Index of /pdf/Whitepaper/

Android/                                           05-Jan-2021 21:48                   -
Cisco/                                             21-Jan-2016 12:13                   -
Crypto/                                            05-Jan-2021 15:46                   -
Hacking/                                           05-Jan-2021 21:46                   -
Hardware/                                          05-Jan-2021 21:41                   -
Health & medicine/                                 05-Jan-2021 21:34                   -
Infosec/                                           05-Jan-2021 21:31                   -
Lustre/                                            21-Jan-2016 12:13                   -
Microsoft/                                         12-Mar-2017 17:35                   -
Network/                                           05-Jan-2021 23:13                   -
Probability theory/                                05-Jan-2021 21:41                   -
Side channels/                                     05-Jan-2021 15:18                   -
Software engineering/                              05-Jan-2021 15:07                   -
"I've got nothing to hide" and other misunderst..> 12-Dec-2016 15:05              302587
(Cross-)browser fingerprinting via OS and hardw..> 24-Jan-2017 16:06             1048836
10 Things to Know Before Deploying 10 Gigabit E..> 04-Feb-2015 13:20              737138
A Plan for the next phase in Weather Modificati..> 26-Dec-2020 22:40              182975
ASIC design SHA256 implementation.pdf              12-Dec-2012 21:11              105359
Art of anti detection - 1_Introduction to AV & ..> 03-Jan-2017 19:59              919929
Automated Crowdturfing Attacks and Defenses in ..> 05-Sep-2017 07:41             2208862
CAIN_Silently Breaking ASLR in the Cloud - Anto..> 02-Jan-2016 11:05              614048
CERN Data Integrity - Bernd Panzer-Steindel.pdf    14-Sep-2015 23:08              113551
CHVote System Specifications v1.2 - Rolf Haenni..> 22-Aug-2017 22:56             1277373
Case study_a computer science perspective of br..> 25-Sep-2016 10:27             3462135
Ceph, Gluster, Swift_Similarities and differenc..> 01-Apr-2016 10:16             1393826
DDOS Reflection and Amplification - Arbor Netwo..> 07-Jun-2014 20:57             7597150
Defeating DEP and ASLR in Windows - High-Tech B..> 02-Aug-2015 11:22             1302541
Defending the Homeland - Nullthreat.pdf            20-Nov-2015 18:18             1449234
DiskFiltration_Data Exfiltration from Speakerle..> 12-Aug-2016 18:35             3383221
Does the online card payment landscape unwittin..> 05-Dec-2016 19:18              852821
Electromagnetic Radiation from Video Display Un..> 12-Aug-2016 18:35              719375
Equation Group-Q&A - Kaspersky Lab.pdf             19-Feb-2015 08:37             4170274
Erasure Codes for Storage Systems_A Brief Prime..> 16-Jun-2016 22:01             1346987
From DTrace to Linux - Brendan Gregg.pdf           06-Feb-2015 22:21             9614641
Google infrastructure security design overview ..> 17-Jan-2017 10:28             1740748
HateMemeHandbook.pdf                               18-Jul-2022 10:02            95094146
High Availability for Citrix XenServer - Citrix..> 02-Feb-2015 21:46              557706
I know where your page lives_De-randomizing the..> 03-Jan-2017 19:53             1287987
Information security in Sweden_Situational asse..> 31-Dec-2016 20:50              570916
Installer un tableau électrique - Thierry Galla..> 21-Dec-2014 00:57             5038625
Intel x86 considered harmful - Joanna Rutkowska..> 27-Jan-2016 20:59              352969
Linux Performance Tools (LinuxCon EU) - Brendan..> 06-Feb-2015 22:21             5658243
Linux Performance Tools (LinuxCon NA) - Brendan..> 06-Feb-2015 22:14             6076818
Making master_slave systems work better with pg..> 04-Sep-2016 20:10              827128
Memory Deduplication as a Threat to the Guest O..> 02-Jan-2016 11:05              664413
Microsoft Security Intelligence Report Volume 1..> 13-Jun-2014 17:19             3818629
OpenSolaris DTrace - Harry J Foxwell.pdf           07-Feb-2015 01:19             1398003
Penetration Testing with BackTrack (Lab Guide) ..> 13-Feb-2014 22:42            10952799
Performance Analysis - Brendan Gregg.pdf           06-Feb-2015 22:14             4192831
The Artilect War: Cosmists vs. Terrans - Hugo d..> 26-Dec-2020 22:40               35145
The Linux kernel hidden inside Windows 10 - Ale..> 07-Sep-2016 17:20             2084013
The ProjectSauron APT (v1.02, 9.8.16) - Global ..> 12-Aug-2016 18:35             1550315
The ProjectSauron APT, indicators of compromise..> 18-Aug-2016 08:24             1335933
Visualizing Interstellar's Wormhole - Oliver Ja..> 03-Jan-2017 20:50             8152906
Wireless Networking in the Developing World 3rd..> 09-Dec-2015 19:01            10426371
Writing a simple rootkit for Linux - Ormi.pdf      23-Mar-2016 12:11               58708