- When you search MEDLINE, you will find some links to articles on publisher Web sites.
- Some publishers provide articles for free, while others charge a fee.
- MEDLINE itself does not contain the full text of articles.
- You might find the article in a local library, or your local library might be able to get you a copy through a service called Interlibrary Loan(ILL).
- This library may be a public, college, university or hospital library; please contact your library for information on its ILL services and fees.
- NLM provides copies of articles only to other libraries, not directly to individuals.
- MEDLINEplus provides a list of consumer health libraries which may be able to provide assistance.
- The list of consumer health libraries is available from the Other Resources page; you will find a link back to the Other Resources page just below the header of every MEDLINEplus page.
- If you cannot find a library, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine will help you find one; call toll-free at (800) 338-7657.
- Read more about NLM's ILL and document delivery policies at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/ill.html