Magical Correspondences of Acacia Gender Orientation : Masculine Planet Orientation : Sun Element Orientation : Air Deities Orientation : Osiris, Astarte, Ishtar, Diana, Ra Realms of Influence : Protection, Psychic Enhancement Ritual Use; The wood is used as fuel in sacred fires in India, and also used in building temples there. Magical Use : a sprig of the tree placed over the bed wards off negative energy, as it does when tucked into the turban in Eastern countries. When the wood is burned with sandalwood it is reputed to stimulate the Psychic abilities of a person. Acacia is also used in money and love spells, although the latter case the outcome would more often be platonic love. Acacia flowers (Acacia farnesiana) also called the sweet acacia. These most fragrant flowers are used in the making of perfume bath herbs and potpourris. The juice of the unripe fruit is a mild astringent*.