An acute or chronic bone infection.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors:
Osteomyelitis is infection in the bones. Often, the original site of infection is elsewhere in the body, and spreads to the bone by the blood. The bone may be predisposed to infection due to a recent minor trauma that results in a blood clot. In children, the long bones are usually affected. In adults, the vertebrae and the pelvis are most commonly affected. Bacteria or fungus may be responsible for the infection. Pus is produced within the bone, which may result in a bone abscess. The abscess then deprives the bone of its blood supply.
Chronic osteomyelitis results when bone tissue dies as a result of the lost blood supply. Chronic infection can persist intermittently for years. Risk factors are recent trauma, diabetes, hemodialysis patients, and IV drug abuse. The incidence is 2 out of 10,000 people.