Index of /pdf/Gentoomen Library/Programming/Python/

Reference/                                         28-Feb-2015 03:57                   -
(1)Making Use Of Python (2002).pdf                 01-Mar-2015 20:53             5541069
2004 Dive Into Python Apress.pdf                   01-Mar-2015 21:22             1198708
A Byte of Python, v1.20 (for Python 2.x) (2005)..> 01-Mar-2015 21:04              345159
A Byte of Python, v1.92 (for Python 3.0) (2009)..> 01-Mar-2015 21:04              623241
A Learner's Guide to Programming Using the Pyth..> 01-Mar-2015 21:16            17646876
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python,..> 01-Mar-2015 21:16             5205265
Apress - Python Algorithms Mastering Basic Algo..> 14-Jan-2016 14:10             4852882
Apress.Foundations.of.Python.3.Network.Programm..> 14-Jan-2016 14:10             4981986
Apress.Pro.Python.Jun.2010.eBook-ELOHiM.pdf        01-Mar-2015 21:21             2753148
Beginning Game Development with Python and Pyga..> 14-Jan-2016 14:09             8002507
Beginning Python (2005).pdf                        14-Jan-2016 14:18            18339361
Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional ..> 14-Jan-2016 14:16            13968649
Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional,..> 01-Mar-2015 21:09             2845564
Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python ..> 01-Mar-2015 21:21             4630641
Beginning Python Visualization - Crafting Visua..> 01-Mar-2015 21:21             2297165
Beginning Python.pdf                               01-Mar-2015 21:21             8501826
Bioinformatics Programming Using Python, First ..> 01-Mar-2015 21:15             4303305
CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Applicat..> 14-Jan-2016 14:11             5730298
Computer Programming - Python - Programming Lan..> 14-Jan-2016 14:06              400195
Core Python Programming 2nd Ed.           14-Jan-2016 14:19             5419424
Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006).chm 14-Jan-2016 14:19             3618495
Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006).pdf 01-Mar-2015 21:20            12446043
Core Python Programming.pdf                        14-Jan-2016 14:17             7163822
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Orie..> 14-Jan-2016 14:17             3505698
Dive Into Python 3 (2011).pdf                      14-Jan-2016 14:17             2603380
Dive Into Python 3, r870 (2010).pdf                14-Jan-2016 14:18             2637223
Expert Python Programming (2008).pdf               14-Jan-2016 14:18            10732582
Exploring Python (2009).pdf                        01-Mar-2015 21:08             5860069
Financial Modelling in Python (2009).pdf           01-Mar-2015 21:26             3892349
Foundations of Agile Python Development (2008).pdf 01-Mar-2015 21:26             7234960
Foundations of Python Network Programming, Seco..> 01-Mar-2015 20:57             2666730
Foundations of Python Network Programming.djvu     01-Mar-2015 21:06             3024636
GUI Programming with Python - QT Edition (2002)..> 14-Jan-2016 14:16            16660087
Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby (20..> 01-Mar-2015 21:06             2447678
Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby (20..> 01-Mar-2015 21:06             2857772
Game.Programming.with.Python.Lua.And.Ruby.eBook..> 01-Mar-2015 21:24            23231450
Getting Started with Pyparsing (2007).pdf          01-Mar-2015 20:58              639032
Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hacker..> 01-Mar-2015 20:58             3151495
Guide to NumPy (for Python) (2006).pdf             14-Jan-2016 14:19             2148630
Head First Python, First Edition (2010).pdf        14-Jan-2016 14:19            29569407
Hello World - Computer Programming for Kids and..> 14-Jan-2016 14:19            31303359
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Learnin..> 28-Feb-2015 04:43             1023929
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Python ..> 28-Feb-2015 04:17             1372575
Introduction to Media Computation - A Multimedi..> 14-Jan-2016 14:14            27085029
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (200..> 01-Mar-2015 21:26             2829671
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd..> 01-Mar-2015 21:26             4858148
Jython for Java Programmers.chm                    28-Feb-2015 04:07              730134
Learn Python The Hard Way, Release 1.0 (2010).pdf  28-Feb-2015 04:07              612789
Learning Python, Fourth Edition (2009).pdf         14-Jan-2016 14:18            16263071
Learning to Program - Python (2006).pdf            14-Jan-2016 14:09             1179174
Making Use of Python (2002).pdf                    01-Mar-2015 21:02             7249590
Matplotlib for Python Developers (2009).pdf        14-Jan-2016 14:16            11930879
Methods in Medical Informatics - Fundamentals o..> 01-Mar-2015 21:03             6148885
