Chediak-Higashi syndrome
There is no specific treatment for Chediak-Higashi syndrome. Bone marrow transplants appear to have been successful in several patients. Infections are treated with antibiotics and abscesses are surgically drained when appropriate. Antiviral drugs such as acyclovir have been tried during the terminal phase of the disease. Cyclophosphamide and prednisone have been tried.
Expectations (prognosis):
The frequent infections of Chediak-Higashi syndrome cannot be prevented. The terminal phase of the illness is not treatable. Bone marrow transplant is a possible cure.
Calling your health care provider:
Call your health care provider if you have a family history of this disorder and you are planning to have children.
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if your child shows symptoms of Chediak-Higashi syndrome.