A Dracunculus / Sativa - French Tarragon

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Characteristics: A 2- to 3-foot bush with narrow leaves and a bold anise flavor and fragrance. Seldom flowers and never produces seed.

Growing Information: Plant in well-drained but moderately fertile soil and full sun. Space plants 18 inches apart.

Propagation: If you already have tarragon, you can divide it to make more plants. You can also take cuttings in summer.

Possible Problems: Divide every couple of years; replant healthiest section. French tarragon cannot form seed.

Harvesting and Using: Harvest sprigs through the summer but stop harvesting in fall to discourage winter damage. Use the leaves fresh, dried, or frozen with chicken, fish or cheese dishes, cream sauces, herbal vinegars, and herbal mustards.

Related Herbs: Russian tarragon (A. dracunculus) resembles French tarragon but with much inferior flavor. It is grown from seed and gets to be 5 feet tall. Russian tarragon can form seed.

French Tarragon