Mobile Python - Rapid Prototyping of Applicatio..> 14-Jan-2016 14:19             3145449
MySQL for Python (2010).pdf                        14-Jan-2016 14:19             2065492
Natural Language Processing with Python (2009).pdf 14-Jan-2016 14:19             3234841
Next-Generation Web Frameworks in Python (2007)..> 01-Mar-2015 21:20              489563
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python, S..> 01-Mar-2015 21:20             4355457
O'Reilly - Core                         01-Mar-2015 21:05             1044062
O'Reilly - Programming Python (Fourth Edition).pdf 14-Jan-2016 14:17            30865217
O'Reilly - Programming Python, 3rd Ed Aug2006.pdf  14-Jan-2016 14:16            22667300
O'Reilly - Python & XML.pdf                        01-Mar-2015 21:25             2114081
O'Reilly Learning Python (3rd Edition).pdf         01-Mar-2015 20:55             2763857
O'Reilly Python & XML.pdf                          14-Jan-2016 14:08             3924487
O'Reilly Python Programming on Win32.chm           14-Jan-2016 14:18             5098817
O'Reilly- Programming Python, 2nd 14-Jan-2016 14:18            13878887
O'Reilly_-_Advanced_Python_Programming.pdf         01-Mar-2015 20:56              198975
O'reilly-Python_Pocket_Reference,_2Nd_Ed_(2001)..> 01-Mar-2015 20:56              179654
OReilly.Learning.Python.3rd.Edition.Oct.2007.pdf   01-Mar-2015 21:24             4282661
Perl To Python Migration (2001).chm                01-Mar-2015 21:24              436518
Practical Programming - An Introduction to Comp..> 14-Jan-2016 14:06             9617618
Pro Python (2010).pdf                              01-Mar-2015 21:10             3054870
Pro Python System Administration (2010).pdf        01-Mar-2015 21:10             4108461
Professional Python Frameworks - Web 2.0 Progra..> 01-Mar-2015 21:27            10819130
Programming Python, 3rd Edition (2006).chm         14-Jan-2016 14:18            10141077
Programming Python, 4th Edition (2010).pdf         14-Jan-2016 14:20            27165172
Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introducti..> 01-Mar-2015 21:27             2663696
Python & TKinter                   01-Mar-2015 21:09             3235359
Python & XML - XML Processing with Python, Firs..> 01-Mar-2015 21:09             3669336
Python - Create-Modify-Reuse (2008).pdf            01-Mar-2015 21:25             6601926
Python - How to Program, 1e (2002).pdf             14-Jan-2016 14:18            26180622
Python - How to Program.pdf                        14-Jan-2016 14:20            26175521
Python - Visual QuickStart Guide (2001).chm        14-Jan-2016 14:18            11593033
Python 2.1 Bible (2001).pdf                        01-Mar-2015 21:22             6840797
Python 2.1 Bible.pdf                               14-Jan-2016 14:15             6567611
Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook (2010).pdf            14-Jan-2016 14:15             6190703
Python 2.6 Quick Reference (Letter) (2009).pdf     01-Mar-2015 21:17              915363
Python 2.6 Text Processing - Beginner's Guide (..> 01-Mar-2015 21:27             6068503
Python 3 Object Oriented Programming (2010).pdf    14-Jan-2016 14:05             2610298
Python 3 Web Development - Beginner's Guide (20..> 14-Jan-2016 14:05             2794622
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners (2009).pdf         14-Jan-2016 14:05             7976736
Python Algorithms - Mastering Basic Algorithms ..> 01-Mar-2015 20:11             3365062
Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition (2005).chm            01-Mar-2015 21:12             1538215
Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition (2005).pdf            01-Mar-2015 20:53             3315024
Python Developer's Handbook, First Edition (200..> 14-Jan-2016 14:12            15678126
Python Essential Reference, 2nd Edition.pdf        01-Mar-2015 21:11             2611496
Python Essential Reference, Fourth Edition (200..> 01-Mar-2015 21:10             2551462
Python Geospatial Development (2010).pdf           14-Jan-2016 14:10            15982801
Python Multimedia - Beginner's Guide (2010).pdf    14-Jan-2016 14:10             4152394
Python Phrasebook - Essential Code and Commands..> 01-Mar-2015 21:19              785491
Python Phrasebook - Essential Code and Commands..> 01-Mar-2015 21:27             3316406
Python Pocket Reference, 4th Edition (2009).pdf    01-Mar-2015 21:27             2365234
Python Power - The Comprehensive Guide (2008).pdf  14-Jan-2016 14:10             6446498
Python Programming - An Introduction to Compute..> 28-Feb-2015 04:14             1258549
Python Programming Fundamentals (2010).pdf         14-Jan-2016 14:10             4243566
Python Programming Tutorial.pdf                    01-Mar-2015 21:20              524743
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner (2..> 14-Jan-2016 14:17             5732308
