NETTLE ====== CULTIVATION: Nettle is an perennial with separate male and female plant. It has an erect stem which grows from a creeping underground rhizome. It can grow up to 4 feet in height. Nettle has dark green, heart shaped leaves, and male and female flowers grow on separate plants. The hairs that give this herb a downy appearance are hollow needles attached to sacs filled with irritant chemicals. They sting when touched. Nettle grows in any soil, any location. It grows very easy from seeds or root divisions Sow seeds in spring, and take root divisions in autumn after leaves have died back. Harvest the leaves wearing gloves and protective clothing before the plant flowers in late spring or early summer. CULINARY USES: Young nettles are rich in vitamins A, C, D, and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron and sulphur. Young leaves may be boiled or steamed like spinach and eaten as a vegetable. Boiling and drying eliminates the sting. The fresh tender shoots do not sting and may be used in salads. The list of vitamins and minerals in this herb includes nearly every one known to be necessary for human health and grows. Nettles have a reputation for increasing the aromatic oil content of angelica, majoram, oregano, peppermint, sage, valerian, and other fragrant herbs. MEDICAL USES: Nettle has some diuretic action. In Germany physician prescribe nettle in the treatment of high blood pressure. Nettle juice is well tolerated and safe. High blood pressureis a serious condition requiring professional care. If you like to include nettle in your overall treatment plan, do so only with the supervision of your physician. A recent study showed that a capsule of 300 milligram of freeze- dried stinging nettle provide significant relieve from symptoms of hay fever. These capsules are not available outside research facilities, but you might try an infusion and see if it works for you. For a pleasantly warming infusion for possible help in the treatment of high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and hay fever, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb per cup of boiling water, Steep for 10 minutes and drink up to 2 cups a day. Some research showed, Nettle juice and infusion may help relieve the pain of gout. The effect is not very powerful, but long-term use may give definite clinical results. One other study suggests stinging nettle juice might relive symptoms of noncancerous prostate enlargement. For juice used to help treat the pain of gout and possibly help with prostate enlargement, process fresh plant material in a juicer. WARNING: This herb's sting is its major problem. Large doses of nettle tea may cause stomach irritation, burning skin, and urinary suppression. Nettle stimulates uterine contraction, pregnant woman should not use it internally. OTHER USES: Used to make nettle beer. whole plant yield a greenish yellow dye. Nettle fiber spun into rope and made into cloth and paper.