Lactose intolerance
Alternative names:
dairy product intolerance; disaccharidase deficiency; lactase deficiency; milk intolerance
Removing milk products from the diet usually improves the symptoms. Lactase enzymes can be added to the milk (acidophilus milk) or taken in capsule or chewable tablet form. Fermented milk products such as yogurt can usually be tolerated. Other sources of calcium should be added to the diet if milk products are eliminated. Goat's milk can sometimes be tolerated. Drink it with meals, not alone. Buttermilk and cheeses have less lactose than milk.
Expectations (prognosis):
Symptoms usually resolve when milk products are eliminated from the diet.
Weight loss and malnutrition are complications.
Calling your health care provider:
If your child has symptoms of lactose intolerance, consult with your physician regarding dietary substitutions.
Also call if symptoms worsen or do not improve with treatment, or if new symptoms develop.