HORSERADISH =========== CULTIVATION: Horseradish is a perennial plant. At maturity it will reach a height of 2-3 feet. It has large dark green floppy leaves and a single stem which bears white flowers. Horseradish needs a open and sunny location. The soil should be deeply dug and rich in humus. Sow seeds, or take root cuttings in spring. You can also divide the plant. Roots will spread if not restrained. Raised from root cuttings the roots will mature in 150 days. Grows in zone 3-7. Thin and transplant to 12 inches apart. Not suitable for growing indoors. Although it grows on from year to year, if not disturbed the plant deteriorates to some extent. Dig up roots as needed or in autumn. Store roots in sand, or wash, grate or slice and dry. You can also immerse the whole washed root in white wine vinegar. Dry leaves. CULINARY USES: Horseradish is most widely used for culinary purposes, especially in sauces and vinegars. It will complement fish, poultry, and beef The volatile flavoring oil is released by grating the root. The oil evaporates rapidly so horseradish is not successful in cooked dishes. To dry the fresh roots, wash, scrub, and hand dry them. Cut the long root into strips and dry in an low temperature oven. Mix 2 tablespoons of grated fresh horseradish root in 1 cup of mayonnaise, great for roast beef sandwiches. Add young leaves to salads, also grate roots into coleslaw and dip. . The most useful part of this plant is its tapered white roots. MEDICAL USES: Horseradish not only peps up a meal, but is useful medicinally, it has been recommended for dropsy. It may be taken internally as a syrup for bronchitis, bronchial catarrh coughs, and to stimulate digestive organs. Apply sliced roots on boils or as a rubefacient poultice in rheumatism. Dried leaves yield a yellow dye, which may be used to dress skin wounds. Fresh roots contain calcium, sodium, magnesium and vitamin C, and has antibiotic qualities that are useful for preserving food and protecting the intestinal tract. One of the most effective herb for treating water retention. It has a history as a treatment for kidney condition that cause the body to retain lots of water. Horseradish is great with sugar and may help hoarseness, it also serves as a warm stimulant. Horseradish will help in the digestion of beef. WARNING: Large doses produce inflammation of the gastro-intestinal mucosae. OTHER USES: Grow horseradish near potatoes for more disease resistant tuber.