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Choking Hazard Prompts Recall of 400,000 Toy Boats


Monday, March 12, 2001

NEW YORK Mar 12 (Reuters Health) - About 400,000 "Rattling, Paddling Riverboat" toddler toys are being recalled by Burger King Corp., of Miami, Florida and Alcone Marketing Group, of Irvine, California, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced Monday. The toys were distributed with Burger King Kid's Meals.

"Metal pins with plastic caps that attach the paddle wheel to the riverboat toy can come out and pose a choking hazard," according to a CPSC statement.

To date, Burger King Corp. has been notified of 10 incidents in which the pin came out of the toy. In one report, the pin was found in a child's mouth. No injuries have been reported.

The red plastic "Rattling, Paddling Riverboat" toys are about 2 to 3 inches in diameter. They can be identified by words imprinted on the underside of the boat that read, "Sassy, MFG FOR BURKER KING CORP, MADE IN CHINA."

Alcone Marketing Group imported the toys for Burger King.

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Last updated: 13 March 2001