........SPIROLINA ARCTIC PARASITES REMOVED: The Eskimo can't sleep because he keeps on scratching so calmly he picks up a piece of bear fur which a string is tied to both end and lays it under his clothes for a while. Next he removes it and notices with pleasures that all the parasites have all gone to the seduction of the thick fur. FOOT CARE: From SAS technic via crossing cold countries survival medical Foot care and body care: Learn to wrap your toes individually in gauze to prevent them from rubbing and dosed them with #mycota powder# . If your feet despite all those precautions become raw and a bubbling mass of blister from walk far beyond the normal bounds of exhaustion. Especially where pinched toes have rubbed together despite the gauze inside the boots don't dare stop to remove the boots since the tortured feet will swell up like sausages and you will NEVER be able to put them back in your boots. If you take them off it means you stop for a long time to recover. MAKE SURE it is not your last stop and that it is safe to take them off. Also cover the straps of your Bergen (bag) with foam rubber held in place with masking tape or duct tape. Don't try to sustain yourself with inedible sandwiches, instead bring a flask of hot coffee and tins of peaches in syrup which is one of the only substance you can get down after 30 miles hikes. ALKA SELTZER AGAINST CRAMPS!: Against Lactic acid morning cramp MAKE SURE you take a glass before doing the exercise. ZINCOFACT:* A new tube of ointment called; ZINCOFACT which is great for burns it seems that zinc help those who get burn, also good for sunburn, it is worth checking *** LESS INFECTION:* From the latest surgery room, the wounds washed with salted water have no infections since salt kills germs. NUCLEAR WAR NOTE: In case of nuclear war fall out, cover all skin with plastic sheet so that it does not come in contact with skin and it is easier to clean off. SAD NOTE FOR US ALL: All animals outside will have radiation sickness direct hit radiation & water drinking habits. Thus unsafe to eat. But for the one kept before during and after the war indoors and made sure that what they eat or drink is not contaminated since hay will carry radiation. On the other hand we don't have to worry when after Armageddon since we are with Jesus on earth for a 1,000 years of peace without any sins or pollution wars, lies etc. Just peace on Earth for 1,000 years. That's good news for sure. So don't worry! CRAZY GLUE SURGERY: * Crazy glue fan will REMEMBER that the first use of it was for the #embaumeurs# to glue skin together without sewing it, so in case of surgery on field one could use it to bring skin together fast and avoid doing surgery. ** A new glue to do just that just came out in 1994 try to get more informations from a doctor. #CITRONNELLE#:* Bug repellent supposed to be great to check called #Citronnelle#. DIARRHOEA SOLUTION: Water + salt + baking soda is the answer. SPONGE: 1001 USES ** Artificial or natural size 6"x 4" in all Survival Kit, 2 of them. Sponge Water, dirt, blood etc. Helps to keep dry and clean. It's very important in survival to keep dry & clean. ASTHMA: New drug just came out should help called Tilade. BREATHING BY THE NOSE: 50 years ago Catlin an American wrote a book called: "Closed mouth and life saved." He was telling that the Indians practised this method since day one and were even imposing this method to their children by tying their mouth at night so as to force them to breath through the nose at night. To breath by the nose prevents deadly germs to penetrate through the mouth into the throat and stomach also preventing the fermentation#vegetation adenoid# which can obstruct respiration and bring deafness. For a hunter it is particularly useful to breath though the nose, since by doing so you can AVOID MUCH OF THE THIRST WHILE HARD WORKING. At night if you have the habit of breathing through the nose you will avoid snoring which can be dangerous if there are enemies nearby. So shut up and breath through the nose, beside it contributes to lower your anger. ACNE CURE: Wash your face with salted water, once the pimple has been punctured clean with salt or sea water and let some salt on the wound or pimple which will dry out the pus. NEWS ON THE MARKET VIA FRACTURES: There is on the market now for fractured arm or leg a plastic kit casing which once inflated will keep the injured member in position. You should have at least 1 set per 3 persons. As much as possible get the team to know what to do in f/aid occasion, it is also for their own uses at times not only for others. SOME USEFUL HERBAL PREPARATIONS: STRAWBERRY ROOTS: Contain a #descaler# to clean teeth. DELPHINIUM SEEDS: Can be crushed to treat head lice. BIRCH BARK: Can be distilled to produce a tar oil which soothes skin complaints. LAVENDER: Makes a decoction to clean the skin. BURNS TREATMENT: FOLK MEDICINE* With fast result and no scars or hardly any, unless burned to the bones, you once again put grated raw potato on the burned area and apply clean cotton or gaze over it, change every hour or 3 hours this is yet to be found I lost the notes on this.