1ST_AID.TXT An Herbal First Aid Kit ACACIA.HRB Magickal Correspondences of Acacia ADAMEVE.TXT Magickal Correspondences of Adam&Eve Root ADDERS.TXT Magickal Correspondences of Adder's Tongue AGUE.TXT Magickal Correspondences of Ague Root ALFALFA.ZIP A Brief Text on Alfalfa ALKANET.TXT Magickal Correspondences of Alkanet ALLSPICE.ZIP Magickal Correspondences of Allspice ALMOND.ZIP Magickal Correspondences of Almond ALOE.ZIP Magickal Correspondences of Aloe ALSTONIA.ZIP Preparation and Use of Alstonia ALTHEA.TXT Magickal Correspondences of Althea ALUMROOT.ZIP A Brief Text on Alum Root ALYSSUM.TXT Magickal Correspondences of Alyssum AMARANTH.ZIP A Brief Text on Amaranthus ANEMONE.TXT Magickal Correspondences of Anemone ANGELICA.ZIP Magickal Correspondences of Angelica ANIHERB.HRB Herbs for Animals ANISE.ZIP Correspondences and Use of Anise APRICOT.TXT Correspondences and Use of Apricot ARBUTUS.TXT Correspondences and Uses of Asafoetida ARNICA.ZIP Correspondences and Uses of Arnica AROWROOT.ZIP Correspondences and Uses of Arrowroot ARROW-RT.HRB Very Brief Text on Arrowroot ARTHRITI.TXT Article on Nontraditional Treatments of Arthritis ASA.ZIP Correspondences and Use of Devil's Dung ASH.TXT Correspondences and Use of Ash ASPEN.TXT Correspondences and Use of Aspen ASTHERB.TXT Magickal Harmony Astrological Incense Recipes ASTONIA.ZIP Description and uses of Alstonia AVIOLET.TXT Correspondences and Use of African Violets AVOCADO.TXT Correspondences and Use of Avocado BALM-GIL.HRB Correspondences and Use of Balm of Gilead BALM.ZIP Herbology and Uses of The Balm family BAMBOO.DOC Correspondences and use of Bamboo BANANA.DOC Correspondences and use of Banana BARLEY.DOC Correspondences and use of Barley BASIL.ZIP Two Texts on the growing and use of Basil BASILVAR.ZIP Great Descriptive Text on the Many Varieties of Basil BATH.TXT Song Bird's recipe for a Great Herbal Bath BAY.TXT Properties and Uses of Sweet Bay BAYLAURL.ZIP A short text on Bay Laurel BEDSTRAW.DOC Correspondences and Use of Bedstraw and of Beech BELEDONA.ZIP An Article and WARNING on herbal belladona use BERBERAQ.ZIP Extenisvely Documented Text on Berberia Aquifolia BERGAMOT.ZIP Two Texts on Bergamot (Bee Balm) BETONY.ZIP Correspondences and Use of Wood Betony BIRCH.ZIP Correspondences and Use of Birch BITSWEET.DOC Correspondences and Use of Bittersweet BLAKBERY.ZIP A Text on the Medicinal Uses of The Blackberry BLOODTEA.ZIP A Blood purifying Herbal Tea BOG.ZIP A short text on uses of the Bog Asphodel BORAGE.ZIP A short text on uses of Borage BOTAN.ZIP A Treatise on Botanical Insecticides BROOM.TXT Herbology and Medicinal Uses of Broom (Besom) BUGLOSS.ZIP A short text on Bugloss BURDOCK.ZIP A short text on Burdock BURNET.ZIP Herbology and Medicinal Uses of Burnet BUTTONS.DOC Correspondences and Use of Bachelor Buttons CALAMUS.ZIP Uses of Calamus CAMOMILE.ZIP Comprehensive Text on Chamomile CAMPHOR.ZIP A Text on Preparation and Uses of Camphor CARAWAY.ZIP A short text on Caraway CARDAMON.ZIP A short text on Cardamon CASCARA.TXT herbology and Use of Cascara Bark (Chittem Bark) CASCARIL.HRB A short text on Cascarilla Bark CASSIA.ZIP An Exceptionally short text on Chinese Cinnamon CATNIP.ZIP Herbology and Use of Catnip CEDAR.ZIP A short text on Uses of Cedar CELANDIN.ZIP A short text on Celandine CELERY.TXT Properties and uses of Celery CENTAURY.ZIP A short text on Centaury CHAMOMIL.TXT Properties and uses of Chamomile CHAMOMIL.ZIP Medicinal Uses of Chamomile CHERHERB.ZIP A Short Sampler on Cherokee Herbology CHIVES.TXT Properties and uses of Chives CIMI.ZIP A Short Text on Black Cohosh CINCHONA.ZIP A Short Text on Chinchona CINNABAR.TXT Description and Warnings About Cinnabar CINNAMON.ZIP A SHort Text on CInnamon CINQ.ZIP Description and Uses of Cincquefoil COLTFOOT.ZIP Description and Uses of Coltsfoot COMFREY.TXT Properties and uses of Comfrey COMFREY.ZIP A Short Text on Comfrey CORIANDE.TXT Properties and uses of Coriander DAMIANA.ZIP Two Texts on Damiana DAND.TXT Properties and uses of Dandelion DANDLION.ZIP Description and Uses of the Dandelion, King of the "Weeds" DATURA.TXT Description, Uses and Cautions of/on Datura DETOX.ZIP Detoxification and Regeneration Through Diet DILL.TXT Properties and uses of Dill DILL.ZIP Description and Uses of Dill DOCTSIG.HRB The Doctrine of Signatures of Plants ECH.ZIP Comprehensive Text on Echinacea FENNEL.TXT Properties and uses of Fennel FENU.TXT Properties and uses of Fenugreek FEVERFEW.TXT Properties and uses of Feverfew FOXG.TXT Properties and uses of Foxglove GARLIC.TXT Properties and uses of Garlic HAZEL.TXT Properties and uses of Witch Hazel HERBIN.TXT Invocation for an Herbalist HOPS.TXT Properties and uses of Hops HORE.TXT Properties and uses of Horehound HYSSOP.TXT Properties and uses of Hyssop LAVENDER.TXT Properties and uses of Lavender LOVAGE.TXT Properties and uses of Lovage MARSHM.TXT Properties and uses of Marshmallow MEADOW.TXT Properties and uses of Meadowsweet MULLEIN.TXT Properties and uses of Mullein MUSTARD.TXT Properties and uses of Mustard NETTLE.TXT Properties and uses of Nettle OREGANO.TXT Properties and uses of Oregano PARSLEY.TXT Properties and uses of Parsley PENNY.TXT Properties and uses of Pennyroyal PEPPER.TXT Properties and uses of Peppermint PRIMROSE.TXT Properties and uses of Primrose RADISH.TXT Properties and uses of Radish ROSEMARY.TXT Properties and uses of Rosemary ROSES.TXT Properties and uses of Roses RUE.TXT Properties and uses of Rue SAGE.TXT Properties and uses of Sage SAVORY.TXT Properties and uses of Savory SORREL.TXT Properties and uses of Sorrel TARRAGON.TXT Properties and uses of Tarragon THYME.TXT Properties and uses of Thyme VALERIAN.TXT Properties and uses of Valerian VERVAIN.TXT Properties and uses of Vervain YARROW.TXT Properties and uses of Yarrow