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Hhs Grants to Expand Access to Healthcare


Thursday, March 29, 2001

NEW YORK, Mar 28 (Reuters Health) - The US Department of Health and Human Services on Tuesday announced $11.3 million in grants to expand healthcare access in medically underserved areas.

The New Start/Expansion grants will help 25 local community health centers in 17 states expand access to some 200,000 people by creating new healthcare sites in urban and rural areas.

The department's Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) expects to announce additional grantees in June and August.

"The health centers receiving these grants serve communities that badly need more primary care services and that have many residents without health insurance," noted Dr. Marilyn Hughes Gaston, HRSA associate administrator for primary healthcare. "This year's grants will add about 100 new healthcare sites capable of serving 1 million needy Americans," she said.

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