Myrrhis Odorata - Sweet Cicely

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Characteristics: Finely cut leaves give it a fernlike look. Reaches 36 inches high with umbrella-shaped clusters of white flowers late spring/early summer. The flowers develop into flavorful seeds.

Growing Information: Sweet cicely is a great herb to grow in a lightly shaded garden with loose, rich soil, with lots of organic matter. Space about 18 inches apart. Start with a small plant from a nursery - purchased seeds often don't germinate well.

Propagation: Sweet cicely can be slow to germinate and difficult to transplant, so sow it directly in the site you want, using freshly ripened seeds in the fall. Once it is established, it will often self-sow.

Possible Problems: Deadhead carefully to avoid excessive self-sowing. If aphids attack, blast them off the plant with your garden hose or spray with insecticidal soap.

Harvesting and Using: Sweet cicely seeds have a pleasant flavor that is great in tea or dessert breads. The flavor is strongest in fresh green, unripe seeds. You can also eat the leaves in salads.

Sweet Cicely