PARSLEY 1/2 ============ CULTIVATION: Parsley is a hardy biennial with bright green finely cut and usually crinkled leaves. It grows to about 12 inches high, and has tiny yellow-green flowers. Parsley needs full or light shade. The soil should be rich, moist and deeply dug. Sow the seeds in spring to late summer. Germination time is about 70-90 days depending on the varieties. For fast germination, soak seeds overnight in warm water, pour boiling water in hole before sowing, or grow in seed tray. Grows in zone 1-10. Thin and transplant to 9 inches apart. Make sure you protect the plant in cold weather. Parsley grows well indoors. Parsley will self seed. Pick leaves during the first year, or collect seeds when rip. Dig up the roots in autumn for second year use. Dry or freeze the leaves, and dry or blanch and freeze the roots. CULINARY USES: Parsley is the best known of all garnishing herbs. When cooked it serves to enhance the flavor of other foods and herbs. To increase its potency, use generous amount and include the stem, which are more strongly flavored. Parsley can be used in salads, sandwiches, soups, sauces, mayonnaise, and egg dishes. Fry whole sprigs briefly to serve with fish. Parsley roots, leaves, and seeds contain the volatile oil, but it is most concentrated in the seeds. Parsley can also be deep fried. Wash, and remove stalks, then dry thoroughly. Cook quickly in medium hot fat, only a little at one time otherwise it might go soggy. MEDICAL USES: The therapeutic action of parsley is largely due to the Apiol content of the essential oil, which stimulates the appetite and increases blood flow to the digestive tract, uterus and mucosae. Parsley may also be helpful with rheumatism, prostate trouble, and to purify the blood. Parsley is a diuretic to promote urination. It contains laxative properties. Tea made from the roots and leaves of fresh parsley may make urination less painful if the prostate gland is enlarged. Recent studies showed, parsley inhibits the secretion of histamine a chemical the body produces the triggers allergy symptoms. Parsley apparent antihistamine action might help those with hay fever or hives. Fresh parsley may help with menstrual problems, it may alleviate discomfort. It is also a good expectorant and can be used for coughs and asthma. PARSLEY 2/2 ============ WARNING: The oil should only be used under medical supervision. Very large doses of either oil or leaves may cause abortion. They may also cause polyneuritis. Do not pick wild parsley, it closely resembles 3 potential lethal plants. These are hemlock, poison parsley, and fool's parsley. OTHER USES: Dried stems are of used as a green dye. COSMETIC USES: Fresh parsley makes a great breath sweetener. Parsley can be used in creams and lotions as a conditioner for dry, sensitive and troubled skin. For oily skin wash a large bunch of parsley, chop roughly and puree in a blender or juice extractor. Add 1 egg white and 3 tablespoons of unflavored yogurt. Put this on your skin for about 15-20 minutes. Then remove and rinse with cold water, pat dry and moisturize. It may also fade freckles. The juice of parsley can be used to tread acne.