Alternative names:
autistic disorder; infant autism
A condition occurring in young children before the age of 3 years characterized by unresponsiveness to human contact, deficits in language development, and bizarre responses to environmental stimuli.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors:
The cause of autism is unknown but it may include psychological, physiological, and sociological factors. The autistic child is unresponsive to other people, communicates poorly, and may seem to be repulsed by physical contact. Parental behavior towards autistic children may seem distant and unaffectionate. This type of response from parents may be a reaction to the disorder rather than a cause of autism. The disorder has been associated with maternal rubella infection, phenylketonuria (an inherited disorder of metabolism), tuberous sclerosis (an inherited disease of the nervous system and skin), lack of oxygen at birth, encephalitis, and infantile spasms.