Latest News
Chicken Soup Keeps Heart Healthy (03/19/2001, Reuters)
Most Common Form of High Blood Pressure Often Uncontrolled (03/15/2001, Reuters)
Lower Sodium Intake Reduces Drug Need (03/13/2001, United Press International)
Study Shows New Link Between Salt Sensitivity and Risk of Death (02/15/2001, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)
Reducing Sodium Leads to Substantial Drop in Blood Pressure, Finds NHLBI Study (01/03/2001, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)
More News on High Blood Pressure
- Coma Menos Sal y Sodio/Cut Down on Salt and Sodium (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) - Easy-to-Read, bilingual (Spanish/English) text. Links to PDF file.
- Control de la Presion Arterial Alta: Guia para la Mujer de Edad Major (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) - links to PDF file
- Pongase en Accion--Prevenga la Alta Presion!/Take Steps--Prevent High Blood Pressure! (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) - Easy-to-Read, bilingual (Spanish/English) text. Links to PDF file.
- Presión Arterial Alta (Hipertensión) (Patient Education Institute) - requires Flash plug-in
- Presión Arterial Alta: Guía Para la Mujer de Edad Mayor (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) - links to a PDF file.