PLANT NAME: Ash KNOWN BY OTHER NAMES: Nion GENDER: Masculine PLANET: Sun ELEMENT: Fire DEITIES: Uranus, Poseidon, Thor, Woden, Neptune, Mars, Gwydion POWERS: Protection, Prosperity, Sea Ritual, Health RITUAL USES: The ash, to the ancient Teutons, represented Ygdrasill, or the world tree, which was their conception of the universe, and was therefore reverenced. MAGICAL USES: Carve a piece of ash wood into a solar cross (equal-armed) and carry as a protection against drowning while at sea. It is also used in sea rituals, for it represents the powerful which resides in water. The leaves of the ash when placed beneath the pillow induce prophetic dreams. It is, as with most trees, considered to be protective. A staff of ash hung over the doorpost wards off malign influences, and at one time a garter made of green bark was worn as a protectant against the powers or sorcerers and conjures. The leaves are also scattered to the four directions to protect a house or area, and are used in protective sachets and spells. Healing wands are sometimes fashioned of ash wood, and a few ash leaves placed in a bowl of water next to the bed, left overnight, will prevent illness. The water should be discarded each morning and the rite repeated each night. If any person or animal has been bitten by a snake, make a circlet of ash twigs and tie it around the victim's neck (whether is be human or otherwise) and it will cure them. (of course, it would not hurt to get the snakebite kit out and call a doctor as well) This spell probably works because snakes have an innate fear of the ash tree, they will not crawl over its wood. If you burn ash wood at Yule, you will receive prosperity, and poppets may be caved from the roots of ash. The ash attracts lighting so don't stand beneath one during an electrical storm. If you wish your new-born to be a good singer, bury it first nail parings under an ash tree. And to gain love of the opposite sex, carry the leaves.