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Health Topics: conditions, diseases and wellness Drug Information: generic and brand name drugs Dictionaries: spellings and definitions of medical terms Directories: doctors, dentists and hospitals Other Resources: organizations, libraries, publications, MEDLINE

MEDLINEplus Selection Guidelines

MEDLINEplus is designed to help you find appropriate, authoritative health information. To do this, we provide access to information produced by the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, such as searches of MEDLINE, our database that indexes medical literature, and, the database of research studies from the National Institutes of Health. We also provide you with a database of full-text drug information and an illustrated medical encyclopedia.

In addition, MEDLINEplus contains pages that link to other web sites. Our emphasis is on organizing the full-text publications produced by the NIH Institutes and other federal government organizations. We also link to other web sites. The selection guidelines we use in evaluating links to web pages are listed below.

Health Topics | Drug Information | Dictionaries | Directories | Other Resources
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Last updated: 29 December 2000