HOPS ==== CULTIVATION: Hops is a hardy, climbing perennially vine resembling grape. Mature vines often teach 25 feet in height. Flowers are greenish-yellow. Hops needs a sunny location. The soil should be fertile and deeply dug. Divide roots and separate root stems and suckers in spring. Take cuttings in early summer. Avoid sowing, as plant gender cannot be distinguished for 2-3 years. Only the flowers of the female plant are used. Grow 3 feet apart against support. Pick young side-shoots in spring. Gather young leaves as required. Pick ripe flowers in early autumn, and collect stems in late autumn. Dry leaves and stems. Harvest the female flowers in fall when they feel firm, turn amber-color, and are covered with yellow dust. Dry them immediately in an oven no hotter than 150 deg. F. CULINARY USES: Young shoots and male flowers may be eaten in salads, the same way as asparagus. MEDICAL USES: Hops can be used alone or in combination with other herbs as a soporific in insomnia and restlessness, however the active ingredients are unstable and there is some doubt that commercial dried hops can actually provide a sedative effect. A way to use hops to help induce sleep is to brew an infusion. Steep 1/2 ounce of the dried fruit in a pint of boiling water for 5 minutes. Hops taste warm and pleasantly bitter. Hops fruits contain a form of alcohol, fresh hops contains little of this alcohol, but allow hops to dry at room temperature and the concentration of this active ingredient increases, reaching its peak in about 2 years. Hops contain two chemical called Humulone and Lupulone that can kill bacteria that cause spoiling. These bacteria fighters in hops also may help prevent infection. One study shows hop effective against tuberculosis bacteria, lending some credence to one of its traditional Chinese uses. WARNING: Hops contains a chemical similar to the female hormone estrogen, Pregnant women should not use it. OTHER USES: Most widely employed in brewing. Boil dried leaves for a brown dye. Stems once used in basket and wickerwork. COSMETIC USES: The oil is used in some perfumes. Add hops to a bath, this will relax you, and relieve tension.