DETOXIFICATION AND REGENERATION THROUGH DIET The greatest misunderstanding and confusion in the field of nutrition is the failure to properly understand and interpret the symptoms and the changes which follow the implementation of a natural diet. The highest quality of food are the natural, whole and raw foods. All the enzymes are found intact. The amino acids are in their finest form. The minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, trace elements and "life-force" are present. The "life force", in turn is of higher quality than the tissues which the body is made of, the body begins to discard the lower grade materials and tissues to make room for the superior materials which it uses to make new and healthier tissue. This is the plan of Nature. The body is very selective and always will be unless our interference is too great. Only then do we fail to recover and degenerate further into disease. The self-curing nature of many conditions such as colds, fevers, cuts, swellings, injuries, pain, etc., furnishes endless examples of how the body tends toward health -- always unless we do something to stop the process. What are the symptoms or signs which become evident when we first begin to omit the lower grade foods and instead introduce superior foods -- those which are more alive, more natural than we are accustomed to? When the use of the toxic stimulant such as coffee, tea, chocolate, or cocoa is suddenly stopped, headaches are common and letdown occurs. This is due to the discard by the body of the toxins called caffeine and theobromide which are removed from the tissues and transported through the blood stream during its many bodily rounds. Before the noxious agents reach their final destination for elimination, these irritants register in our consciousness as pain -- in other words, headache etc. The letdown is due to the slower action of the heart -- the resting phase which follows the stimulation of more rapid heart action forced upon the body by certain poisons called stimulants (that can be in the form of drug medications). The more rapid heartbeat (or pulse) produces a feeling of exhileration, and the slower action produces a depressed state of mind. Usually within three days the symptoms vanish and we feel stronger due to the recuperation which follows. To a lesser extent, the same process occurs when we abandon lower quality foods and replace them with better foods. Lower quality foods have undergone more preparation, spices, salt and other ingredients have been added, which then tend to be more stimulating then less prepared and more natural foods. Animal foods and products, such as meat, fowl, fish, cheese, milk, eggs, etc., are more stimulating than seeds, nuts, grains, and vegetable protiens. Consequently, the withdrawal of stimulation which follows the abandonment of animal foods produces a slower heart action -- a resting phase -- which registers in the mind as relaxation or a decrease in energy. This initial letdown lasts about ten days or slightly longer and is followed by an increase of strength, a feeling of diminishing stress, and greater well-being. Now, let us return to the symptoms which occur in the process of regeneration. The person who starts a better diet, stays on it for three days to a week and then quits, will say "Oh, I felt better on the old diet--the new one made me feel weak." He failed because he didn't give his body a chance to adjust and complete its first phase of action--recuperation. If he had waited awhile longer, he would have begun to feel better than before he started. During this initial phase (lasting about ten days on the average to several weeks in others), the vital energies which are usually in the periphery or external part of the body, such as the muscles and skin, begin to move to the vital internal organs and start reconstruction. This shunting of much of the power to the internal organs produces a feeling of less energy in the muscles, which the mind interprets as some weakness. Actually, the power is increased, but most of it is being used for rebuilding the more important organs and less of it is available for muscular work. Any weakness which is felt here is not true weakness, but merely a redeploying of forces to the more important internal parts. Here it is important for the person to stop wasting energy, and to rest and sleep more. This is a Crucial phase, and if the person resorts to stimulants of any kind, he will abort and defeat the regenerative intent of the body. It is important that he have the patience and faith and just wait it out, and after awhile he will get increasing strength which will exceed by far what he felt before he began the new program. Success in recovery or improvement of health hinges upon the correct understanding of this point--realizing that the body is using its main energies in more important internal work and not wasting it in external work involving muscle movements. Be wise--take it easy here and relax. Just coast in your work and social obligations until you're out of the woods. As one continues on the improved diet and gradually raises the food quality, interesting symptoms begin to occur. The body begins a process called "retracting". The cellular intelligence reasons something like this: "Oh! Look at all this fine material coming in. How wonderful--now we have a chance to get rid of this old garbage and build a beautiful new house. Let's get started immediately. Let's get this excess bile out of the liver and gallbladder and send it to the intestines for elimination. Let's get this sludge moving out of the arteries, veins and capillaries. These smelly, gassy, brain-stupefying masses have been here too long--out with them! These arthritic deposits in the joints need cleaning up. Let's get these irritating food preservatives, sleeping pills, aspirins, and drugs out of the way, along with these other masses of fat which have made life so burdensome for us for so long. "Let's get going and keep going until the job is done--until we have a beautiful house--and from then on we'll keep it a beautiful, ideal model house." During the first phase (called Catabolism), the accent is on elimination, or breaking down, of tissue. The body begins to clean house--in short, to remove the garbage deposited in all the tissues--everywhere. During this period, the body "removes the ashes from the furnace preparatory to getting a better fire." Here, the accentuation is on the removal of the gross and immediate body obstructions. Wastes are discarded more rapidly than new tissue is made from the new food. This becomes evident as weight loss. This persists for awhile and is then followed by the second phase--stabilization. Here the weight remains more or less stable. During this phase the amount of waste material being discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue which is being formed and replace by the newer, more vital food. This occurs after the excess of obstructing material in the tissues has been removed. This stage persists for awhile and is then followed by a third phase--a build-up period (called Anabolism), wherein weight starts to go up, even though the diet is lower in calories than it was before. At this point, much or more of the interfering wastes have already been discarded--the tissues which have formed since the diet was raised in quality are more durable and do not break down easily. Also, new tissues are now being formed faster. This is due to the improved assimilation made possible by the ceasing of wrong food-combining. The