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Health Topics: conditions, diseases and wellness Drug Information: generic and brand name drugs Dictionaries: spellings and definitions of medical terms Directories: doctors, dentists and hospitals Other Resources: organizations, libraries, publications, MEDLINE

Question: I'm not sure how to spell the name of my disease/medical condition. How will I find what I'm looking for in MEDLINEplus?


  • The MEDLINEplus search feature uses a spell-checker to help with misspellings.

    • If you type a word into the Search Box (located at the top of every MEDLINEplus page) and your word is misspelled, the spell-checker suggests other words to replace it. For example, if you type in hepatitus, the spell-checker suggests replacing it with hepatitis.

  • To find information about a specific disease or condition, select "Dictionaries" from the main MEDLINEplus page. In addition, you will find a link back to the Dictionaries page just below the header of every MEDLINEplus page.

  • Your best bet for checking the correct spelling of medical terms is to select one of the glossaries listed on this page.

    • Glossaries list diseases or medical conditions in alphabetical order and are usually organized so that you may locate the information you need quickly and conveniently.

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Last updated: 16 January 2001