CORIANDER ========= CULTIVATION: Coriander is a small hardy annual. Grows to about 3 feet in height. It has thin, pointed roots, and white and reddish flowers. Coriander needs full sun, rich, and light soil. Sow seeds in autumn to overwinter in mild climates, or sow in early spring in final position. Germination time is about 14 days, and plant matures in about 90 days. Grows in zone 3-10. Grow away from fennel, which seems to suffer in its present. Thin to 8 inches apart. Coriander can be grown indoors, but many people find the scent unpleasant in there home. Pick young leaves anytime, and collect seeds when brown but before they drop. Dig up roots in autumn. Dry seeds, or store whole. Freeze leaves, or place the stems in water and cover with plastic bag to retain their freshness. The leaves are know in their own right as Cilantro, a tasty seasoning herb. To harvest Cilantro, cut the small immature leaves for the best flavor. CULINARY USES: The leaves and ripe seeds have two distinct flavors. The seeds are warmly aromatic and indispensable in tomato chutney and curries. They provide an excellent flavoring for vegetables and soups, sauces and biscuits. The leaves have an earthy pungency flavorand are delicious in salads, vegetable and poultry dishes. Cook the stem with beans and soups. Cook fresh roots as a vegetable. The stem can also be added to curries or stews. MEDICAL USES: Chew or infuse seeds as a tea, this may help digestive problems and is also a sedative. Some studies indicate, coriander helps settle the stomach but its not as soothing as other herbs. Coriander might not be the most potent digestive aid, but its taste is better. For an infusion, use 1 teaspoon of bruised seeds, or 1/2 teaspoon of powder per cup of boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes and drink up to 3 cups a day before or after a meal. It might also be helpful in relieving arthritis pain. If you have arthritis, try it and see if it helps. One animal study showed coriander can reduce blood sugar levels, hinting at possible value in the management of diabetes. The herb also contains substances that kill certain bacteria, fungi, and insect larvae, which attack meat. The same microorganisms can cause human wound infection. Sprinkle some coriander on minor cuts and scrapes after they have been thoroughly washed with soap and water. WARNING: Generally regarded as safe, for healthy nonpregnant, nonnursing adults. COSMETIC USES: The sweet scent of coriander makes a light lotion with a pleasing perfume.