Capsicum Annuum - Chile Peppers

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Characteristics: Glossy leaves with pointed tips and moderately attractive white flowers on plants about 30 inches high.

Growing Information: Plant after the last spring frost in fertile, moist, but well-drained soil and full sun. Space 12 to 18 inches apart. Fertilize monthly with a fertilizer higher in nitrogen in early summer and a fertilizer higher in potassium and phosphorus after flowering. For the hottest flavor, let the peppers ripen fully in hot, sunny weather.

Propagation: Start seed indoors 8 to 10 weeks before last spring frost. Keep seedlings at 75°F to encourage faster germination.

Cultivars: Try very hot, slender 'Cayenne' peppers to make dried pepper flakes. Short, stubby 'Jalapeno' peppers have a slow burn and are great pickled. 'Anaheim' chile peppers are flavorful and milder - excellent roasted and skinned.

Harvesting and Using: Harvest in green or ripe stage. Dry thin-fleshed peppers such as cayenne and sprinkle the flakes on food. Roast thick-fleshed peppers and use as a spicy vegetable.

Related Herbs: Habanero peppers (C. chinense) have super-hot, cube-shaped orange peppers.

Chile Peppers