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US Warns About Yeast Treatment, Drug Interaction


Tuesday, March 6, 2001

WASHINGTON, Mar 06 (Reuters) - US regulators on Monday warned women taking a prescription anti-clotting drug that using certain over-the-counter yeast infection treatments at the same time could cause bruising and bleeding.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urged women being treated with the anti-clotting drug, warfarin, to consult with their doctors before using Johnson & Johnson's Monistat or other vaginal yeast-fighting medications that contain miconazole.

The FDA said it had asked makers of creams and suppositories containing miconazole to include a warning on the products' packaging about the possible interaction.

Regulators took action after receiving two reports of abnormal blood-clotting tests in women taking warfarin and a miconazole product, the FDA said in a statement. One woman developed bruises, bleeding gums and a nosebleed, the agency said.

"Physicians and patients should be aware that patients who need to use both products simultaneously should be appropriately monitored," the FDA said.

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