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Path: Home / Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering/ General References/ Machinery's Handbook (26th Edition)
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Machinery's Handbook (26th Edition)
by Oberg, E.; Jones, F.D.; Horton, H.L.; Ryffell, H.H. © 2000; Industrial Press | Title Details | Ordering Info

 Machinery’s Handbook is an extraordinarily comprehensive yet practical and easy-to-use reference for mechanical and manufacturing engineers, designers, draftsmen, toolmakers, and machinists.

Table of Contents   Data (Records)     Text
 • Front Matter       PDF Text Text
 • Table of Contents       PDF Text Text
 • Preface       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Mathematics       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Mechanics       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Strength of Materials       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Properties, Treatment, and Testing of Materials       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Dimensioning, Gaging, and Measuring       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Tooling and Toolmaking       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Machining Operations       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Manufacturing Processes       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Fasteners       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Threads and Threading       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Gears, Splines, and Cams       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Machine Elements       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Measuring Units       PDF Text Text
Expand this node Index       PDF Text Text
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