Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy Windows Version 1.3 Release Notes & FAQs Thank you for purchasing the Interactive Atlas of Interactive Anatomy. This readme file contains answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). This readme.wri file is duplicated as an ASCII only (unformatted) text file called readme.txt on the CD-ROM. In the FAQ section of this document you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions on our technical support line. If your question is not addressed below or in the on-line help, do not hesitate to call our technical support voice line. Support technicians are available from 9AM to 5PM Central Time, Monday through Friday. If you have e-mail, you can send inquiries to our e-mail address. Please see the DxR Technical Support Contact Information at the bottom of this document. Release Notes: Data files generated from the Windows version of the Interactive Atlas are not directly usable by the Macintosh version of the Interactive Atlas. This is true for Study Guides, Exam files, Exam Result Files, and List Manager Personal files. The same is true for data files generated by the Mac version of the Atlas. If you require both Mac AND Windows versions of Exams and Study Guides, the current work-a-round for this issue requires the creator and distributor of exams and study guides to separately construct these file on both Mac and Win machines. Please contact DxR Technical Support for the latest work-a-round on this issue. Some older PostScript laser printers with limited memory may not be capable of printing the Atlas images in gray scale. Frequently Asked Questions: (see below for answers.) 1. "How do I get permission to use the artwork outside of this program?" 2. "How do I obtain permission to use Netter art in a court case?" 3. "How do I make the Interactive Atlas program fill my screen?" 4. "Why doesn't the Atlas magnification function work?" 5. "Why does the Atlas toolbar displays as white rectangles?" 6. "Why can't my computer read the Atlas CD-ROM disk?" 7. "When printing plates... " 7a. "Why is the Netter art work missing?" 7b. "Why does the art print small in portrait mode?" 7c. "Why does part of the Atlas toolbar appears on the printed page?" 7d. "How do I print plates with labels and/or points?" FAQ Answers: FAQ 1: "How do I get permission to use the artwork outside of the Atlas?" Answer: All of the anatomical plates in the Interactive Atlas are protected by copyright. You must request permission in writing from the publisher to use these images outside of the Interactive Atlas of Interactive Anatomy. Please direct your inquiries to: Permissions Editor Novartis Medical Education Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation 59 Route 10 Building 404 East Hanover, NJ 07936 FAQ 2: "How do I obtain permission to use Netter art in a court case?" Answer: The Interactive Atlas is designed for personal and educational use. If the Atlas images are to be used in any type of legal proceedings, there is a per use fee owed to Novartis Medical Education. Contact Novartis for specific permission by calling: (973) 781-3639 FAQ 3: "How do I make the Atlas program fill my screen?" Answer: The Interactive Atlas is designed to run at a video resolution of 640 x 480 pixels with a video resolution of 256 colors and the system font should be SMALL font. If your monitor is configured to run at a higher resolution, the Atlas program will not fill your screen. This is true regardless of the size of your monitor. To allow the Atlas to fill your screen and maximize your ability to see every nuance of Dr. Netter's art, we recommend that you adjust your video settings to 640x480 with 256 colors; your system font should be the SMALL font. In Win 95 these values are controlled under the Settings bookmark of the Display control panel. In Windows 3.1 the methods used to adjust these values can vary. On some PCs, there will be a video display control panel or video control application, on other PCs, you simply change the video driver in the Windows Setup program. Many laptop computer display screens have an effective fixed resolution of 800 x 600. Since these laptop displays are not "multi-sync" capable like most modern desktop computer monitors, it is not possible to adjust your display settings to allow the Atlas to fill the screen. This is a limitation of the laptop hardware and one of the tradeoffs that are standard with laptop technologies. FAQ 4: "Why doesn't the Atlas magnification function work?" Answer: Your PC must be capable of running the video display in SuperVGA (SVGA) mode. Check to make sure that your video card, video card driver, and monitor are all capable of running in 256 colors with a screen resolution of at least 640x480. The most common cause of this problem is a video card running in 16 color VGA mode instead of SVGA. FAQ 5: "Why does the Atlas toolbar displays as white rectangles?" Answer: We have encountered unusual problems in the past with the video acceleration functions of some video cards. If you find that the Atlas toolbar on the right edge of your screen displays white rectangles instead of buttons with icons, you might need to turn down your video acceleration. To do this, open your Win95 System Control Panel and jump to the Performance bookmark. Under this you will find the Graphics button to adjust these advanced settings. Move the control slider labeled "Hardware Acceleration" to the left to turn off video acceleration. Restart Win 95 and then try to run the Interactive Atlas. FAQ 6: "Why can't my computer read the Atlas CD-ROM disk?" Answer: This problem usually indicates a problem with the CD-ROM drive or its driver software. CD-ROM disks are rarely defective; if you can see dirt, dust, or fingerprints on the non-printed side of the CD, gently wipe them off with a soft cloth. Always wipe from the center outward. Use no fluids or cleaners. If cleaning the CD does not help, then you must determine whether or not ANY CD-ROM disk can be read by your computer. If you run Windows 95, open the desktop folder titled "My Computer" and double click on the CD-ROM icon in that folder. If you can't see any files, that implies a hardware of software problem is preventing your computer from reading the CD-ROM disk. Try inserting other CD-ROM disks. If your PC cannot "see" any other disks, contact your computer retailer. If you run Windows 3.x, you can perform the same steps as above by running the File Manager. If you cannot read data from any CD's, contact your computer retailer. FAQ 7 "When printing plates... " Answer: Many Atlas printing problems are related to your video configuration. If you are encountering problems, please try setting your video as follows: Resolution 640x480 Color depth 256 Colors System Font SMALL Font FAQ 7a: "Why is the Netter art work missing?" Answer: If your video display resolution is set very high, the art will sometimes fail to print. Simply push your video display resolution and color depth down. FAQ 7b: "Why does the art print small in portrait mode?" Answer: Your printer page orientation must be set to landscape when printing Atlas plates to maximize the printing quality. If you print in portrait mode, parts of the image may be cropped off, or the whole image may be shrunk to fit the narrower page. FAQ 7c: "Why does part of the Atlas toolbar appears on the printed page?" Answer: This is usually caused by running your video display adapter with the system font set to be LARGE font. Change the system font back to SMALL font to solve this problem. FAQ 7d: "How do I print plates with labels and/or points?" Answer: To print a plate with labels or points, click the print button located on the icon strip or type Control+P. A dialog will appear that allows you to select 'Include Labels' and/or 'Include Points' by checking the appropriate box before you print the plate. This dialog also reminds you that your printer should be set up to print the image in a landscape orientation. To change the page orientation, click the 'Page Setup' button and select 'Landscape'. All Atlas windows other than the main window should be closed before printing. DxR Technical Support Contact Information: Call Toll Free: (800) 453-8040 or outside the U.S. (618) 453-1140 Our Fax number is: (618) 453- 5309 Our E-Mail Address: