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Question: What is the difference between MEDLINEplus, MEDLINE and PubMed?


  • MEDLINEplus:

    • contains pages of carefully selected links to Web resources with authoritative health information, including dictionaries, directories, organizations, news sources and 400 health topics.

    • provides access to medical information via the medical encyclopedia and drug information via the United States Pharmacopeia's Drug Information Volume II, "Advice for the Patient ®."

    • contains links to pre-formulated searches of the MEDLINE database, allowing you to find references to latest health professional articles on your topic.


    • is a database of over 11 million article references published in more than 4300 biomedical journals and magazines.

    • can be searched for FREE using NLM's PubMed search system.

  • PubMed:

    • is a Web-based search system, produced by NLM's National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), which allows users to access a superset of NLM's MEDLINE database containing MEDLINE, in-process citations and articles from selectively indexed journals that normally would not be selected for MEDLINE indexing.

    • provides links to some full-text journal articles via publishers' Web pages.

      • Publisher access to articles varies by publisher--some provide access free, others charge for the article or require a subscription.

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Last updated: 30 March 2001