Eruca Vesicaria / Sativa - Arugula/Roquette

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Characteristics: This low-growing, garlic-mustard-flavored herb has notched, oblong leaves 4 to 10 inches long. It will bolt to produce white flowers and seed a month or two after planting.

Growing Information: Plant during cool but mild weather in moist, fertile soil. Plant it in wide rows or use it as a temporary edging. Fertilize with fish emulsion every 3 weeks, especially if the seedlings aren't growing quickly enough. You can also grow arugula during winter in a cold frame or indoor light garden.

Propagation: Sow seed outdoors in early through late spring and in late summer and fall. Young seedlings may survive winter.

Possible Problems: Flea beetles can gnaw small holes in the foliage. Cover with floating row covers to keep them away.

Harvesting and Using: Pick the foliage when young and tender. Use it in salads and stir-fries.
