Carum Carvi - Caraway

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Characteristics: Produces only pretty, carrotlike leaves for the first year. In the second year it sends up white or pink, umbrella-shaped flower clusters 1 to 3 feet tall that turn into caraway seeds.

Growing Information: Give well-drained soil of moderate fertility, full sun, and freedom from excessive heat and humidity. Space plants about 8 inches apart. Fertilize when the plants flower with a balanced organic fertilizer. (Caraway is hardy to zones 8 to 10 if the summers are not too hot.)

Propagation: Sow outdoors in fall or early spring. Or start the seed indoors in a peat pot 4 weeks before the last spring frost. Move the pot into the garden when plants are still small, and remove the bottom of the peat pot gently so you won't damage the taproot.

Possible Problems: Harvest seeds to prevent rampant self-sowing.

Harvesting and Using: Harvest the seed in late summer when it is ripe. Hang the seed heads over newspaper and let them dry for several days in a warm, airy location. Collect the seed and freeze for 48 hours to kill any possible pests. Store in an airtight jar in a cool, dark location. Use in goulash, soups, cabbage, breads, applesauce, or cottage cheese dishes.
