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Health Topics: conditions, diseases and wellness Drug Information: generic and brand name drugs Dictionaries: spellings and definitions of medical terms Directories: doctors, dentists and hospitals Other Resources: organizations, libraries, publications, MEDLINE

MEDLINEplus Recognition and Awards

HONcode principles We subscribe to the HONcode principles
of the Health On the Net Foundation.
Hardin MD Clean Bill of Health MEDLINEplus has been awarded the Hardin MD Clean Bill of Health.
FOCUS AWARD from the National Cervical Cancer Coalition MEDLINEplus received the September 1999 FOCUS AWARD from the National Cervical Cancer Coalition.
Copernicus Education Gateway Award The Copernicus Education Gateway awarded MEDLINEplus for its "exceptional quality and content."
MARS - RUSA Best Free Reference Web Sites The Machine-Assisted Reference Section (MARS) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) of the American Library Association (ALA) included MEDLINEplus on its first-annual list of the Best Free Reference Web Sites.
OncoLink Editor's Choice Award MEDLINEplus has won the "Editor's Choice" award from OncoLink.

MEDLINEplus in the News

  • MEDLINEplus is featured in the February 21, 2001 Wall Street Journal Special Report: Health & Medicine. See "People Power: The federal government is using the Web to open up a treasure trove of medical information to consumers," by Laura Landro, page R8 and R12.
  • USA Weekend magazine 11th Annual Special Health Issue (Jan. 7-9, 2000) listed MEDLINEplus as one of its "Best of the Web sites" for immune-system information online.
  • Newsweek listed MEDLINEplus as one of its "favorite Web sites" in the 9/20/99 issue.

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Last updated: 27 February 2001