Hypertensive heart disease
It may take years before symptoms develop from elevated
blood pressure (hypertension).
When heart disease develops,
the symptoms are those of congestive
heart failure or ischemic heart disease (angina
or heart attack).
Congestive heart failure symptoms include:
Ischemic heart disease symptoms include:
- chest pain, pressure-type,
particularly with exertion
- chest pain associated with:
Signs and tests:
Signs of heart disease
are found on physical examination. The blood
pressure is elevated. Enlargement
of the heart may be noted. There may be signs of heart
failure including systemic
(body) or pulmonary (lung) congestion. Listening to the chest
with a stethoscope may show fluid in the lungs or abnormal
heart sounds.
An ECG may be abnormal,
showing enlarged heart, irregular
heart beat, and/or evidence of ischemia (lack of oxygen
to the heart muscle).
Enlargement of the heart or decreased heart functioning may
be seen on:
Updated Date: 05/08/00
Updated by: Thomas O. Staiger, MD Assistant
Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine,
University of Washington School of Medicine