- The Publications on the web page of MEDLINEplus links to textbooks, newsletters, and magazines for consumers; this information may be read online, or printed or downloaded to your computer to be read later.
- Follow the link to the Publications on the web page from the MEDLINEplus Other Resources page; you will find a link back to the Other Resources page just below the header of every MEDLINEplus page.
- MEDLINEplus Health News contains news items from several news services.
- All news items are available for 30 days on the News by Date and on the News by Topic page.
- Articles listed in MEDLINE are written for health professionals but they may be useful to patients to better understand their health, disease or medical condition.
- The MEDLINE database only provides information about articles; it also provides links to whole articles for some of the journals listed in the database.
- Please be aware it is not the intention of the National Library of Medicine to provide medical advice, but to provide access to sources of health or disease information.