*** BURNS TREATMENT: A friend of mine got burned over the face arms and legs at 2 years old when the house stove blew up, today she has no scars that are visible. How? Well the doctor of that time which is around 1950 did a very strange thing, he would cover her burns with a boiled cheesecloth then he would rip it off, and he did this every day for 1 month. One may say that this was a cruel treatment but the result was that today she has no scars to show this tragedy. This was old folk medicine. NOTE VIA BURNS: The story of nurse with 3rd degree burns who changed her bandages every 3 hours, by a new wet sterile compress for 3 months = NO SCARS, as a result. Body is made of 90% water. Try sterile clay mixed in water might help worth trying in some place to check *** Check also the new burn bandages made of 90% water.*** TO COOL THE BLOOD IN YOUR BODY: In case of high fever or high sweating because of heat simply submerge your wrists, it will cool the blood in your body fast. DANGEROUS PLANTS: PLANTS WARNING: The colour RED associated with a plant in tropical or sub- tropical areas can be regarded as a DANGER SIGNAL. ANY PLANTS which shows RED in any parts of its growth, in its fruits, in its leaves or in its stalks should be regarded as suspicious unless you know for certain that it is absolutely safe. EX: Strawberry, raspberry, wild cherry, mulberry are known to be safe for eating, yet some people are allergic to it, too bad. Rhubarb has a red stalk, but the leaves are deadly when cooked because they contain a fatal quantity of oxalic acid. Beets and their leaves are excellent, so are tomatoes, yet the nightshade which is of same family is deadly.. So in general way be suspicious of any plants showing the danger red signal, unless absolutely certain its safe to eat. This is particularly applicable to Tropical berries & fruits WARNING #2 PLANTS POISON ID: Another general sign of probable poison is any fruit which is divided into 5 divisions. This is a generalisation, but it is better safe then sorry and poisoned. DANGEROUS LEAVES & TESTING!: The leaves of many trees, shrubs & ground plants are edible & very palatable & can comfortably sustain life. The only test is to taste the leaf. If its tender & pleasant to the palate & the danger of almond, bitter, or extreme acid are not present then you can eat a small quantity, & if there are no ill consequences, the leaves of that particular tree or shrub are safe & will be good for you. The leaves of most plants contain oil cells which give the leaves its taste or flavour. This is generally more marked in the young leaves at the end of branches. BEWARE OF ALL TREES WHICH HAVE A COLOURED SAP, WHITE, RED OR BLACK: Many of these saps are a danger signal, & some particularly the white saps, can inflict painful burns to the skin, or if allowed in the eye can cause blindness. Also Beware of ground trefoils particularly those which have little corns or tubers. These are generally Oxalis & have a dangerous high content of oxalic acid which is a poison. FUNGI: ALL FORMS OF FUNGUS GROWTH SHOULD BE AVOIDED. EMERGENCY STERILE BANDAGE: Toilet paper and small elastic, rubber band, for small and medium cut and also, when burn, cover it with dry toilet paper then wet it after elastic is on. Try with wet and salt in case of infection a bit of salt not too much unless real inflammatory, sea salt would be far better because of its living micro-organisms. DROWNING: C/R WITH SEA TOO** Best method lately was to use the Hemleich Hug method before doing the mouth to mouth, since the hug clears the lungs from the water into it. SEA WATER BEST ANTISEPTIC: One of the best antiseptic is sea salted water, 2nd best water plus salt, the seawater is best for it has micro organism to help healing.**?? SEA FISH STINGS: Whenever one of those fishes stings you, clean and empty the wound immediately. Place the affected part in hot water (50C. and more) or cover it with hot compress during 30-60 minutes, so as to destroy the toxin effect. There are very few antidote to them. **Some doctor?? say NEVER use water to clean the wound of those stings but to disinfect them with alcohol at 90 degrees and rub the sting with dry sand. And while waiting for the doctor to bath the wound in cold salted water ?? WHO is right ? BURNS: Also the new 90% plasma burn bandage just got out should be fantastic to help along too, more inf. to get from pharmacy buy 1 box only $7.00 & good for other kind of wounds as well for that matter. VITAMINS 2,001 SPACE AGE TECH: In July 92, came out from the laboratories into our usual drug stores, a multi-vitamin called : Spectrum 29 Essentials vitamins & minerals. 130 tablets = $8.00 *see full description from the one I have to buy to go to Israel with as well as the Tourista Pill, called Inodium 6 / $7.00*** Well worth the trouble to save troubles! No matter what continent we have to get accustomed to its germs warfare and tourista is the quickest way to flush the system and to adapt it to a new one. WOUNDS: Also found out that a good paste for Wounds is vitamin "E". Yet I propose and suppose that a paste with sterile water made with the 29 vitamins pills would work real good, it might be possible to add Spirolina as # 30 but ALWAYS in a separate containers. This is your energy booster which is different from the vitamins. SPIROLINA: Spirolina capsule work great against Cold symptoms, as soon as you feel a cold coming start using Spirolina, 3 to 4 a day for 4 days & you avoid the worst