Armoracia Rusticana - Horseradish

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Characteristics: Rugged-looking leaves up to 3 feet long that emerge from the ground in a clump. Sometimes plants produce white flowers. Below ground, the roots grow deep and aggressively.

Growing Information: In fall or early spring, work soil 2 feet down and plant horseradish in full sun and moist, rich, well-drained soil 6 to 18 inches apart.

Propagation: Easy to grow from 6- to 8-inch pieces of root.

Possible Problems: Remove roots in fall to prevent spread.

Harvesting and Using: Dig roots in fall or spring. Peel and grind in a blender or food processor with vinegar and salt to make horseradish sauce. Watch out, the fumes will be strong! Store in a sterilized canning jar in the refrigerator. Or keep a few roots in a bucket of sand in a damp root cellar.
