CELERY ====== CULTIVATION: Celery is a biennial plant with bulbous fleshy roots, producinging branched and angular stems up to 1 foot tall in second year with small grey-white flowers. Celery needs a sunny, with midday shade, location. It should also be sheltered from strong winds. Grows best in rich, moist, and well drained soil. Sow outdoors in late spring. Soak seeds before planting. Germination typically takes about 10-20 days. Make sure you water the plant often, juiciness depends on how much water the plant received Transplant or thin to 16 inches apart. Celery is not suitable for growing indoors. Pick leaves in late summer, or as needed. Collect seeds when ripe. Dry or freeze leaves, or infuse in vinegar. CULINARY USES: The celery leaves are rich in vitamins, mineral salts, and other active ingredients of nutritious value. Canned soups come alive with a handful of minced celery leaves tossed in during cooking. Dried leaves may replace fresh ones for soups, sauces and stock, although it has a stronger taste . Add small amounts of chop leaves into salads, cream cheese, poultry stuffings, or use as a garnish. Some people are allergic to celery and for them the real harm comes from the poison which is given off by the leaves under condition of considerable moisture. This poison may produce a rash like poison ivy. MEDICAL USES: Scientists have discovered a surprising numbers of healing benefits in celery seeds. They may help relieve insomnia and high blood pressure and may even help some people manage diabetes and congestive heart failure. Try a pleasant-tasting infusion as a mild relaxant or to bring on menstruation. Use 1-2 teaspoons of freshly crushed seeds per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10-20 minutes. Drink up to 3 cups a day. CELERY SALT 2 teaspoons celery seeds into 6 teaspoons table salt, mix thoroughly. Store the mixture in a salt shaker. Let the salt sit for a few days then use as needed. Celery juice, an extract of celery seed, is an excellent diuretics that promote the flow of urine through the kidneys. Bruise and add 3 tablespoons of the seeds to a pint of brandy or red wine. Steep them for several days. Dosage is 1 tablespoon at a time with 2 tablespoons of water, three times a day. Celery seed oil contains a chemical called Phthalides that has sedative effect in animals. Animals findings don't always apply to humans, but if you're anxious, nervous, or wakeful, try this herb and see if it works for you. WARNING: Celery seeds may be used under the supervision of a physician as part of a program to treat high blood pressure, congestive heard failure, or diabetes. Celery juice and oil should not be used during pregnancy.