Achillea Millefolium - Yarrow

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Characteristics: Aromatic, handsome, finely cut, almost evergreen leaves that range from bright green to grayish. White, pink, or red flowers come in summer and fall on stems that stretch up about 3 feet high. The stems flop easily, especially in rich soil and inadequate sun.

Growing Information: Plant in well-drained soil of low fertility. Space 12 to 18 inches apart. Divide every couple of years to extend the otherwise-short life. Once established, yarrow can tolerate drought.

Propagation: You can grow many forms of this yarrow from seed. For the best results with improved cultivars, propagate by division.

Cultivars: You can get excellent floral displays from yarrow cultivars such as 'Cerise Queen' and 'Fire King' and also from hybrids such as 'Appleblossom', 'Fanal', and 'Salmon Beauty'.

Possible Problems: Provide well-drained soil and good air circulation to discourage powdery mildew and root rot.

Harvesting and Using: This old-fashioned medicinal plant is grown primarily for its flowers, which are excellent for fresh or dried arrangements. Dry the flowers in silica gel to preserve the color.

Related Herbs: 'Coronation Gold' (A. filipendulina) has broader, fernlike leaves and wide heads of golden flowers that dry beautifully without silica gel.

Sneezewort (A. ptarmica) is a vigorous spreader that produces baby's breath-like flowers on sometimes floppy stems.

Woolly yarrow (A. tomentosa) is a 12-inch-high edging plant with finely cut gray leaves and golden flowers.
