MULLEIN ======= CULTIVATION: Mullein is a erect, very soft, and woolly biennial. Grows to about 3-6 feet in height. The leaves are grey-green in color. Flowers are yellow and in clusters on dense erect spike. Mullein needs a sunny and sheltered location, and well drained soil. Sow seeds in spring or summer. Mullein will self-seed in light soil. It will not tolerate cold and wet conditions. To keep it under control remove the flower heads before the seeds ripen. Thin and transplant to 2 feet apart. Not suitable for indoor cultivation. Collect flowers as they open, and leaves during their first season. Harvest the roots in autumn. Harvest up to one third of the leaves in the first year. Remove the green parts from flowers, then dry gently without artificial heat, as its healing power is connected with the yellow coloring matters. leaves can by dried normally. CULINARY USES: ============== NO CULINARY USES MEDICAL USES: Mullein contains a substance called Mucilage, which swells and becomes slippery as it absorbs water. This probably accounts for its soothing action on the throat. To help treat hemorrhoids, apply a compress made with a strong cooled infusion. Mullein possible does more than help soothe hemorrhoids, it also contains Tannis, which are astringent. And one study showed the herb has anti-inflammatory properties as well. For a infusion that can help sooth coughs and sore throats and that may help treat diarrhea, use 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaves or flowers per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Drink up to 3 cups a day. Mullein taste bitter, add sugar or honey to sweeten the drink. Diluted mullein infusion may be given cautiously to children under the age of 2 to help soothe persistent coughs. WARNING: Mullein seeds are toxic and may cause poisoning. There have been no reports of adverse effect from the herb's leaves, flowers, or roots. OTHER USES: The flowers will attract bees to the garden. The flowers can be used in arrangement. Dry flowers can be added to potpourris. COSMETIC USES: Use the flowers in a cream or facial steam to soften and soothe the skin. Make a strong infusion to brighten fair hair.