VERVAIN ======= CULTIVATION: Vervain is a perennial with thin, erect, stiff stems. It grows to about 3 feet in height. The leaves are oblong and toothed near the ground and lance-shaped and deeply lobed higher up. The plant has flower spikes that bear small blue or lilac flowers. Vervain needs full sun, or light shade. The soil should be well drained and fertile. Vervain grows easily from seeds planted in spring after frost danger has passed. Germination is erratic and may take as long as 3-4 weeks. Although it's a perennial, this herb is rather short-lived, however, it self-sows. Thin and transplant to 12 inches apart. Can also be grown indoor. Harvest the leaves and flower tops as the plants flower. Cut the whole plant when in bloom. Dry leaves or whole plant if required. CULINARY USES: Vervain leaves have a reputation as an effective love potion, and for this reason was added to dishes and home made liqueurs. Vervain does not have a lemon scent and should not be confused with lemon verbena. MEDICAL USES: Vervain is recommended today as a tranquilizer, expectorant, menstruation promoter, and in the treatment for headaches, fever, depression, seizures, wounds, dental cavities, and gum disease. For a very bitter infusion to help treat headache, mild arthritis, and other minor pains, use 2 teaspoons of dried herb per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10-15 minutes, and drink up to 3 cups a day. Chemically, vervain is quite different from aspirin, but resent studies suggest it has similar effect, combining mild pain relive with some ability to reduce inflammation. One study suggest the herb also has a mild laxative effect. If you are depressed try a cup of vervain tea, it might just lift you up. You can also drink a cup as a sedative nightcap after nervous exhaustion. Studies on animals have shown that vervain depresses the heart rate, constricting the bronchial passages, and stimulate the intestine and uterus. Because it may depress heart rate, anyone with congestive heart failure or a history of heart disease should not use it. The same applies to people with asthma or other respiratory condition. Pregnant woman should not use vervain because if its possible stimulating effect on the uterus. WARNING: Vervain should be used in medicinal amounts only in consulting with you doctor. If vervain causes minor discomforts, such as stomach or intestinal distress, use less or stop using it. OTHER USES: The leaves can be used as an eye compress for tired eyes and inflamed eyelids.