of the cold. WINTER CAMPING HYGIENE: COLD** Often time at first & due to disorganised lavatory arrangements uncoordinated with the collecting of snow melting into drinking water. One would end up with unwelcome foreign bodies in the tea so to avoid that, institute a rule that the loo is to the left and the "drinking" snow is to the right of the tent door. WINTER NIGHT TRAVELLING: It's a big mistake to travel by night while good weather last. One does not see the crevasses and could easily get killed. GROUP TRAVELLING: SAS training encourage strongly that the fewer individuals in a group, the faster the majority will reach its goal. This presupposes that the weakest link can look after himself. This is however not acceptable current mountain safety practices, but when survival is at a premium, then safety comes second up to a point. These rules are meant to be bent here and there. (& everywhere?) HOW TO BREATH PROPERLY:* It sounds strange but we have to learn to breath properly. Meaning that one MUST Exhale Completely; if one wants to use its Maximum Strength. A breathing control is aimed towards our ways to Exhale and Not about inhaling. One rebuilds his strength much better by Exhaling properly than by trying to force his air intake. If you do any hard work, or walk fast or you are digging, your OUTPUT will INCREASE if you apply yourself by SLOWLY, EXHALING by pushing All the air out of your lungs. Opera singers, swimmers and runners know this trick. For example if you get into a cold shower, you have the tendency to breath faster and to tense your muscles which only aggravates your torture. If on the other hand you try to exhale slowly and regularly you will be much surprised to notice the Little effect that this cold water has upon you. Ahhh Right! This is because a Slow Exhalation helps your body to adapt itself to this change. STRESS CONTROL & BREATHING & TO AVOID OR MINIMISE PANIC OR ANXIETY ATTACK: A attentive control on your respiration & especially of your timing contributes to your stress control in any moments of tension, stress or #contrainte#. Most of us breath only half way. We breath incorrectly since we don't have much choice but where we make the mistake is we don't exhale properly, meaning that we don't do it deeply enough. Thus we often sigh which is a sign warning us of a Need for a Deep Exhalation. A sigh is a natural mean used by our body to exhale completely once we have neglected to do so under stress A sigh is a natural mean used by our body to exhale completely once we have neglected to do so under Stress Just REMEMBER in your past when there was a deep stress and after that moment was over you felt the deer need for a full exhalation. So one MUST learn to sigh methodically. Any blockage brought to your breathing system provokes deep pains! So any amelioration will be beneficial to your body & mind. The more one exhale air the more one is able to inhale. So the increasing of your capacity is the goal of any respiratory discipline. To take a conscious hold of your exhalation is the # 1 factor. What we MUST strive for is to make it an habit. BREATHING BEFORE ANY TASK!: Exhale Deeply before undertaking Any Task. You will thus facilitate the climbing of a long stairs. Exercise yourself to breath in during 2 steps and to exhale during the next 2 steps. But you MUST Exhale Completely Before! climbing the first step. BREATHING TO FIGHT COLD!: *** 6 DEEP EXHALATIONS will sustain and Increase your Resistance when you will have to fight against a "Deep 6!" winter wind. In any Harsh or Boring circumstances where Stress puts a grip on you, Exhale Slowly thus you will Recharge your Nervous System. Hummm! BREATHING CONTROL EXERCISES: To help you along in this new technique, try reading out loud is a good exercise. Take an article and read on one breath as much as you can without effort. Do this a dozen time the first day. Count the words and start over the next day, this way you can measure your improvement. Another exercise is to count. Sit down comfortably, your back straight, inhale slowly and regularly counting to 4, pause for 1 second then exhale till you reach 12, the next time inhale till 5 & exhale till 15. Keep it up this way and measure your progress. Once you have reached 21 you will notice that the fact of humming a song will help you enormously in limiting the quantity of air you exhale. These exercise will bring much good to your overall well being and will change many of your regular habits. A conscious breathing also brings a conscious acting or behaving. You will notice that it is impossible to slump in a coach and still breath effectively. All one has to do is to get his shoulder blades as close together as possible to feel your lungs getting to work at their best. After a while these exercise will become second nature for an overall better well being. It could even help you cutting down on smoking by reducing the stress overall! Just REMEMBER: " DEEP 6 " BURN: FOLK REMEDY Raw grated potatoes put on a burn to heal it and stop scars. AGAINST POISON IVY: FOLK REMEDY According to an old Folk remedy Oat meal is good treatment. GANGRENE FOLK REMEDY: Gangrene can be cured with raw grated potatoes, you wrap the wound with it and change it every 3 hours or so, it will take months but it is better than to cut it off.