Index of /pdf/Books/Linguistics/Mega linguistics pack/North American/Tanoan & Keresan/

Acoma Grammar and Texts (Miller).pdf               26-Dec-2020 22:57            17561484
Acoma Keresan, Grammar of (Maring).pdf             26-Dec-2020 22:57             7142127
Jemez Towa, A Phonology and Morphology of (Yumi..> 26-Dec-2020 22:57             9886984
Kiowa, A Grammar of (Watkins).pdf                  26-Dec-2020 22:57            10328951
Laguna Keres, A Grammar of (Lachler).pdf           26-Dec-2020 22:57             5015312
Santa Ana Keresan, Grammatical Structure of (Da..> 26-Dec-2020 22:57             4668060
Taos Grammar, An Outline of (Trager).pdf           26-Dec-2020 22:57             4459666
Tewa, Some Aspects of the Structure of Rio Gran..> 26-Dec-2020 22:57            10241210
Tewa; Phonology and Morphology of Hopi-Tewa (Ye..> 26-Dec-2020 22:57             5270300
Tiwa; PicurĂ­s Syntax (Zaharlick).pdf               26-Dec-2020 22:57             9664953