Levisticum Officinale - Lovage

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Characteristics: Leathery, celery-like basal leaves and a tall flower stalk that grows 6 feet high. The yellow umbels of flowers emerge in summer and can be quite showy. When they fade, the foliage can yellow.

Growing Information: Plant in moist, fertile soil and full sun (or light shade in warmer climates). Fertilize with balanced organic fertilizer in spring and mulch in summer. Remove young flower stalks to keep foliage fresh longer.

Propagation: Start seed indoors 6 weeks before last spring frost or sow seed outdoors in fall for spring germination.

Possible Problems: Remove leaves with brown leaf miners' tunnels.

Harvesting and Using: Use fresh or dried leaves with salads, potatoes, stews, or any dish that calls for low salt, fresh celery, or dried celery leaves. (Lovage has a much stronger flavor than celery, so use with restraint.) You can also freeze pureed leaves and add them to sauces and soups. Use the dried seeds as you would celery seed and the fresh or dried roots in teas or long-cooking soups.
