ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Catnip³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Nepeta cataria) also called Catnep, Catmint, Nip. Catnip belongs to the enormous family of mints and, like its relatives, possesses the same square (in section) stems and branches. Growing up to 3 feet in height, this rugged perennial, once a native of Europe and Asia but now found in the United States, bears grayish downy heart-shaped or oval leaves, and little spikes of whitish or pink flowers. It needs only a regular soil, and hardly any watering in which to flourish but, like all mints, will take over your garden if you give it half a chance. You can break up your clumps of catnip in spring or fall and throw out the older wood, or keep slips of root for planting elsewhere. Cats, of course, are given a 'high' as a stimulant, from this plant, while rats detest it thoroughly and will avoid it. Catnip is stomachic (soothing to an upset stomache) and diaphoretic in effect, but its properties as a sedative outweigh both these uses. A Mild Sedative* can be made by infusing* in a covered pot 1 ounce of dried catnip to 1 pint boiling water. Flavor if desired with honey. NOTE that catnip Tea when drunk warm in large quantities can have an emetic* effect on some people. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Tonic Catnip Blends³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1) Mix together 2 parts catnip 1 part motherwort* 2 parts skullcap* 1 part sage* 2 parts Chamomile* infuse 1 teaspoon blend in 1 covered cup of boiling water, Strain after 10 minutes and sweeten with honey if required. Drink 1 glassful 3 times a day and before going to bed. 2) Mix together 1 part catnip* 1 part Chamomile* 1 part spearmint* 1 part marjoram* Prepare the same way as the first blend. 3) Mix together 2 parts catnip 1 part bruised celery seed 3 parts skullcap* Infuse 1 teaspoon in a covered cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, strain and flavor with honey if required. Drink 1 lukewarm cup upto 4 times a day.