Calendula Officinalis - Pot Marigold

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Characteristics: Produces single or double flowers in shades of yellow, orange, and gold. Can grow up to 18 inches high.

Growing Information: Thrives in mild, cool weather, full sun or light shade, and well-drained, moderately fertile soil. Plant about 12 inches apart. To help a spring-blooming plant rebloom in fall, cut it back by one-third and fertilize in summer. Will flower in a bright window or light garden during winter, but the plant can get straggly indoors. Remove fading flowers to encourage additional bloom.

Propagation: Sow outdoors in spring, late summer, or (in mild climates) fall. Or start the seedlings indoors 6 weeks before the last spring frost. You can also transplant self-sown seedlings.

Cultivars: 'Bon Bon' is a series of apricot, yellow, or orange flowers that reach only 12 inches high and are extra early blooming. 'Prince' is a series of golden, orange, or orange with red flowers on stems up to 3 feet high, perfect for cutting.

Possible Problems: Keep in well-drained soil in a site with good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases. Watch for aphids, especially after dry spells; wash aphids off with a strong spray from a hose.

Harvesting and Using: Use flowers as a garnish or component of salads. They give a golden color and unique flavor to soups, breads, and vinegars.

Pot Marigold