Index of /pdf/Books/Linguistics/Mega linguistics pack/North American/Salishan/

Coeur d'Alene (Reichard) (1938).pdf                26-Dec-2020 22:56            11610758
Coeur d'Alene Grammatical Relations (Doak).pdf     26-Dec-2020 22:56             9505753
Columbia-Moses; A Grammatical Sketch of Nxa'amx..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56            18607358
Comox, A Grammatical Sketch of (Harris).pdf        26-Dec-2020 22:56             9160503
Halkomelem Salish, A Grammar of the Cowichan Di..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56            14946420
Halkomelem, A Grammar of Chilliwack (Galloway).pdf 26-Dec-2020 22:56            23722686
Halkomelem; Musqueam Reference Grammar (Suttles..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             2701975
Halkomelem; Musqueam Reference Grammar (Suttles..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             2701975
Kalispel Grammar, An Edition of Father Post's (..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             5959428
Lushootseed Reader - With Introductory Grammar ..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56            21440692
Lushootseed; A Phonemic and Morphological Analy..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             4802646
Lushootseed; Notes on Duwamish Phonology and Mo..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56              896068
Nuxalk; The Bella Coola Language (Nater).pdf       26-Dec-2020 22:56            15299241
Okanagan, Douglas Lake - Phonology and Morpholo..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             1769821
Okanagan; Colville Grammatical Structure (Matti..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             4033026
Saanich, An Outline of the Morphology and Phono..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             1959489
Salish; Grammatica Linguæ Selicæ (Mengarini) (1..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             4383937
Shuswap Grammatical Structure (Gibson) (1).pdf     26-Dec-2020 22:56             5896378
Shuswap Grammatical Structure (Gibson).pdf         26-Dec-2020 22:56             5896378
Songish, A Dialect of Straits Salish, A Phonolo..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             9174254
Spokane; A Grammar of Spokan (Carlson).pdf         26-Dec-2020 22:56             3879482
Thompson Tongue, A Vocabulary and Outlines of G..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             1717629
Thompson, a Salishan Language, Sketch of (Thomp..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56            24530375
Upper Chehalis, Phonology and Morphology of (Ki..> 26-Dec-2020 22:56             6842536