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Health Topics: conditions, diseases and wellness Drug Information: generic and brand name drugs Dictionaries: spellings and definitions of medical terms Directories: doctors, dentists and hospitals Other Resources: organizations, libraries, publications, MEDLINE

Question: How do I find information about my disease or condition?


  • To find information about a specific disease or condition, select "Health Topics" from the main MEDLINEplus page. In addition, you will find a link back to the Health Topics page just below the header of every MEDLINEplus page. This page features:

    • An "A to Z" guide which lists health topics by letters of the alphabet.

    • An option to list all health topics at once in alphabetical order.

    • A list of health topics by broad groups.

    • A short list of frequently requested topics.

    • A link to the medical encyclopedia.

      • The medical encyclopedia provides additional information on diseases, symptoms, tests, surgery, injuries, nutrition and poisoning.

  • To find information about prescription and non-prescription drugs, select "Drug Information" just below the header of every MEDLINEplus page.

  • You may also find information by using the search feature of MEDLINEplus.

  • MEDLINEplus is not intended to provide medical advice, but to provide you with access to selected information to better understand your health, disease, or medical condition. Always consult with your health professional.

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Last updated: 26 September 2000