ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Amaranth³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) [Also called Huahtli, Velvet Flower, Red cockscomb, Flower of immortality] is a flowering herb used as an astringent* and very much recommended in diarrhea*, dysentery, and hemorrhages from the bowels. It has also been used for hundreds of years for profuse menstruation. The decoction is drunk a teacupful at a time or applied externally for ulcerated conditions of the throat and mouth, or as a douche* for the whites. The plant was associated with immortality, its name coming from the Greek word meaning 'unwithering'. In ancient Greece the amaranth was sacred to the Ephesian Artemis. it was supposed to have special healing properties and as a symbol of immortality was used to decorate images of the Divinities and tombs. Ground to a powder it has been used in potions to curb the affections.