EVENING PRIMROSE ================ CULTIVATION: Evening primrose is a biennial, or occasionally annual plant, on a thick yellowish root. Flowers are very fragrant and yellow in color. They will open in the evening. Primrose needs a sunny and open location, with a well drained soil, but will tolerate most soils. Sow seeds in spring to early summer, it also will self-seed in light soil. Transplant to 12 inches apart by autumn. Evening primrose is not a suitable herb for growing indoors. Collect seeds when ripe, and gather leaves and stem when flowering stems have grown. Dig up roots in the second year. Both seeds and leaves can be dried. CULINARY USES: All parts of this plant are edible. Boil the roots, which taste like sweet parsnip, or pickle and toss in salads. MEDICAL USES: Evening primrose oil is a rich, natural source of gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA, which the body requires for a range of functions. Researchers belive that GLA might be of some considerable use in the treatment of arthritis. Further studies are warranted and because the findings to date are limited. Evening primrose has received attention from pharmaceutical concerns who discovered that it possesses a compound capable of reducing the rate of blood clotting or thrombus formation, and hence possibly acting as a prophylactic against some form of heart attack. May be applied externally as a poultice or in ointments in the treatment of minor wounds or skin eruptions. infuse the peeled bark and the leaves to soothe cough spasms. The best remedy for the dull headache, irritability, mild depression, fluid retention or painful breast, experienced by many woman just before their periods is evening primrose oil. You can purchase the oil in capsules. WARNING: Evening primrose oil should be used only under a doctor's supervision. A direct effect on the liver is suspected but not proven. COSMETIC USES: Primrose oil is useful in shampoos and conditioner for dry hair. It also helps with dry skin. To make your own shampoo for dry hair, pour one application of a mild baby shampoo into a cup and add 4 drops of primrose oil. Mix together and use in the normal manner.