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USDA Seizes Suspected 'Mad Cow' Sheep in Vermont


Wednesday, March 21, 2001

EAST WARREN, Vt., Mar 21 (Reuters) - US Department of Agriculture agents seized one of two flocks of dairy sheep suspected of having an ailment related to mad cow disease, a lawyer for one of the shepherds told Reuters on Wednesday.

"The (Houghton) Freeman sheep are being seized even as we speak," said Davis Buckley, a lawyer for the other shepherd family, the Faillaces.

The federal agency said on Friday that they would seize the sheep even before a US appeals court agreed to decide the matter.

Freeman's farm "is a huge spread in Greensboro," Vt., explained Buckley. "They've got 34 cop cars up there, guys with bullet proof vests running around at the end of a 2 mile (3.2 km) private road. It's dead quiet. All you can see is these idiots running around with their black suburbans."

Freeman and the Faillaces have been fighting over whether the USDA has the right to destroy the sheep after finding that four of the animals tested positive for scrapie, a brain disease related to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease.

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Last updated: 22 March 2001