MUSTARD ======= CULTIVATION: Mustard is a much branched annual plant, up to 3-9 feet in height. It has smooth leaves of varying shapes, and the flowers are small and bright yellow. Mustard needs a sunny location, but will benefit from light shade in summer. It grows best in a well drained, and fertile soil. Sow seeds in spring for seed crop, or every 3 weeks throughout summer for salad greens. Mustard is a quick growing and cold resistant plant. Avoid letting plants go to seed because the seeds will scatter all over the garden and are likely come up the following spring. Plant seeds several inches apart in shallow furrows 8 inches apart. Germination time is about 9 days, and it will grow in zone 1-10. Harvest leaves as long as they are tender and not overly hot. Gather seed pots before they open in late summer. Cut salad leaves 8-10 days after sowing. Dry seeds or infuse in vinegar. Dry leaves. CULINARY USES: The leaves, flowers, and seeds of this radish relative are all edible. Black mustard seed has the strongest flavor, and white mustard leaves can be used in salads. Mustard is a powerful preservative, it is effective against moulds and bacterial growth. It can be used for this reason in pickles. The greens of mustard can be used to spark up spinach and lettuce salads, or stir-fried vegetable. The seeds make the ubiquitous yellow mustard that is used most often on hot dogs and hamburgers. Seed flavor is released only when ground and mixed with liquid. White mustard seeds are used in mayonnaise as an emulsifier. One teaspoon of dry mustard equals the flavor of 1 tablespoon of prepared mustard. MEDICAL USES: The warmth generated from a mustard plaster widens the airways and helps you breath easier, it also relieves muscle pain. MUSTARD PLASTER Mix one part of dry mustard powder with 3 parts of flour. Add the white of an egg and enough water to make a past. Spread the past between two layers of cloth such as a pillowcase. Put the plaster on your chest for 15-20 minutes. Then place a towel wrung out in cold water over your chest and cover with a wool blanket. Leave this on for 30-60 minutes. Wait 2 hours and apply the plaster to your back using the same process. Never apply mustard directly to the skin you could burn yourself, and don't expose the area to direct sunlight during or immediately after application. For a foot bath, add about a tablespoon or more of dried powder black mustard seeds to any hot foot bath. This may be of help for a cold in the head, a chest cough, or a headache. The blood will flow away from the over congested area and rush to the feet. The body soon sends the blood back through normal channeled, and proper circulation is restored. Mustard powder can be purchased as a flour-like powder from gourmet or health store WARNING: May blister tender skins, and it should be used sparingly when taken internally.