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Question: I saw a news article on MEDLINEplus but now I can't find it. What happened to it? Can you give me more information about its source and the subjects covered?


  • The MEDLINEplus news feature displays up to three news items at a time on a topic page.

    • All news items are available for 30 days on the News by Date page.

    • All news items are also available on the News by Topic page.

  • News items come from several news services, such as Reuters, and NLM staff add them to MEDLINEplus on the basis of their content.

    • NLM does not write the news stories; your editorial comments should be directed to the news service from which they originated.

  • NLM cannot provide medical advice or opinions about topics covered in the news stories.

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Last updated: 24 January 2001