body's need for the usual amounts of food decreased, and we are able to maintain our weight and increased energies with less food. Many are able to function very efficiently on two meals a day and eventually even on one meal a day. As the body progressively increases in efficiency and decreases in tissue breakdown under exercise, so do we gradually need less and less food to maintain life. The higher the percentage of whole and raw foods one lives on, the slower the rate of tissue deterioration which one evolves into. A sick body requires a gradual, carefully worked-out entry into this stage, where one is able to live on a 100 percent unfired raw diet. Returning to the symptoms which occur on a superior nutritional program, people who have had tendencies in the past to recurring skin rashes or eruptions will frequently tend to eliminate poisons and harmful drugs through the skin with new rashes or eruptions. If they go to a doctor, now, who is unfamiliar with this aspect of nutrition, he will diagnose it as an allergy. They ask "How come? I'm eating better now than I ever did before, and instead I'm getting worse." They don't understand that the body is "retracting." The skin is getting more alive and active. It's throwing out more poisons more rapidly now that the body is building more power which is saved from those hard-to-digest meals which have been discontinued. These toxins being discarded are saving you from more serious disease, which will result if you keep them in your body too much longer--possibly hepatitis, kidney disorder, blood disease, heart disease, arthritis, nerve degenerations, or even cancer--depending on your heredity or structural weaknesses. Be happy you're paying your bills now in an easy payment plan. With some, colds which haven't appeared for a long time may occur, or even fevers. This is nature's way of housecleaning. Understand that these actions are constructive, even though unpleasant at the moment. Don't try to stop these symptoms by the use of certain drugs, or even massive doses of vitamins which will act as drugs in huge concentrations. These symptoms are part of a curing process--and don't try to cure a cure. These are NOT deficiency conditions or allergic manifestations--not if you're eating properly in quality, quantity, combination and sequence. Here is where experienced advice is of great value. Unfortunately, there are few books present today which give good guidance to the average reader. Try to find guidance through a doctor or teacher who has the requisite experience in this most confusing of all subjects--nutrition in relation to health and disease. You may be eating perfectly in regard to quantity, quality, and observing all the correct rules, and still symptoms will occur. Those who have lived better lives in the past, who have eaten better foods and who have abused their bodies less with overeating, will have reactions ranging from almost none at all or very mild to symptoms which may be uncomfortable or acute. Those who have lived worse lives and poisoned themselves more will experience more severe symptoms if their liver, kidneys or other important eliminating organs have been damaged. When they have been renovated to the point of fair working order, they will no longer produce symptoms. Headaches may occur at the beginning; fever and/or colds also may appear; the skin may break out; there may be a short interval of bowel sluggishness, occasional diarrhea, feelings of tiredness and weakness, disinclination to exercise, nervousness, irritability, negativity or mental depression, frequent urination, etc. However, the great majority of people find their reactions tolerable and are encouraged to bear with them because of the many improvements which already occurred and are becoming more evident with each day. This acts as an inspirational force to them. The symptoms will vary according to the materials being discarded, the condition of the organs involved in the elimination, and the amount of energy you have available. The more you rest and sleep when the symptoms are present, the milder they are and the more quickly they are terminated. Be happy you are having symptoms. Realize deeply that you body is becoming younger and healthier every day because you are throwing off more and more wastes which would eventually have brought pain, disease, and much suffering. Those who have the worst symptom-reactions and follow through to their successful termination are thus avoiding some of the worst diseases which would eventually have developed had thy continued their careless eating habits. Don't expect to go on an ascending scale of quality--that improving your diet will make you feel better and better each day until you reach perfection. The body is cycllcal in nature (on a circadian rhythm), and health returns in a series of gradually-diminishing cycles. For example, you start a better diet and for awhile you feel much better. After some time, a symptom occurs--you may feel nauseous for a day and have diarrhea with a foul-smelling stool. After a day, you feel even better and all goes fine for awhile. Then you suddenly develop a cold, feel chills, and lose your appetite. After about two or three days (assuming you don't take drugs or do anything else about it), you suddenly recover and feel better than you did for years. Let us say this well-being continues for two months, when you suddenly develop an itch or rash. You still don't take anything for it. This rash flares up, gets worse and continues for ten days, and suddenly subsides. Immediately after this you find that your hepatitis is gone and your energy has increased more than ever before. The rash became an outlet for the poisons in the liver which produced the hepatitis. This is how recovery occurs--like the cycles in the Dow-Jones Average at the beginning of a bull market. You feel better, a reaction occurs and you don't feel as well for a short time. You recover and go higher for awhile. Then another reaction occurs, milder than the last. You recover and go even higher. And so it goes.. Each reaction milder than the first as the body becomes purer, each becoming shorter in duration and being followed by a longer and longer period of feeling better than ever before, until you reach a level plateau of radiant health. The first laws we must learn to obey are the laws of Nature. We must learn to eat simple, pure and natural foods, properly prepared and combined, and our bodies in return will cast off all the evil we have taken in during our lives. Nowhere is the principle of forgiveness more manifest than here--in our own bodies--when we forsake our evil and destructive ways of eating (the dwelling of the temple of the soul). God, Nature, Your Higher Power..if you please, gives us a whole new chance for a new glorious life. All repentance must begin here in the body--through the purer diet and natural foods. The, just have faith, sit back, and watch what happens. Before your eyes, you will daily see signs that will cause you to wonder at this vast intelligence in operation that staggers the comprehension, the mysteries of the body, the operations of Nature, the vital forces working in Nature, are far beyond what our minds are prepared to understand at present. Dr. Ede Koenig is the founder and president of the Radiant Health Institute and the School of Radiant Health, located in the mountains of Napa Valley, CA, where she conducts a private practice. She is a doctor of Nutritional Medicine, an author and lecturer, and a master herbalist. EOF>