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner.chm   14-Jan-2016 14:10             5783471
Python Programming on Win32 + code - O'  14-Jan-2016 14:19             7886026
Python Programming on Win32, First Edition (200..> 28-Feb-2015 04:19             2208745
Python Programming with the Java Class Librarie..> 01-Mar-2015 21:20             1859874
Python Scripting For Computational Science.pdf     01-Mar-2015 21:02             5074037
Python Scripting for Computational Science, Thi..> 01-Mar-2015 21:20             5288522
Python Standard Library (2001).chm                 28-Feb-2015 04:39              364168
Python Standard Library (2001).pdf                 28-Feb-2015 04:39             1901795
Python Standard Library-2001-O'reilly.chm          28-Feb-2015 04:39              364168
Python Testing - Beginner's Guide (2010).pdf       01-Mar-2015 21:21             4771966
Python Testing Cookbook (2011).pdf                 01-Mar-2015 21:21             9611573
Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook (..> 01-Mar-2015 20:09             2761812
Python and Tkinter Programming (2000).pdf          14-Jan-2016 14:07             9401300
Python for Bioinformatics (2010).pdf               14-Jan-2016 14:11             7311302
Python for Dummies (2006).pdf                      14-Jan-2016 14:11             1763168
Python for Informatics - Exploring Information,..> 14-Jan-2016 14:11             1198388
Python for Software Design - How to Think Like ..> 28-Feb-2015 04:10              802699
Python for Unix and Linux System Administration..> 01-Mar-2015 21:22             3589773
Python in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition (2006).chm       14-Jan-2016 14:10             1200665
Python.Developers.Handbook.Sams.pdf                01-Mar-2015 21:26            12554287
Python.v1.3.13.S60.3rd.Edition.Docs.pdf            01-Mar-2015 21:00              574224
Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt - The ..> 01-Mar-2015 21:00             7296038
Rapid Web Applications with TurboGears - Using ..> 01-Mar-2015 21:03             6520342
Rapid.Python.Web.Application.Development.Mar.20..> 01-Mar-2015 21:22             5670000
Real World Instrumentation with Python - Automa..> 14-Jan-2016 14:17             7702867
Sage - Beginner's Guide (2011).pdf                 14-Jan-2016 14:17             8385705
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 28-Feb-2015 04:29             1284025
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 28-Feb-2015 04:29             1346686
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 28-Feb-2015 04:29             1309490
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 28-Feb-2015 04:23             1387934
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 28-Feb-2015 04:23             1395353
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 01-Mar-2015 21:24             1413269
Spring Python 1.1 (2010).pdf                       01-Mar-2015 21:24             6167363
Start Here - Python Programming - Made Simple f..> 01-Mar-2015 21:25             2868428
Starting Out with Python (2009).pdf                14-Jan-2016 14:18            35477118
Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours (2000).chm       28-Feb-2015 04:34             2558820
Text Processing in Python (2003).chm               28-Feb-2015 04:21              875811
The Programming Historian - An open-access intr..> 14-Jan-2016 14:19             1950256
The Python Standard Library by Example - Develo..> 14-Jan-2016 14:19             6041220
The Quick Python Book, Second Edition (2010).pdf   14-Jan-2016 14:17             4625966
Think Python - An Introduction to Software Desi..> 14-Jan-2016 14:17             1093212
Think Python - How To Think Like a Computer Sci..> 14-Jan-2016 14:17             1094298
Thinking In Python (HTML & code).zip               01-Mar-2015 21:02              560089
Thinking in Python (Bruce Eckel, Rev 0.1.2) - 2..> 01-Mar-2015 21:02              851400
Thinking in Tkinter (2005).html                    01-Mar-2015 21:02              118679
Thinking in Tkinter (2005).pdf                     01-Mar-2015 21:02              289011
Tkinter 8.4 reference - a GUI for Python (2010)..> 01-Mar-2015 21:02             1472138
Twisted Network Programming Essentials - Event-..> 14-Jan-2016 14:20             1310021
Unix - GUI Programming with Python.chm             14-Jan-2016 14:20              804169
Web2py Enterprise Web Framework, 2nd Edition (2..> 14-Jan-2016 14:20             3850941
Wiley.Mobile.Python.Rapid.prototyping.of.applic..> 01-Mar-2015 21:12             3787798
XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP (2002..> 01-Mar-2015 21:19             2221765
XML Processing with Python.pdf                     01-Mar-2015 21:19             2108780
wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook (..> 01-Mar-2015 21:27             4516364
wxPython in Action (2006).pdf                      14-Jan-2016 14:19            13176559